The Scottish Politics thread

Can't help feeling the SNP are diminished by the fairly sudden departures of blackford and sturgeon. Both were great at articulating the independence cause and also a thorn in the side of the Westminster govt. I didn't agree with a lot of what they said, but can't deny they were effective. Probably a stroke of good fortune for starmer as he tries to re-establish a labour foothold north of the border.
I agree to an extent. When you actually look at what she has said it is quite nuanced. Our press don’t do nuance though and if she had clearly stated her faith wouldn’t get in the way of voting for what was best for the country that would probably have been enough. As it is I think she is screwed which means it’s Humza.
imo he is weak and hasn’t done himself any favours with his procrastination over nurses pay and overall performance with NHS Scotland.

I think your right there, compare with Humza Yousaf, his personal religious views I assume are probably not that dissimilar to Kate Forbes with regards to marriage, sex etc but his actual political record and statements make it a non-issue to me.

But yeah, I don't find any of the potential replacements very inspiring.
I suspect the departure of Sturgeon and Blackford has significantly set back ambitions for independence. Can easily see the SNP losing significant support unless someone inspirational appears but I see no sign of that. Hopefully this setback will give the UK time to get rid of the shambles of a government in Westminster and replace it with a government that gives the Scots a good reason to want to remain in the UK.
I suspect the departure of Sturgeon and Blackford has significantly set back ambitions for independence. Can easily see the SNP losing significant support unless someone inspirational appears but I see no sign of that. Hopefully this setback will give the UK time to get rid of the shambles of a government in Westminster and replace it with a government that gives the Scots a good reason to want to remain in the UK.
It would have to be a government that is able to deliver values that are supported in all countries of the UK. The SNP have reinvented themselves in the last 15 years as a modern Social democratic party. That appeals to many Scots as does independence. If Labour win the next election and are simply Tory lite under Starmer little will change other than the inexorable passage of time which will see the overall % of support for independence rise as the older generations that still cling to Unionist values die off.

I do think Sturgeon resigning will cause a blip as the three seeking to replace her are not on the same planet as effective leaders and politicians, but any reverse to the independence movement will be temporary unless their is a seismic shift in Westminster politics.
It’s really going to be Youseless for the useless. Which will eventually ensure a drift back to Labour, but until then, more damage to the country.
Did anyone see the 'live debate' last night? What were thoughts on the three candidates?

As an SNP member I will be one of 100,000 or so that gets to vote. Whoever wins will almost certainly be the next FM so its an important choice. In essence I was disappointed at the overall quality and depth of debate. I thought of the three Kate Forbes was comfortably the strongest. I liked her candour and thought she came over as the most economy focused candidate.
I couldn't vote for Hamza Yousef based on his track record of under delivery and I'm not clear what Ash Regan is doing in this race. Forbes recognises that badgering Westminster about referendums when polls still show a very close answer is pointless and says she will spend her time reaching out to those that are not convinced to build a far stronger concensus. In parallel she will use every lever of devolution she can to prove that Scotland can prosper economically as an independent country. I think that is correct so she will almost certainly get my vote. Im interested in what others thought though.

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