The spending is not over!

Big Dave Watson said:
Plain Speaking said:
My interpretation of THs comments are that our rivals will struggle to get their targets?

Quite feasible but why post it in 'the spending is not over' thread which implies the spending is not over for City?

Also, in an earlier post he mentioned Pepe and 'two South Americans'.
I'd say we are as far away as 5 new players from truely completing our squad.

We need another Midfielder to replace Barry and Garcia, a "navas" for the left wing, a new left back to replace Kolarov, and potentially 2 new centre halves, one to replace Lescott.

... But that's probably the agenda for next summers window.
Yep and the five that would leave are Barry, Lescott, Sinclair, Garcia and kola.

There replacements could be Pepe, Matip, Coentro Di Maria and Vidal :)
Mad 4 It said:
Yep and the five that would leave are Barry, Lescott, Sinclair, Garcia and kola.

There replacements could be Pepe, Matip, Coentro Di Maria and Vidal :)

I wouldnt even mind only three of those to be honest - Coentrao, Matip and Di Maria...... and kongdogbia for centre mid.

However i think Kolarov will stay and we'll go for a CM, CB and LW to end the window
Mad 4 It said:
Yep and the five that would leave are Barry, Lescott, Sinclair, Garcia and kola.

There replacements could be Pepe, Matip, Coentro Di Maria and Vidal :)

No chance, for two reasons.

Firstly, there's no way we could keep that standard of player happy as second choices, nor would our current first choices be happy back ups. You're just asking for squad disharmony and huge numbers of players moving in and out each summer.

Secondly, we have to reach a home-grown quota and you're planning on getting rid of 3 of the current bunch without replacement. I personally think the home-grown players we have are some of the best available and we shouldn't be so keen to get rid.

Also, do those players really stack up that badly against our rivals' back up players?
CityStu said:
Mad 4 It said:
Yep and the five that would leave are Barry, Lescott, Sinclair, Garcia and kola.

There replacements could be Pepe, Matip, Coentro Di Maria and Vidal :)

No chance, for two reasons.

Firstly, there's no way we could keep that standard of player happy as second choices, nor would our current first choices be happy back ups. You're just asking for squad disharmony and huge numbers of players moving in and out each summer.

Secondly, we have to reach a home-grown quota and you're planning on getting rid of 3 of the current bunch without replacement. I personally think the home-grown players we have are some of the best available and we shouldn't be so keen to get rid.

Also, do those players really stack up that badly against our rivals' back up players?

I'd have quite liked to have seen Ljajic brought in as a replacement for Sinclair and then a centre half added to complete the squad. However, I think you're right about the home grown thing. In fact I'm not even sure who qualifies at present. Presumably Hart, Wright, Lescott, Richards, Rodwell, Milner, Barry and Sinclair. But does anyone else qualify? Clichy perhaps?
Mad 4 It said:
Yep and the five that would leave are. arry, Lescott, Sinclair, Garcia and kola.

There replacements could be Pepe, Matip, Coentro Di Maria and Vidal :)

If we got rid of Barry, Sinclair and Lescott I think there Would be issues fullfilling the british player quota.
brian the blue said:
I'd say we are as far away as 5 new players from truely completing our squad.

We need another Midfielder to replace Barry and Garcia, a "navas" for the left wing, a new left back to replace Kolarov, and potentially 2 new centre halves, one to replace Lescott.

... But that's probably the agenda for next summers window.
If we get to do that sort of business in the next three or for windows I think that's when we'll become European Cup contenders.<br /><br />-- Fri Aug 02, 2013 6:48 pm --<br /><br />
Exeter Blue I am here said:
CityStu said:
Mad 4 It said:
Yep and the five that would leave are Barry, Lescott, Sinclair, Garcia and kola.

There replacements could be Pepe, Matip, Coentro Di Maria and Vidal :)

No chance, for two reasons.

Firstly, there's no way we could keep that standard of player happy as second choices, nor would our current first choices be happy back ups. You're just asking for squad disharmony and huge numbers of players moving in and out each summer.

Secondly, we have to reach a home-grown quota and you're planning on getting rid of 3 of the current bunch without replacement. I personally think the home-grown players we have are some of the best available and we shouldn't be so keen to get rid.

Also, do those players really stack up that badly against our rivals' back up players?

I'd have quite liked to have seen Ljajic brought in as a replacement for Sinclair and then a centre half added to complete the squad. However, I think you're right about the home grown thing. In fact I'm not even sure who qualifies at present. Presumably Hart, Wright, Lescott, Richards, Rodwell, Milner, Barry and Sinclair. But does anyone else qualify? Clichy perhaps?
Clichy does, yes. Boyata and Guidetti too.

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