The standard of written English on this forum

You do have to take into account that some people on this forum may not have been as well educated as you, and this could be the reason for their grammar and punctuation not being 100% correct.

But then again, if people are spelling 'know' as 'now' out of choice even though they know it's incorrect, we should call them up, but I'm sure you don't want to waste your time checking to see if they're spelling poorly through choice or not.

I also notice that you have been using elipses more than you should... three at a time is all that is neccesary.
MCFC BOB said:
You do have to take into account that some people on this forum may not have been as well educated as you, and this could be the reason for their grammar and punctuation not being 100% correct.

But then again, if people are spelling 'know' as 'now' out of choice even though they know it's incorrect, we should call them up, but I'm sure you don't want to waste your time checking to see if they're spelling poorly through choice or not.

I also notice that you have been using elipses more than you should... three at a time is all that is neccesary.
Sorry, but spelling and grammar are fundamental skills that should have been learnt by the end of primary school.

How can anyone spell Bellamy's name wrong? It isn't Bellemy
MCFC BOB said:
You do have to take into account that some people on this forum may not have been as well educated as you, and this could be the reason for their grammar and punctuation not being 100% correct.

But then again, if people are spelling 'know' as 'now' out of choice even though they know it's incorrect, we should call them up, but I'm sure you don't want to waste your time checking to see if they're spelling poorly through choice or not.

I also notice that you have been using elipses more than you should... three at a time is all that is neccesary.

I actually think it's an age thing... those who have good grammar and spelling tend to be over the age of 35 and those without, well let's say they're younger. Generalisations I know but a sure indicator of the decline in educational standards
I remember the kippax said:
MCFC BOB said:
You do have to take into account that some people on this forum may not have been as well educated as you, and this could be the reason for their grammar and punctuation not being 100% correct.

But then again, if people are spelling 'know' as 'now' out of choice even though they know it's incorrect, we should call them up, but I'm sure you don't want to waste your time checking to see if they're spelling poorly through choice or not.

I also notice that you have been using elipses more than you should... three at a time is all that is neccesary.

I actually think it's an age thing... those who have good grammar and spelling tend to be over the age of 35 and those without, well let's say they're younger. Generalisations I know but a sure indicator of the decline in educational standards
I'm 16, but I understand what you mean.
I remember the kippax said:
MCFC BOB said:
You do have to take into account that some people on this forum may not have been as well educated as you, and this could be the reason for their grammar and punctuation not being 100% correct.

But then again, if people are spelling 'know' as 'now' out of choice even though they know it's incorrect, we should call them up, but I'm sure you don't want to waste your time checking to see if they're spelling poorly through choice or not.

I also notice that you have been using elipses more than you should... three at a time is all that is neccesary.

I actually think it's an age thing... those who have good grammar and spelling tend to be over the age of 35 and those without, well let's say they're younger. Generalisations I know but a sure indicator of the decline in educational standards
bobs like, 16 though. he wears skinny jeans and a hat.
mrksdawn19 said:
I completely agree with everything the original poster says (or is it say's)
Grammar on here it atrocious.
I do a lot of work for an Indian building company in London, and their grammar and spelling is really bad, so I deliberately reply with long complicated or words not used often just to try and confuse them

Maybe a spell check option before posting would be an idea for the people who can't spell

And I h8 txt spk as well
My computor is not of a great standard,so using a spell check would send it in to melt down lol Infact its 50 50 wiether this message gets posted.Soon as I have some cash I will update as it really naffs me off the fact I can;t spell .My personality is not reflected in any of my posts as I have to choose short words .Infact I read them back and cringe at the imature standard to be fair.Did well at school in all subjects bar English so I empathise with anyone who is dyslecsic[correct if wrong lol],not that I have been diagnosed with it, but if I was at school now it wouldn;t suprise me if it was flagged up. Feel free to correct post :)
Joycee Banercheck said:
MCFC BOB said:
You do have to take into account that some people on this forum may not have been as well educated as you, and this could be the reason for their grammar and punctuation not being 100% correct.

But then again, if people are spelling 'know' as 'now' out of choice even though they know it's incorrect, we should call them up, but I'm sure you don't want to waste your time checking to see if they're spelling poorly through choice or not.

I also notice that you have been using elipses more than you should... three at a time is all that is neccesary.
Sorry, but spelling and grammar are fundamental skills that should have been learnt by the end of primary school.

How can anyone spell Bellamy's name wrong? It isn't Bellemy
For the record, I've never seen anyone call him 'Bellemy'.

But it could still be the case. Maybe some people can't spell Bellamy's name correctly, but who are we to call them up on it if they genuinely cannot spell his name? If it isn't neccesarily their fault, then who are we to question their intelligence?

I don't mind. As long as it isn't slurred to the point where it's impossible to read, I'm fine with it. I know that as long as I punctuate properly for the remainder of my working years then I'll be the one who gets the job over someone who doesn't punctuate properly, so to speak.<br /><br />-- Fri Aug 13, 2010 1:50 pm --<br /><br />
Blue Smarties said:
I remember the kippax said:
I actually think it's an age thing... those who have good grammar and spelling tend to be over the age of 35 and those without, well let's say they're younger. Generalisations I know but a sure indicator of the decline in educational standards
bobs like, 16 though. he wears skinny jeans and a hat.
Don't forget that the skinnies are rolled up, and that I wear ties too!
I remember the kippax said:
Now I realise that I may just be another "Grumpy Old Man", however I am sick of the standard of written English on Blue Moon. I realise that some people may be dyslexic (my ex was) but there really is no excuse.

I actually picked a poster up on his spelling and some other guy jumped in saying does it matter - you understood what he was trying to say.

Well, this may sound like a tirade (and it is) but I am bloody sick of this text speak, wrong spelling and the "I just can't be bothered with the difference between there, their and they're or no, now and know" etc...

As an ex-Royal Signals Yeoman I am well used to the art of decoding messages but I really shouldn't have to do it now I have left the sodding green and trying to read posts on a forum

Rant over, thank you for consigning my ire to Cyberspace.....

Puts "Tin Hat On" and awaits comments....... ;-)

We got ourselves a reader!!!

You're a brave one that's for sure. Or is it naivety...? After another few hundred posts and you'll realise that the Bluemoon illiterati really don't like it when their special needs are highlighted. Expect a lot of stick about this thread mate.

Bon chance!

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