The standard of written English on this forum

MCFC BOB said:
Joycee Banercheck said:
Sorry, but spelling and grammar are fundamental skills that should have been learnt by the end of primary school.

How can anyone spell Bellamy's name wrong? It isn't Bellemy
For the record, I've never seen anyone call him 'Bellemy'.

But it could still be the case. Maybe some people can't spell Bellamy's name correctly, but who are we to call them up on it if they genuinely cannot spell his name? If it isn't neccesarily their fault, then who are we to question their intelligence?

I don't mind. As long as it isn't slurred to the point where it's impossible to read, I'm fine with it. I know that as long as I punctuate properly for the remainder of my working years then I'll be the one who gets the job over someone who doesn't punctuate properly, so to speak.

-- Fri Aug 13, 2010 1:50 pm --

Blue Smarties said:
bobs like, 16 though. he wears skinny jeans and a hat.
Don't forget that the skinnies are rolled up, and that I wear ties too!
hahaha... i'm so glad I blocked you on msn when you went on a rant about other fans moaning at us;o)
MCFC BOB said:
do have to take into account that some people on this forum may not have been as well educated as you[/u], and this could be the reason for their grammar and punctuation not being 100% correct.

But then again, if people are spelling 'know' as 'now' out of choice even though they know it's incorrect, we should call them up, but I'm sure you don't want to waste your time checking to see if they're spelling poorly through choice or not.

I also notice that you have been using elipses more than you should... three at a time is all that is neccesary.

You mean necessary? :-)
MCFC BOB said:
Joycee Banercheck said:
Sorry, but spelling and grammar are fundamental skills that should have been learnt by the end of primary school.

How can anyone spell Bellamy's name wrong? It isn't Bellemy
For the record, I've never seen anyone call him 'Bellemy'.

But it could still be the case. Maybe some people can't spell Bellamy's name correctly, but who are we to call them up on it if they genuinely cannot spell his name? If it isn't neccesarily their fault, then who are we to question their intelligence?

I don't mind. As long as it isn't slurred to the point where it's impossible to read, I'm fine with it. I know that as long as I punctuate properly for the remainder of my working years then I'll be the one who gets the job over someone who doesn't punctuate properly, so to speak.
Not too sure about that, mate. I'm currently doing a degree (mature student - 30 years old) and the standard of spelling from some of the other students of all ages is varied. I don't think there's as much emphasis on the written aspects of the course, more the learning of the subject. That's fair enough I suppose as degrees are subject-specific. However, imagine someone with a law degree sending you a letter with typographical errors all over the shop. You couldn't take it seriously. Yet people who can't spell will obtain degrees in all manner of subjects (rightly so if they know the subject inside out) so spelling these days doesn't give you any advantage at all.

In my opinion, language is evolving. The advent of technology has increased this and also made it globally accessible. The mobile phone was invented with text features as a tool that the inventors of the device never thought would catch on. Just 20 years on and not only do people text more than phone, a new language has been created and gradually evolved to acronyms and abbreviations. Technology influencing society or the other way round?
Blue Smarties said:
MCFC BOB said:
For the record, I've never seen anyone call him 'Bellemy'.

But it could still be the case. Maybe some people can't spell Bellamy's name correctly, but who are we to call them up on it if they genuinely cannot spell his name? If it isn't neccesarily their fault, then who are we to question their intelligence?

I don't mind. As long as it isn't slurred to the point where it's impossible to read, I'm fine with it. I know that as long as I punctuate properly for the remainder of my working years then I'll be the one who gets the job over someone who doesn't punctuate properly, so to speak.

-- Fri Aug 13, 2010 1:50 pm --

Don't forget that the skinnies are rolled up, and that I wear ties too!
hahaha... i'm so glad I blocked you on msn when you went on a rant about other fans moaning at us;o)
... Meh.<br /><br />-- Fri Aug 13, 2010 2:02 pm --<br /><br />
oldhamblue said:
MCFC BOB said:
do have to take into account that some people on this forum may not have been as well educated as you[/u], and this could be the reason for their grammar and punctuation not being 100% correct.

But then again, if people are spelling 'know' as 'now' out of choice even though they know it's incorrect, we should call them up, but I'm sure you don't want to waste your time checking to see if they're spelling poorly through choice or not.

I also notice that you have been using elipses more than you should... three at a time is all that is neccesary.

You mean necessary? :-)
Woops, typo.
I've often said we need potential posters to sit an entrance exam before they come on here.

Something like...

1) Put the words "there", "their" and "they're" in the right position in the following sentence:
My friends are going to CoMS as __(a)__ going to buy __(b)__ tickets __(c)__.

2) Which of the following is correct:
a)Gary Cook b)Gary Cooke, c)Garry Cook, d)Garry Cooke.

3) Is Jo cup-tied?
a)Yes b)No c)Depends d)Who cares

4) You buy a ticket for an away game at £48, three pints at £3.90 each, a balti pie for £3.50, a programme for £3 and a home shirt reduced to £25 (which you get 10% extra off as a season ticket holder). How much change do you have from £100.
Prestwich_Blue said:
I've often said we need potential posters to sit an entrance exam before they come on here.

Something like...

1) Put the words "there", "their" and "they're" in the right position in the following sentence:
My friends are going to CoMS as __(a)__ going to buy __(b)__ tickets __(c)__.

2) Which of the following is correct:
a)Gary Cook b)Gary Cooke, c)Garry Cook, d)Garry Cooke.

3) Is Jo cup-tied?
a)Yes b)No c)Depends d)Who cares

4) You buy a ticket for an away game at £48, three pints at £3.90 each, a balti pie for £3.50, a programme for £3 and a home shirt reduced to £25 (which you get 10% extra off as a season ticket holder). How much change do you have from £100.
I'm out
Prestwich_Blue said:
I've often said we need potential posters to sit an entrance exam before they come on here.

Something like...

1) Put the words "there", "their" and "they're" in the right position in the following sentence:
My friends are going to CoMS as __(a)__ going to buy __(b)__ tickets __(c)__.

2) Which of the following is correct:
a)Gary Cook b)Gary Cooke, c)Garry Cook, d)Garry Cooke.

3) Is Jo cup-tied?
a)Yes b)No c)Depends d)Who cares

4) You buy a ticket for an away game at £48, three pints at £3.90 each, a balti pie for £3.50, a programme for £3 and a home shirt reduced to £25 (which you get 10% extra off as a season ticket holder). How much change do you have from £100.
I think a test such as this is needed for anyone who is thinking of bringing a kid into this world. Obviously not these questions, but questions pertinent to the well-being of the potential newborn. Sorry, we can get back on-topic now.
I remember the kippax said:
Now I realise that I may just be another "Grumpy Old Man", however I am sick of the standard of written English on Blue Moon. I realise that some people may be dyslexic (my ex was) but there really is no excuse.

I actually picked a poster up on his spelling and some other guy jumped in saying does it matter - you understood what he was trying to say.

Well, this may sound like a tirade (and it is) but I am bloody sick of this text speak, wrong spelling and the "I just can't be bothered with the difference between there, their and they're or no, now and know" etc...

As an ex-Royal Signals Yeoman I am well used to the art of decoding messages but I really shouldn't have to do it now I have left the sodding green and trying to read posts on a forum

Rant over, thank you for consigning my ire to Cyberspace.....

Puts "Tin Hat On" and awaits comments....... ;-)

I`ve said this before and got a PM from a MOD saying I`d gone a bit too far with my response, ref this same subject.
However I will say it again, as I stand firmly on what I believe.
You sir are talking COMPLETE BOLLOCKS !!!!!!!!!!!!
I am fortunate to work with a lot of young and older people who have problems with numeracy and literacy skills and they would love to come onto a CITY FORUM,where they are treated as equals.
Unfortunately we have some complete nobs on this Forum who "look down their noses" at people,with poor learning difficulties and this subsequently gives these unfortunates "a kick in the plums"
All they want to do is get involved in any City Forum,but this is exactly the reason they feel "second class" due to constant piss taking,from other Blue fans.
Most on this Forum are very fortunate to have a reasonable education,with their individual literacy skills, being better than others.
But why castigate others, who need help and support from fans on this Forum, relating to their "poor spelling and grammar" that seems to piss one or two arrogant Blues off.
Its easy to blame the education system,but there are insufficient teachers/tutors at a National Level, to help bring down the numbers of people,young and old,who need help in literacy and also dyslexia.
Suprisingly, I`ve toned this down and instead used it as a tool to help raise awareness at others misfortunes,than just a slagging post from yours truly.
I have broad shoulders to take the flack on here.
Unfortunately they don`t !!!
Prestwich_Blue said:
I've often said we need potential posters to sit an entrance exam before they come on here.

Something like...

1) Put the words "there", "their" and "they're" in the right position in the following sentence:
My friends are going to CoMS as __(a)__ going to buy __(b)__ tickets __(c)__.

2) Which of the following is correct:
a)Gary Cook b)Gary Cooke, c)Garry Cook, d)Garry Cooke.

3) Is Jo cup-tied?
a)Yes b)No c)Depends d)Who cares

4) You buy a ticket for an away game at £48, three pints at £3.90 each, a balti pie for £3.50, a programme for £3 and a home shirt reduced to £25 (which you get 10% extra off as a season ticket holder). How much change do you have from £100.
You didn't put a question mark after 'd)Who cares' on Question 3.
MCFC BOB said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
I've often said we need potential posters to sit an entrance exam before they come on here.

Something like...

1) Put the words "there", "their" and "they're" in the right position in the following sentence:
My friends are going to CoMS as __(a)__ going to buy __(b)__ tickets __(c)__.

2) Which of the following is correct:
a)Gary Cook b)Gary Cooke, c)Garry Cook, d)Garry Cooke.

3) Is Jo cup-tied?
a)Yes b)No c)Depends d)Who cares

4) You buy a ticket for an away game at £48, three pints at £3.90 each, a balti pie for £3.50, a programme for £3 and a home shirt reduced to £25 (which you get 10% extra off as a season ticket holder). How much change do you have from £100.
You didn't put a question mark after 'd)Who cares' on Question 3.
I wondered how long it would take for someone to notice my deliberate mistake. Well done that man.

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