The Stench of Tory

Listen.. if you want a big dick competition of whose had the shittest jobs. I guarantee I'll win! The point is if next can turn over billions of pounds they should be able to offer a living wage and offer one full time job instead of 4 part time jobs with huge profits come social responsibility! If that attitude means we are turning into France then I'll take it. I mean how horrendous it would be becoming like france.

Cheap childcare
Great health system
Politicians held to account
Sensible housing prices
Good roads
Great food
Cheap wine
No over working
The power of the state kept at bay
Croissants for breakfast
brass neck said:
Listen.. if you want a big dick competition of whose had the shittest jobs. I guarantee I'll win! The point is if next can turn over billions of pounds they should be able to offer a living wage and offer one full time job instead of 4 part time jobs with huge profits come social responsibility! If that attitude means we are turning into France then I'll take it. I mean how horrendous it would be becoming like france.

Cheap childcare
Great health system
Politicians held to account
Sensible housing prices
Good roads
Great food
Cheap wine
No over working
The power of the state kept at bay
Croissants for breakfast

I take it you have never been to France then?

I saw your second point and immediately thought of this.

blueonblue said:
brass neck said:
Yes. And you never "rightys" asking WHY young girls have low expectations and are undereducated and desperate for love, attention, family etc. It's like you only hear them snearing at the addicted, saying it's some sort of weakness, never once questioning why people eat junk, take drugs, drink themselves silly like Winston Churchill did!!!! The right are into personalizing blame.

Maybe if there was good, respectful, fairly paid, regulated mass employment around, maybe, maybe just our underclass may start to feel a bit more like work is fucckin worth while instead of being lectured to by the likes of Ian Duncan fookin Smith who as well as owning his own propertie, has the luxury of living rent free in his wife's families Georgian country house estate, which over the past ten years, it has received €1.5m in income support from taxpayers

Finally you accidentally say something with a real world point, as mass immigration has and is damaging our country by undermining pay & conditions and limiting the jobs available for "Our underclass" you are against it are you ?.

The main point of this thread was housing departments trying to juggle the number of houses available for the far higher number that need one, so again, without the influx of mass immigration do you accept that there would be more available for "Our underclasses" and that you are opposed to it ?.

Maybe without the burden placed upon schools by mass immigration "Our underclass" would benefit from smaller class numbers and teachers full attention they could get a better education and raise their expectations of a better job, thats what you say you want isn`t it ?.

Why can't the 'underclass' do the jobs that these millions of immigrants do?
What 'housing departments? All the social housing around here is run by private firms whilst the private sector buy to let mob make a mint off the government.
And as for schools, maybe if the government actually built some new ones instead of farming the education system out to god-bothering US investors and their mates in the UK then the problem you see would be eased.
Blaming immigration for the ills you feel the country has is short sighted at best.
brass neck said:
Listen.. if you want a big dick competition of whose had the shittest jobs. I guarantee I'll win! The point is if next can turn over billions of pounds they should be able to offer a living wage and offer one full time job instead of 4 part time jobs with huge profits come social responsibility! If that attitude means we are turning into France then I'll take it. I mean how horrendous it would be becoming like france.

Cheap childcare
Great health system
Politicians held to account
Sensible housing prices
Good roads
Great food
Cheap wine
No over working
The power of the state kept at bay
Croissants for breakfast

Your point ignores the fact that turnover doesn't equal profit. Look at the supermarkets. I believe they work on something like 3% so there isn't any wriggle room. The reason their margins are so low is because of competition between them. If you remove the competition so that margins and then wages improve then prices will go up.

It's called inflation

BTW, what do you do for a job?
foxy said:
brass neck said:
Yeah. There's plenty of jobs out there..... Just as long as 6.50 per hour on a 7 hour contract is suitable. Then you can ask the tax payer to top your wage up and watch as your privately educated boss drives off in his merc. Sorry to bang on about injustice but we are being had.

How about a job at NEXT btw?
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

Great attitude for people who see jobs as beneath them. Myself and every hard working person I know started off working in similar roles on similar pay and it pays a hell of a lot better than JSA and there's nothing stopping you form applying for other jobs elsewhere. It's the shitty attitude of British people where they think they're too good for certain work.

I washed pots in a shitty hotel kitchen for a lot less than that. Could walk home with my chin up though as I wasn't scrounging.
Gelsons Dad said:
foxy said:
brass neck said:
Yeah. There's plenty of jobs out there..... Just as long as 6.50 per hour on a 7 hour contract is suitable. Then you can ask the tax payer to top your wage up and watch as your privately educated boss drives off in his merc. Sorry to bang on about injustice but we are being had.

How about a job at NEXT btw?
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

Great attitude for people who see jobs as beneath them. Myself and every hard working person I know started off working in similar roles on similar pay and it pays a hell of a lot better than JSA and there's nothing stopping you form applying for other jobs elsewhere. It's the shitty attitude of British people where they think they're too good for certain work.

I washed pots in a shitty hotel kitchen for a lot less than that. Could walk home with my chin up though as I wasn't scrounging.

My first proper job was at a golf club (1992) I got the huge wage of £55 for a 72 hour (6/12) week. (had some pride left after that though and lasted 3 years at it)

In fairness I was working towards a qualification that allowed me to earn £30+ an hour after that.
Gelsons Dad said:
foxy said:
brass neck said:
Yeah. There's plenty of jobs out there..... Just as long as 6.50 per hour on a 7 hour contract is suitable. Then you can ask the tax payer to top your wage up and watch as your privately educated boss drives off in his merc. Sorry to bang on about injustice but we are being had.

How about a job at NEXT btw?
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

Great attitude for people who see jobs as beneath them. Myself and every hard working person I know started off working in similar roles on similar pay and it pays a hell of a lot better than JSA and there's nothing stopping you form applying for other jobs elsewhere. It's the shitty attitude of British people where they think they're too good for certain work.

I washed pots in a shitty hotel kitchen for a lot less than that. Could walk home with my chin up though as I wasn't scrounging.

Straight after graduating in 2010 I began working in some kitchen washing pots and preparing veg with this head chef who was an absolute wanker. He was very shouty shouty thinking he was Gordon Ramsey. I only did this for 3 days a week and it paid more than JSA would have done.

It makes me sick when Graduates on the dole moan about lack of jobs, zero hours contracts and them being above working on minimum wage.
law74 said:
de niro said: said:
By the same logic everyone should pay something

no one should be able to live totally off handouts. Fairness dictates that you must put in before you can take out and that is also a basic morality that the left wing seem to conveniently ignore

on the fucking money.

not one able bodied person would get a fucking bean off me unless at some time they had paid something in. not a bean.

So when they rob your house for something to eat, you would be happy?
Oh dear
Happy Feet said:
law74 said:
de niro said:
on the fucking money.

not one able bodied person would get a fucking bean off me unless at some time they had paid something in. not a bean.

So when they rob your house for something to eat, you would be happy?
Oh dear

Good luck to them. But trust me they really wouldn't want me catching them in the act
I always think a suitable punishment is always a great deterrent

and for the record very very few houses ever get robbed in the area I live

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