The Sun - City fans no longer purchasing this rag.

Kevblue said:
i like the tits on page 3

Goes alot deeper on the t'internet pal ;)

I don't buy newspapers, I read The Sun recently whilst in a takeaway waiting for my food and the stories in this rag were what I considered being "old news".
This paper was published on the day I read it and yet I found it irrelavent.

I have used the Internet since I was around 8/9 yrs old, so having used the 'net for 16/17 years now I find newspapers "old news"
Floods in Pakistan, Chilean miners trapped hundreds of feet below ground, our troops fighting in Afghanistan...but the S*n would prefer to go with how much fucking nose-candy Paris Hilton can sniff on a night out.

Says it all, really.
The Sun is worthless and it blunts your brain. The Mirror, to be fair, had a mild left wing socialist editorial tradition which occasionally-very occasionally-still crops up.

Not much to choose between them but a definite difference.
80s Shorts said:
Tez Tosterone said:
Given the virulent anti-City campaign in The Sun newspaper over the last 6/12 months that has moved into overdrive over the last few weeks, it is no surprise that a mass ban of purchasing the newspaper has commenced among the supporters of Manchester City.

You will all doubtless remember the Liverpool supporters ban that came into force after the lies peddled by the comic after the Hillsborough tragedy. Circulation plummeted in Merseyside and the suits at Wapping had to offer grovelling apologies in order to mend 'the relationship'. Obviously they lost a large number of readers for life.

The current unprofessional journalistic bias should now be met with the only response we can. That is for all City fans across the UK to stop purchasing the rag with immediate effect.

Its the nature of the beast. People need to man up and stop being so sensative. We are the big story at the moment and will be for the forseeable future. Stop being soooo sensative. I buy the Sun for the crossword ;-)

Me too, but today I`m stuck on 15 across, 3 letters, frozen water, beginning with `I` and ending in `E`, it`s doing my head in.

Seriously though haven`t bought it in twenty years and as others have said, given the internet it really is an outmoded medium for up to date news etc.
Won't be reading the sun anymore after the crap i've just read today about it being Citys fault we even met the 25-man rule, surely the Premier League who made the damn rule are at more fault??
Honestly, there's no offence intended here...really! But anyone who buys and reads papers like The Sun need to get a fuckin grip! You may as well pop over to a primary school and ask a teacher if you can read some of the stories a group of 6 year olds have written!

-- Thu Sep 02, 2010 1:11 pm --

Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
BluePurgatory said:
The Mirror and the Star are just as bad. When we start to win things other fans will be accusing them of being up citys arse.

This is the normal cycle of things. No Sun? Why stop at the Sun? It's in the same stable (or pig sty) as SSN. All part of Murdoch's crappy empire.

Very true! Some people think SSN is the Mecca of footballing knowledge and truthful information. When all it is, is a States inspired raz-mataz, hyped up, "pig sty" (very apt word mate!) of dumbed down, useless, mostly information they've got out of the backpages of The Sun and The Mirror, or I'm sure it's just shit that the autoqueue person has made up on the spot sometimes!

Any Americans with a hint of intelegence got sick to death of their own dumbed down, barrell scraping media in the 90's and turned to the BBC, The Guardian, The Times and the Financial Times - even though it only gave them news with an English slant and left out most of their own news from America - because they were mire trustworthy than their own shit.

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