The Super League | FA + PL: New Charter & Fines | UEFA: Settlement

Would you be happy if City joined this European Super League?

  • Yes

    Votes: 109 5.3%
  • No

    Votes: 1,954 94.7%

  • Total voters
I think it's Lose-Lose for City ... if all this falls on it's face and we're back to where we were in the PL and CL ... we're now linked with the red clubs and american owned clubs forever ... we're "them" now onwards ... and in CL we'd fall down even further down the order (PSG has played a blinder here and will become UEFA darlings alongside Bayern if all this rolls back) ...

And if it does go ahead and TSL is a success and we're part of it, the "legacy fans" would be far and few supporting the clubs and only "plastics" would be left supporting these ... and in that race we're not winning from the red and the spanish two ... and if the tv deals will be done on revenues by "new fans" (subscribers) etc. then we lose out there too and will be mid to bottom half of that table easily ...

I just can't get my head around what it was that pushed City to join in ... I posted early on, what an opportunity City had all day yesterday before this was announced to get ahead and take the lead and come out with a strong statement explaining what we have already been saying all this past decade, re: the greed of this cartel and how FFP was all designed to do exactly that and now that has not helped them stay ahead they have devised this new thing, even half as strong as that a statement and we'd be standing tall today ... and reds clubs being shown up for what they are ... it's just sad, sad, sad, sad, sad, sad, sad state right now that we are now one of them ... and it's lose-lose whichever way it goes now.
I strongly suspect we were one of the main players in this. Big mistake for UEFA to screw us over.
So Porto, a club that has to sell their best players and rebuild well enough to make it into next season champions league every single season, despite it meaning they could be secure, keep players they wouldn't ordinarily be able to keep and absolutely dominate their domestic league with this level of guaranteed revenue all whilst knowing if they reject the invitation there's a high chance one of their rivals takes their spot can still turn round and reject the invitation but two of the richest clubs in the world in city and Chelsea were reluctantly forced into it? Yeah, don't buy it for a second.
nice post but full stops are your friend :)
just think, sit back now and think about being in a league that we cant be relegated from.... are you at the game in your mind now?

the only thing you can cheer on is your team winning, a good performance, a hard fought draw, or a dispiriting defeat.... but without fear of losing it all. no adrenaline flowing, no pressure building. we are 10th in the league, but its ok, the guest team in 7th is going to be removed from the league because, y'know.. it's our league!!!!!

being 7th-10th in the league at the back end of the season, nothing riding on it, nothing to even go the game for, apart from the experience. maybe just to see mbappe play for Madrid.


fucking grimmer than grim!
Cant agree with this. If we didn't join, they would have asked Leicester or Everton leaving us with a decimated PL and business plan.
Sadly I don't think City had any options, join the league or return ultimately to mid table PL as our stars and owners sought pastures new.
Whilst many of a certain vintage feel this is an abhorrent step in the wrong direction, I'm sure many younger fans will shrug there shoulders and get on with it.
Personally, sour taste at present.

I'd take obscurity any day over losing my club.

City, for what it's worth, has always been more deeply connected with it's heritage and Manchester. We've prided ourselves on being the club of the people, the working class, generational team. Today we dispel the myth, we're just as rotten at the core as the rest of them.
Khaldoon's end of season interview will be very interesting...
After last season's words where i thought "this club really is different to the rest, stick it to them Khal, top man!"... i don't give a shit what he's got to say from now on. All he's said in the past, and especially last Summer was a load of pretend bollocks.
From the BBC....

Fan groups associated with all six English clubs involved in the European Super League proposal are strongly opposed.

Liverpool supporters' group Spirit of Shankly (SOS) said it was "appalled" by the decision of Fenway Sports Group, the club's US-based owner. In a social media post, SOS said: "FSG have ignored fans in their relentless and greedy pursuit of money. Football is ours, not theirs. Our football club is ours not theirs."

Chelsea Supporters' Trust called the move "unforgivable" and said its members and "football supporters across the world have experienced the ultimate betrayal".

The Arsenal Supporters' Trust called the club's agreement to join "the death of Arsenal as a sporting institution", while Manchester City's Official Supporters Club said the move showed "those involved have zero regard for the game's traditions", adding it was "determined to fight against this proposed Super League".

The Manchester United Supporters' Trust had earlier said the proposals were "completely unacceptable" and the ESL "goes against everything football, and Manchester United, should stand for".

Tottenham Hotspur Supporters' Trust said the ESL was a "concept driven by avarice and self-interest at the expense of the intrinsic values of the game we hold so dear".

Every one of those other clubs are cunts but on this occasion fair fucking play to their supporters.

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