The Super League | FA + PL: New Charter & Fines | UEFA: Settlement

Would you be happy if City joined this European Super League?

  • Yes

    Votes: 109 5.3%
  • No

    Votes: 1,954 94.7%

  • Total voters
I'd take obscurity any day over losing my club.

City, for what it's worth, has always been more deeply connected with it's heritage and Manchester. We've prided ourselves on being the club of the people, the working class, generational team. Today we dispel the myth, we're just as rotten at the core as the rest of them.
Bang on
Watching the morning news out in Yankee land.

Even the pundits here are blaming greedy Yank owners. No surprise the whole thing is being bankrolled by JP Morgan.
I can’t actually see this going ahead. The opposition to it is from just about everywhere.

Looking for some backtracking hopefully. Everyone should be concerned with US ownership going forward now if they were under any illusions before.
The Americanisation of the beautiful game.... no promotion/relegation. Just the same old same old year after year with certain delusional clubs thinking they are the dogs bollocks and getting twatted game after game, year after year. What will they do ten years down the line with few fans, no tinpot trophies and nowhere to go.

Imho 'fans' will be pissed off (no doubt most of the proper fans are already with this potential shit show). Should it go ahead, any transitional/not proper fans will notice their team is shit, so just 'support' a different team.

How will it all impact on City Football Group as a whole, in and out transfers, the academy teams, the ladies team, CITC etc etc, this will not end good.

My view, City should have distanced themselves from this immediately. As they didn't, they should fuck it off rapidly (and let the world know we were wrong to get involved) before the fans bail, City Tv goes tits up along with merchandising. Corporate will jump ship in due course, sponsors will probably do one too. Total income will taper off and it will be too late.

A shit show indeed......and I won't be having any of it.
I'm honest enough to say yes for myself, whatever ridicule that admittedly entails, etc?

I only care about City, we do what serves our best interests, whether that be this or something else.

Nobody gave a shit when Bury went to the wall and nobody gave a shit about City when we were mocked.

I would rather be pragmatic, than be left behind, as I think football has been holding on to some romantic image that hasn't existed for three decades.

I don't like change, but I know I have to accept it, or things in life will move on without me, whether I like it or not.

I respect those opinions of those who have a wider love of the game, but I won't be turning my back on the club.
I believe it’s more a case of the club turning it’s back on us.
I think it's Lose-Lose for City ... if all this falls on it's face and we're back to where we were in the PL and CL ... we're now linked with the red clubs and american owned clubs forever ... we're "them" now onwards ... and in CL we'd fall down even further down the order (PSG has played a blinder here and will become UEFA darlings alongside Bayern if all this rolls back) ...

And if it does go ahead and TSL is a success and we're part of it, the "legacy fans" would be far and few supporting the clubs and only "plastics" would be left supporting these ... and in that race we're not winning from the red and the spanish two ... and if the tv deals will be done on revenues by "new fans" (subscribers) etc. then we lose out there too and will be mid to bottom half of that table easily ...

I just can't get my head around what it was that pushed City to join in ... I posted early on, what an opportunity City had all day yesterday before this was announced to get ahead and take the lead and come out with a strong statement explaining what we have already been saying all this past decade, re: the greed of this cartel and how FFP was all designed to do exactly that and now that has not helped them stay ahead they have devised this new thing, even half as strong as that a statement and we'd be standing tall today ... and reds clubs being shown up for what they are ... it's just sad, sad, sad, sad, sad, sad, sad state right now that we are now one of them ... and it's lose-lose whichever way it goes now.
Be "them" or just be what we were before, vilified by the whole footballing world anyway. At least now we are on the inside as well.

We weren't "pushed" to join but Khaldoon and Sheikh Mansour aren't going to piss away the billions of investment just for some paper thin stand against what is happening. This is business, plain and simple.

Turn down the invite and City are stuck playing against no mark teams in whatever the fuck the CL will become whilst all our best players leave, the club revenues drop through the floor and just why would they do that?

People are living in a fantasy world if you ever believed that the board care about the fans. We are a cash cow for them, simple. I accepted this in 2008, and what I got in return was 13yrs of the best football the club has ever seen and some amazing memories that wouldn't have been possible before.
We have got into bed with the Devil, I cannot understand why, I believe we are owed an explanation by our owners I don't know if they understood the feelings of the fans I find it all so difficult after everything we have been through fighting our corner, these are the very clubs who have tried to stop our progress.
We all need time to reflect, I am and always will be a Manchester City fan.

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