The Super League | FA + PL: New Charter & Fines | UEFA: Settlement

Would you be happy if City joined this European Super League?

  • Yes

    Votes: 109 5.3%
  • No

    Votes: 1,954 94.7%

  • Total voters
No, I was never perfectly happy with any of those things, but I was guilty of being used to them, they were normalised elsewhere while City were basically crap, and then one day I woke up and we had joined the party. Had no idea what to make of it all tbh. None of us did. Everyone just carried on and we got used to it, cos as much as we spent it at least felt like nothing we hadn't seen before. This though, well it feels different, cos it is I think. It's a vastly bigger step because of the clearer, stronger and obvious effects to the domestic game. We're all a bit hypocritical, but we also all have our limits, and that's inherently human. There's a reason this has sent shockwaves around football and got to the point where its being debated by politicians and not just us City fans - I would guess it's because its clearly a bigger step, and one too far for the vast majority of football fans, and the reaction has proven that. I get it, you're not arsed, fair enough, but this unquestionably changes the game much more structurally than anything else has in my lifetime. There is also no way the domestic league don't changes exponentially from this for the worse, the cups included, and that is something im not used to either.

Edit - and I didn't even mention the lack of competitiveness. I know there's a strong argument that that had already spiritually gone, but it was technically still there and still open. Now it isn't. It's a members only club, and that is a bigger change to anything we've seen in god knows how long. Competitions without relegation and promotion are absolutely the pits for me. They're utterly soulless.
Superb post!! :)
He said he believes the domestic leagues should be protected. I predict he will water it down and frame it as a CL revamp that won’t have any impact on anything else.

Anyone expecting any more for him is setting themselves up for disappointment. He’s said some stupid shit in the past when defending the players, he will do the same for the board he’s so loyal to.

You're probably right but if he believes that, he should come out against this.
Were you calling it a franchise 2 days ago? Or on any of the days we lifted a trophy? Or does it just suit that label now?

You must have missed the news about the closed competition we have decided to enter without even giving a shit what the fans think. Bit surprised you missed it as you are posting in a thread about it:-)

Anyhow i hope you enjoy the threads about how the refs var have conned us out of finishing 7th instead of 6th because 6th means err absolutely nothing neither does 5th,4th,bottom or whatever.

Never mind next week it’s shalke away although fans have been there several times now and the magic has disappeared, probably the TV it is.

Meanwhile supporters of wank teams like Everton are in Budapest which is new for them. Why they are so excited I don’t know their players the agents and owners aren’t as rich as our lot. Bloody losers.

Thank you fake Mansour.
Back in the day when Sky announced exclusive broadcasting rights I was working for a commercial photography printers just off Oxford Road.

One guy who worked there at the time, who must have been about 60, was utterly dejected that he couldn’t watch his club live on what we sadly now call “Free to Air”

He couldn’t afford Sky, and I can remember him walking out of the building shaking his head a broken man.

Wish I’d spent more time with him then as right now I know exactly how he felt.

If this goes through then my 46 year following Gods own club will come to an end.

Clouds and Silver linings, means I have to learn what a hockiest is but fishing and shooting are great fun, especially when you combine them....

Where is the moral high ground when the only choices appear to be get in bed with UEFA or get in bed with the cartel? No one supported us when we had our battle with UEFA even when the evidence of corruption was "clear and organised." Most clubs couldn't wait to dance on our graves. Even after we won at CAS we were still derided. Perhaps we could have tried to sit on the fence on this one but we still would have been slaughtered. We will never get goodwill from the "footballing public" They have hated us since we had success with foreign owners.
I also seem to recall a lot of blues wanting to put two fingers up to UEFA at the time and join a European Super league !

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