The Tevez argument {merged - enough threads now }

Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

I find it amazing and a little sad that some posters actually want to give the little shit another chance after this.
He has shit on all of us that have chanted his name and supported him, but more importantly he has shit on the club we all profess to love.
Get rid and get rid now!!!
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

hmblue said:
Blue Mooner
Post subject: Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

"I hope we can put this to bed as a misunderstanding and tevez thought he was refusing to warm up, not to not play. Still a misdemeanour but not as bad.

lets face it, tevez is thick, he grew up in a slum with no education and he's made a mistake one that in the cold light of day he probably regrets.

There is no point cutting our nose off to spite our face. That way we protect our investment and get the benefit of still being able to play him as we can ill afford to only have three strikers.

Off course the press are delighted for us to lose a world class striker. Wake up and smell the coffee."

Excellent post Blue Mooner.
There seems to be quite a few rag fans on this thread who would love to see us get rid of a world class player who the rags couldn`t afford to keep.
He made a mistake but whenever he has played for us he has always given 100%. Surely he has done enough for this club to be given the benefit of the doubt ? It`s not as though he`s a granny shagger or a sister-in-law shagger or trying to cover up a 13year affair - IS IT ?
He deserves a second chance and when the january transfer window arrives he can go, if the appropriate bid is received and we have secured a replacement.
Personally I think Roberto was wrong to go public with this and it should have been dealt with behind closed doors.
There is an old saying - "Don`t Wash Your Dirty Linen In Public".

As far as I'm concerned as long as it doesn't impact on the club players can screw grannies, sister-in-laws, and have as many affairs as they want. However I will not accept a player trying to screw the club.

Mancini handled this beautifully pulling the rug from under Tevez's feet before he could try to justify his actions. In his interview Tevez reacted superbly, from the club's point of view, in confirming Mancini's comment.
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

...seemingly the ugly little rebel has buggered off back to argentina. Suspect he will never darken the doorstep of manchesters great and wonderful restaurants again....
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

To be fair, dumping that scarf on the way up the steps at Wembley and grabbing an Argy flag showed more about his character than what he did last week.
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

Clevers said:
hmblue said:
Blue Mooner
Post subject: Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

"I hope we can put this to bed as a misunderstanding and tevez thought he was refusing to warm up, not to not play. Still a misdemeanour but not as bad.

lets face it, tevez is thick, he grew up in a slum with no education and he's made a mistake one that in the cold light of day he probably regrets.

There is no point cutting our nose off to spite our face. That way we protect our investment and get the benefit of still being able to play him as we can ill afford to only have three strikers.

Off course the press are delighted for us to lose a world class striker. Wake up and smell the coffee."

Excellent post Blue Mooner.
There seems to be quite a few rag fans on this thread who would love to see us get rid of a world class player who the rags couldn`t afford to keep.
He made a mistake but whenever he has played for us he has always given 100%. Surely he has done enough for this club to be given the benefit of the doubt ? It`s not as though he`s a granny shagger or a sister-in-law shagger or trying to cover up a 13year affair - IS IT ?
He deserves a second chance and when the january transfer window arrives he can go, if the appropriate bid is received and we have secured a replacement.
Personally I think Roberto was wrong to go public with this and it should have been dealt with behind closed doors.
There is an old saying - "Don`t Wash Your Dirty Linen In Public".

As far as I'm concerned as long as it doesn't impact on the club players can screw grannies, sister-in-laws, and have as many affairs as they want. However I will not accept a player trying to screw the club.

Mancini handled this beautifully pulling the rug from under Tevez's feet before he could try to justify his actions. In his interview Tevez reacted superbly, from the club's point of view, in confirming Mancini's comment.

Absolutely, Tevez's apologists have no where to go. Tevez confirmed in interview that he didn't want to go on. He fucked up and now we can rid the club of this twat.
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

Brennan says the Med and Cheesman says Buenes Aires (and the impeccably sourced Barntonblue agrees with him) but fbloke says Cheeseman tells porkies.
I'm confused.
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

If by some bizarre reason he manages to squirm out of this and stays, not only will we lose a fantastic manager who won us the cup and managed to finish joint second in the league, within 2 weeks we will have another childish comment from CT again, i am sick of hearing he doesnt want to play for us, he is 1 of 25 in a squad, RM is 1 of 1
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

hmblue said:
There is an old saying - "Don`t Wash Your Dirty Linen In Public".

There is another old saying- dont bite the hand that feeds you
Another is the rotten apple spoils the barrall
Another is dont shit where you eat
etc etc etc
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

Throwing the scarfs on the floor at the final tells us all we need to know about the ****,draped in an Argentina flag.

He wants to leave and is manufacturing his own downfall,stories of eating disorders to give the impression that being away from his country and family is making him ill and big bad City are being greedy with his transfer fee.

We are scoring for fun without the **** in the team so for the life of me i cant understand why anybody would want him to stay-fuck him off and buy a striker in January

Van Persie anyone?
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

southaustralianblue said:
hmblue said:
There is an old saying - "Don`t Wash Your Dirty Linen In Public".

There is another old saying- dont bite the hnd that feeds you
Another is the rotten apple spoils the barrell
Another is dont shit where you eat
etc etc etc

...ancient proverb say, fuck the greedy little shit right off.


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