The Tevez argument {merged - enough threads now }

Re: The Tevez counter argument!

oakiecokie said:
Ja Salford Blue said:
Iv'e got a feeling him and his sly ba$tard of an agent will turn round and say he only refused to warm up and didnt refuse to play. I reckon he will say as he had been warming up for the majority of the 2nd half he was ready to come on and didnt need to warm up any more.

Ive got a bad feeling that the press will run with this and we will be made out as the bad guys in all this.

I`m assuming that the twat Kia will NOT be present at the hearing and why should he ??
Can`t see City allowing that gobshite to be there.

I would have thought we will have to let him have a representative of his choice there wont we, even if its just for the language barrier. I dont think we would be able to tell him that he cant have his own agent there. I might be wrong tho
Re: The Tevez counter argument!

glen quagmire said:
Shirley said:
Ja Salford Blue said:
Iv'e got a feeling him and his sly ba$tard of an agent will turn round and say he only refused to warm up and didnt refuse to play. I reckon he will say as he had been warming up for the majority of the 2nd half he was ready to come on and didnt need to warm up any more.

Ive got a bad feeling that the press will run with this and we will be made out as the bad guys in all this.

Refusing to warm up is the same as refusing to play, is it not?

Surely shirley has a point here?

...don't call me shirley...
Re: The Tevez counter argument!

Ja Salford Blue said:
oakiecokie said:
Ja Salford Blue said:
Iv'e got a feeling him and his sly ba$tard of an agent will turn round and say he only refused to warm up and didnt refuse to play. I reckon he will say as he had been warming up for the majority of the 2nd half he was ready to come on and didnt need to warm up any more.

Ive got a bad feeling that the press will run with this and we will be made out as the bad guys in all this.

I`m assuming that the twat Kia will NOT be present at the hearing and why should he ??
Can`t see City allowing that gobshite to be there.

I would have thought we will have to let him have a representative of his choice there wont we, even if its just for the language barrier. I dont think we would be able to tell him that he cant have his own agent there. I might be wrong tho

Sorry I wasn`t having a dig at you.Just think City will not allow Kia to be present,given the fact that the meeting will no doubt end in a free for all.
Yes he will have to be represented and no doubt an individual translater will be there,considering Tevez`s limited English.
Re: The Tevez counter argument!

Kia is not his agenct just his adviser and the sooner Kia is deported and never allowed near a footballer again the better. Oh and please dont swallow the line that Tevez can't speak English. He can, just not very well. Hiw knowledge is limited but he knows enough to understand what Mancini would have told him. He is finished at City, he knows it and so does the slime ball Joorabchian. It is all about damage limitation as far as they are concerned.
Re: The Tevez counter argument!

Listen !

Many here have played football.
And its like this if Tevez wanted to play, he would have come on.
There are no ifs and buts or confusion. Mancini signaled and if Tevez wants to play he gets off his ass and gets ready it realy is that simply.

The game is going on and if you are not ready the next sub is on instead of you.
If your boss sees that you are not jumping upp of your seat then you are not ready to play against Baern Munich in the champions League and it sends out the wrong signal to everybody.

Tevez has no case you ether wants to play or you dont Tevez didnt.
Re: The Tevez counter argument!

Eds said:
Kia is not his agenct just his adviser and the sooner Kia is deported and never allowed near a footballer again the better. Oh and please dont swallow the line that Tevez can't speak English. He can, just not very well. Hiw knowledge is limited but he knows enough to understand what Mancini would have told him. He is finished at City, he knows it and so does the slime ball Joorabchian. It is all about damage limitation as far as they are concerned.

you seem to be mistaken here that I think this is what happend! We all know what happened and that the little shit refused to come on! however I think that he will say he didnt refuse to come on and that he just refused to warm up because he was already warmed up and ready to play.
Re: The Tevez counter argument!

flb said:
Ja Salford Blue said:
Iv'e got a feeling him and his sly ba$tard of an agent will turn round and say he only refused to warm up and didnt refuse to play. I reckon he will say as he had been warming up for the majority of the 2nd half he was ready to come on and didnt need to warm up any more.

Ive got a bad feeling that the press will run with this and we will be made out as the bad guys in all this.

No chance,along with the Bayern escapade the little **** has tried to manouvre a move away from City for the past twelve months.Mancini,the club and fans have bent over backwards to accomodate his ways.

I couldnt give a shit what the press say about it,refusing to warm up is still a breach of contract.

Hes a **** and that all there is too it.

I want you presenting the evidence for our side
Re: The Tevez counter argument!

Refusing to warm up is just the same as refusing to come on, even if a player has warmed up seconds before they still keep warming up as they wait to come onto the pitch so it is still a refusal to play in my opinion.

As for the man who has been suspended and his knowledge of English; he knew enough two years ago to tell me that his friend/relative didn't understand English when I spoke to them on the train. Yes it may be limited but I managed a few words with him which he fully understood and if he can understand me he can understand Mancini or the back room staff!!

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