The Tevez argument {merged - enough threads now }

Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

nobody can eat fifty eggs said:
I think City have to be really careful here and back Mancini to the hilt. If they don't then does anyone think that our track record for manager turnover, that he may walk? I know it would be foolish for him to leave all that money behind but with his Latin temperament and pride I wouldn't put it past him.The way he will see it is that it's him or Tevez and he will be looking to the club for undoubted support. Most of the top sides in the world would have him as manager and he wouldn't be out of a job for long, and I reckon he won't be at City in another five years or so, he'll be back in Italy.

Tevez will never play for us again and Mancini will be lifting the CL trophy with us before he thinks about leaving.
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

Fuck of Blue Mooner all your "if's" are just that speculation and you are using all this hypothisis as fact to try and justify your views.

You and Tevez City STILL have not addressed my rebutall to your calling Mancini unprofesional for making it public whilst ignoring Tevez actions infront of millions.

The reason you have not is because you can't your own arguement slapped you in the mush.

Non of this depresion shit came out before this issue, and fools like you cling to any possible spurious explanation to validate your warped judgement.

I know a fair bit about clinical depresion and Tevez's actions do not stem from that. Your clutching at hypothetical straws and your a disgrace to the ethos and ideals our club holds.
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

If by some slim chance he is clinically depressed stick him on sick leave until Jan 1st, by which time he may well be sufficiently "un-depressed" to move to PSG/Inter/Anzi wotsit/Corinthians/Whoever.

Blue Mooner said:
The best solution is that the club still have the services of a 50 million pound player and retain his value.

Not when the said player hangs around the place like an unexploded bomb, primed to go off at some random moment of maximum disruption to the club, as in last season's transfer request, the summer moans about Manchester and now last week's little effort in Munich.

As far as I'm concerned he's now acquired that majestic tag from the old USSR, he's a "non-person" in my eyes and has no meaningful contribution to make to MCFC other than any transfer fee we may get for him.
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

TCIB said:
Fuck of Blue Mooner all your "if's" are just that speculation and you are using all this hypothisis as fact to try and justify your views.

You and Tevez City STILL have not addressed my rebutall to your calling Mancini unprofesional for making it public whilst ignoring Tevez actions infront of millions.

The reason you have not is because you can't your own arguement slapped you in the mush.

Non of this depresion shit came out before this issue, and fools like you cling to any possible spurious explanation to validate your warped judgement.

I know a fair bit about clinical depresion and Tevez's actions do not stem from that. Your clutching at hypothetical straws and your a disgrace to the ethos and ideals our club holds.
That may not be true. Before the season started there were reports that Tevez had been in a clinic to lose weight after over eating following a "personal crisis".

The source was supposedly Tevez.

His actions certainly don't appear to be rational. I wouldn't condemn the player without knowing what's going on. But it seems there is no way back, and I guess that Mancini very much regrets his conduct after the Bayern game. Perhaps a very human reaction, but the media reaction, and fan reaction has meant that City have lost a great player
The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

For me there's only two camps. The Mancini camp which is to support the club and players. Or there is the Tevez camp which is to support someone who time and again has insulted the club and fans with his off the pitch disgraces. He may have been great for us on the pitch but I for one will now remember him for this alone.
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

Manchester_City_Blue said:
For me there's only two camps. The Mancini camp which is to support the club and players. Or there is the Tevez camp which is to support someonem who time and again has insulted the club and fans with his off the pitch disgraces. He may have been great for us on the pitch but I for one will now remember him for this alone.
That's the way it is presented.

I believe that Tebvez was feeling down for a number of personal and footballing reasons, but in the game you are just expected to be rational, and 100% committed all the time.

In the real world, players are human, and it doesn't matter what you are paid, players like Tevez are above all emotional, and can be self-destructive.

After a bad defeat it is natural to look for scapegoats. We are now in two camps, and there is no going back. Awful outcome for City.

I hope Mancini and his support staff have learned something. If there is to be a review, it should be a little wider and look at how the mental well being of players is monitored
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

Firstly I am glad to know I am retarded for trying to look a bit deeper. I do not know if tevez is depressed or not i am speculating, if he is then his behaviour is far more understandable. We take it all personally but he has hurt himself as much as he has city. This is nit a defence either depressed people can do the wrong thing as much as anyone can!

Depression can effect people in different ways and not wanting to play is minor on the scale of things. The trouble is people who have not seen it believe that being paid 200k a week makes you immune to any such troubles. Unfortunately being the most loved footballer or rock star around or being richer than we can imagine doesn't change this.

Now whilst depression or mental instability could be a reason it also means we as a club may have to move on as we cannot rely on him. The other issue is whilst I am 100pct behind Mancini he does need to be careful, he is the footballer who once changed into his suit a half time an threatened to head home in one famous episode

Tevez has to go for his sake and ours but we should understand there is more to this than money grabbing - he will get less where he goes and I think goes deeper than we think.

With issues like this in the real world there is not two camps there is one and that is what is best for city and that is selling tevez and moving on fir as much as we can get. To do that we are best suited by dealing with tevez fairly and not demonising him.

As someone who has had experienced what depression can do at work and on a personal level with employees and friends it is not something to underestimate or misunderstand
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

Marvin said:
I guess that Mancini very much regrets his conduct after the Bayern game. Perhaps a very human reaction, but the media reaction, and fan reaction has meant that City have lost a great player

I suspect he doesn't regret his conduct at all, I suspect as a result of this his position at the club is very much strengthened, and the loss of Tevez isn't something that he will be overly upset about even before the incident.

I'd also say the loss of the player is down to one person only, had Mancini said nothing after the game I still couldn't see a way for him to stay.
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

Marvin said:
After a bad defeat it is natural to look for scapegoats. We are now in two camps, and there is no going back. Awful outcome for City.

I hope Mancini and his support staff have learned something. If there is to be a review, it should be a little wider and look at how the mental well being of players is monitored
Nobody is looking for a scapegoat after a "bad defeat". The defeat in Munich was hardly unexpected, they are the best "team" in our group, they may not have the best squad, but they have played at this level a long time, and were favourites, even to the most optimistic blue. I think the best most of us expected was a draw, which would have been achievable but for 1 poor piece of defending, we dreamed of a win, and for 30 minutes we were indeed the better side, creating little of note. (corrected for accuracy)

The Tevez situation is totally seperate to the game, and was was wholly of his own making, Mancini didn't cause it, Tevez did, and in doing so, he caused his own downfall. You can make excuses all you want, he was the cause. Had he a legitimate reason for not being in the right mind to play, he should have informed the manager/coaching staff before the team was announced, he didn't, therefore there is no excuse. Anyone blaming Mancini is wrong, he picks the team based on form and fitness, and Tevez this season does not merit a starting place, and that is also his own fault whatever excuses he comes up with.

It should not be about "camps" within the City fans, its plain and simple, he isn't in any kind of form, and is therefore not fit to play, once again he thinks he's bigger than MCFC, and with his petulance, he creates his own soap opera, in the biggest competition, in our most difficult game in the group, in front of a world audience, disrespecting the club, the manager, but above all else the fans. He knew exactly what he was doing in my opinion, and that was to challenge Mancini (again), no player should be allowed to get away with what he did. He won't. F*ck him.

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