The "this country has gone to the dogs" thread

Ronnie the Rep said:
Zin 'messiah' Zimmer said:
Honestly? The countries power brokers have let us down...... don;t they always? The norm for modern day Britain is to bleed the system dry, just glad my grandpa isn't around to see it, he'd of got his AK out the shed and gone on a killing spree.
In all honesty, thinking in a nostradamien thought process, a modern day civil war could ensue on these shores in the next 15 years, and like most, reinforced by religion.

now come on Zin - your grandad prob had a Lee Enfield .303 !!

lol, he'd of probably used a bread knife......... surgical with that shit (:
elmarto88 said:
This country's gone to the dogs because people are afraid to discipline their kids and its no surprise that in the last few years we have seen more than ten fully grown men beaten, stabbed or shot by kids still in school or just barely out. It sickens me when i see kids out on the streets in the early hours because their parents obviously don't care about them enough to make sure thier safe. They don't think that they are kids and they think they are invincible.

Totally agree, parenting is a disgrace. This is the root of it all. Work-shy subhuman scum mating like dogs in the street and disregarding their offspring to fend for themselves.
I can predict the theme of why the country is so bad will be 'it's everyone else's fault but mine'. I'll try to keep quiet, I'm starting to think Thatcher was right when she said there was no such thing as society.
TheMightyQuinn said:
I'll try to keep quiet, I'm starting to think Thatcher was right when she said there was no such thing as society.
That **** has a lot to answer for. In the small towns up and down the country, where there used to be mining communities. There's now nothing but boarded up houses and shops. No work a small industrial estate to provide small amounts of sporadic employment and one supermarket miles away. 20 years on from the pits closing and towns are still on their arse.
The "this country has gone to the dogs" thread
or "I'm a Daily Mail reader" thread
TheMightyQuinn said:
I'll try to keep quiet, I'm starting to think Thatcher was right when she said there was no such thing as society.
That **** has a lot to answer for. In the small towns up and down the country, where there used to be mining communities. There's now nothing but boarded up houses and shops. No work a small industrial estate to provide small amounts of sporadic employment and one supermarket miles away. 20 years on from the pits closing and towns are still on their arse.

Thatcher was one of the biggest cunts to ever have lived. On a par with Hitler, no doubt. She was pure evil and destroyed many a family, community, town and city. It makes my skin crawl to hear a working class person big her up. It'd be like hearing a Jewish man praise Hitler or meet a black guy who had a lot of time for the KKK.
american culture. we seem to have adopted all the bad things.
l have a solution to all the the country's problems....

Simultaneously Nuke every Wetherspoons mid-week during working hours...

At a stroke, all workshy drains on society will be vapourised , with a few pensioners and illegals thrown in for good measure, everyone's a winner.
der-bomber said:
l have a solution to all the the country's problems....

Simultaneously Nuke every Wetherspoons mid-week during working hours...

At a stroke, all workshy drains on society will be vapourised , with a few pensioners and illegals thrown in for good measure, everyone's a winner.

hey. they are good for breakfasts and a pint before games!

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