The "this country has gone to the dogs" thread

Interestingly in Oscar Wilde's The Picture Of Dorian Gray there is talk amongst some characters of how society is going to the dogs and all that. This was in 1890. I'd wager too that ever since day 2 of man we've been saying things are getting worse.

Although I do agree regarding the likes of Jordan, it's a shame your modern woman feels the need to undo the work of their mothers and grand mothers and are happy to just be sun tanned to the point of 'gypsy' and possess some big ol' titties that 'gypsy' coloured young men with six packs drool over.
its gone to the dogs alright but no way is gordon brown a Balloon titted self-obsessed moron.

in fact he has hardly any titties at all.

the rest is bob on though.
This country's gone to the dogs because people are afraid to discipline their kids and its no surprise that in the last few years we have seen more than ten fully grown men beaten, stabbed or shot by kids still in school or just barely out. It sickens me when i see kids out on the streets in the early hours because their parents obviously don't care about them enough to make sure thier safe. They don't think that they are kids and they think they are invincible.
People aren't afraid to discipline their kids.
They don't want to, cos they're lazy twats. They produce offspring yet after it's been 'born', they think they've done their 'bit' and the rest is up to the authorities.
Ergo a spiral of lack of discipline throughout the home, school, no respect for authority, etc etc.
There are no repercussions anymore for feral brats, they all know how the 'system' works, they know that if they give lip to a copper, he can't clout them round the head and send them home....

Fault labour and their pandering towards Americanism. The litigious society we have copied.
Example - nasty little bastards throw brick at Fire Engine on duty to a real fire (or maybe one these fuckers have lit on purpose)
Fire Brigade powerless
Police called
Police attempt to move kids on or arrest
Police may have to manhandle kids away
Kid sues poor sodding copper for assault
Story ends up in the MuEN how terrible everything is (including picture of big dobber mother full of cheap Argos bling and a nasty pink tracksuit, with her roots needing doing)
They get large compensation cheque and blow the lot on Embassys and cheap White Lightning. And a 250" plasma telly.

That's why this country is fucked up. Every fucker is sat on their arse claiming the dole while us idiots are out there working our arses off to pay the mortgage.
Honestly? The countries power brokers have let us down...... don;t they always? The norm for modern day Britain is to bleed the system dry, just glad my grandpa isn't around to see it, he'd of got his AK out the shed and gone on a killing spree.
In all honesty, thinking in a nostradamien thought process, a modern day civil war could ensue on these shores in the next 15 years, and like most, reinforced by religion.
Zin 'messiah' Zimmer said:
Honestly? The countries power brokers have let us down...... don;t they always? The norm for modern day Britain is to bleed the system dry, just glad my grandpa isn't around to see it, he'd of got his AK out the shed and gone on a killing spree.
In all honesty, thinking in a nostradamien thought process, a modern day civil war could ensue on these shores in the next 15 years, and like most, reinforced by religion.

now come on Zin - your grandad prob had a Lee Enfield .303 !!

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