The Title Race - 2023/24

How many points will be needed to win the league?

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Arsenal have been the much, much better team here, so I don't have loads of hard feelings, but those decisions are shockers. Even if they're technically right there isn't a football fan in the world who wants those decisions playing out like that after the referee gets the benefit of another look. It's just so silly.
The VAR proponents do
Just been on the phone to my dear old Mum and she was asking what City needed to win the league. I explained if City won their remaining 3 games they would be champions. As we talked further and we went through who each team had left to play, it dawned on me that City could potentially win the league at spurs if the rags get something against Arsenal. 'Surely, Tottenham won't want Arsenal to win the league' my Mum retorts. 'Exactly', says I. 'C'mon City !' she says, and then hangs up on me.
I expect Arsenal to win their remaining games but it won't matter. People (including me) have been worried for weeks about City's match at Spurs but as it gets closer I think the worry is only what's left of the "typical City" feeling and it won't be felt by the players. Rodri, Kovacic, KDB, Foden, Ake, Akanji - these lads (no, these men) aren't going to be affected by it, they're going to go to Tottenham knowing they're the better team, prepared for the match by the best manager and with a striking Viking centre-forward in great form. There''ll be no mistakes, no fuck-ups, no hotly debated VAR anxieties, just three comfortable wins and a league title as reward.
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Gooner in work text me, congratulating me on us winning the title, says its all over ffs.
Like a good workmate instead of being cocky i gave him hope, said all the right things & how we will struggle at Fulham and Spurs haha, its the hope that kills them

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