The Westminster Paedophile Dossier

Ifwecouldjust....... said:
Bodicoteblue said:
Chancy Termites said:
Sadly true.
Anyone expecting a storm to engulf the establishment will be sadly disappointed . The ranks will close , old favours will be called in , old alliances and friendships will come into play , lies , bluffs and obfuscation will be the order of the day .
Then some clapped out old former junior ministers ( and some deceased ones ) will be scapegoated and hung out to dry , and the circus will carry on .
There is too much power and wealth at stake for there to be any other outcome.

Maybe the people in 'power' will call a wide ranging investigation into child abuse by the NHS / Education system / Catholic Church / Politicians / Social services / bus drivers so that the scope gets so wide no one really focuses onto the missing dossie..........oh wait
The best place to hide a tree would be in a forest!
Blue Punter said:
blue underpants said:
Former Home Secretary Leon Brittan was last night challenged by Rochdale MP Simon Danczuk to reveal what he knew about a paedophile ring that was operating in the Palace of Westminster in the 1980s
Danczuk alleges that Brittan was handed a dossier on the paedophile ring but it was never acted upon and susequently it vanished
Mr Danczuk told a Parliamentary committee that he believed politics was ''the last refuge of child sex abuse deniers''
Brittan said he would be making a statement at lunchtime today (Tuesday)
There will be some squeeky bums knocking about in the next few days!!

It appears that Danczuk was encouraged not to challenge Brittan about the missing dossiers.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... d-cover-up</a>

Interestingly enough the two most recent news stories about him are about his wife publishing selfies of her cleavage and allegations from his ex wife about drug taking. A shot across his own bows perhaps?

Tom Watson was the MP who raised the issue in a written PMQ in Feb 2013. He had to write another letter to Theresa May almost 2 months later as there had been no response. Taken 18 months to get where we are today.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;">http://spotlightonabuse.files.wordpress ... ry-001.jpg</a>

Just read a transcript of an interview (also on Youtube) with Bill Maloney (documentary film maker) & Chris Fay (National Association of Young People In Care Advisor). There's some horrific allegations on there.
I hope this doesn't deter him. He said he wouldn't be intimidated. I'm sure dirt can be dished on every politician (part of MI5's job to collect it) and most people will forgive his wife's and ex-wife's indiscretions and allegations in light of the bigger issue. He should call the news services out and face them down; let them be seen fore what they are - corrupt protectors of nonces.
East Level 2 said:
blue underpants said:
Boulton on Sky just called Geoffrey Dickens ''a buffoon of an MP''
Thats twice he's had a go at him today, wonder if Boulton is getting a bit twitchy for some reason
Either that or Boulton is on a retainer from someone who is getting a bit twitchy.
Boulton's wife is one Anji Hunter, who was Blair's chief spin doctor.

Man in a frock?
Blue Maverick said:
How long before we get to the Royal family? Seriously this country is going to the dogs the self serving bastards in charge need flogging in public, a big mates club where the rules don't apply to them I'm fucking sick of it.

Call me a conspiracy theorist (it's okay, I am), but jimmy saville was a well known "friend" of the royals, particularly prince Charles and price Phillip. As such MI6 or MI5 (not sure which one) would have investigated him and any hint of anything "bad" to the Nth degree, which the royal family (and govt.) would absolutely have been informed about. Yet he still was allowed access to both the royals (regularly) and mrs thatcher (a regular visitor at New Years for example). You're not telling me that he wasn't in the practice of acquiring "entertainment" for the highest levels of the establishment.

Ted Heath was a well known child abuser, and also, funnily enough, a friend of Saville.

They're all at it. It stinks.
Plaything of the gods said:
Blue Punter said:
blue underpants said:
Former Home Secretary Leon Brittan was last night challenged by Rochdale MP Simon Danczuk to reveal what he knew about a paedophile ring that was operating in the Palace of Westminster in the 1980s
Danczuk alleges that Brittan was handed a dossier on the paedophile ring but it was never acted upon and susequently it vanished
Mr Danczuk told a Parliamentary committee that he believed politics was ''the last refuge of child sex abuse deniers''
Brittan said he would be making a statement at lunchtime today (Tuesday)
There will be some squeeky bums knocking about in the next few days!!

It appears that Danczuk was encouraged not to challenge Brittan about the missing dossiers.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... d-cover-up</a>

Interestingly enough the two most recent news stories about him are about his wife publishing selfies of her cleavage and allegations from his ex wife about drug taking. A shot across his own bows perhaps?

Tom Watson was the MP who raised the issue in a written PMQ in Feb 2013. He had to write another letter to Theresa May almost 2 months later as there had been no response. Taken 18 months to get where we are today.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;">http://spotlightonabuse.files.wordpress ... ry-001.jpg</a>

Just read a transcript of an interview (also on Youtube) with Bill Maloney (documentary film maker) & Chris Fay (National Association of Young People In Care Advisor). There's some horrific allegations on there.
I hope this doesn't deter him. He said he wouldn't be intimidated. I'm sure dirt can be dished on every politician (part of MI5's job to collect it) and most people will forgive his wife's and ex-wife's indiscretions and allegations in light of the bigger issue. He should call the news services out and face them down; let them be seen fore what they are - corrupt protectors of nonces.

Dead right. I don't give a shit if he necked a couple of pills in the Hacienda a few years ago or his wife is flashing a bit of flesh.

Amazing that certain areas of the press have focused on this, a few weeks before he started making waves.

The press and politicians treat the general public in this country with utter contempt. It was mentioned on Question Time last week that the electorate has never felt more distanced with the people in parliament than they do now. Too fucking right.
Surely if it was so widespread one of the abused victims should (easier said) go to the newspaper or media to spill what they know.
Markt85 said:
Surely if it was so widespread one of the abused victims should (easier said) go to the newspaper or media to spill what they know.
And you don't think the media is controlled by the very same people who do the abusing, they are all fucking at it, how do we look to the rest of the world? A country full of paedos in power and entertainmnet and doing fuck all about it, Saville, Harris and Hall are just the tip of the iceberg, if they ever get to the bottom of this I seriously believe it will rock this nation to the core. There will be huge names implicated many probably dead now and those still alive will if prosecuted end up dying in prison. This country needs to wake up to the way the people are been treated the politicians don't seem to be accountable for anything, in bed with their banker mates, fuck the lot of them, I'd rather be a poorer country and rid of these scumbags forever.

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