The Westminster Paedophile Dossier

Astounding beyond belief it went years with him being called a "credible witness".
The range of sentencing for perverting the course of justice is very wide and is principally linked to the effect or likely effect of the offending on others. That's why people displacing penalty points to others (or to themselves) only usually get 3 to 6 months, even though (as a common law offence) the maximum sentence for pervert is life.

It's hard to imagine many more such offences (as alleged) being as egregious.
Well, this news makes some of the posts in this thread, particularly the earlier ones, look rather ill-judged.

Thank fuck we've got a proper judiciary system and it's not up to the common folk to dish out justice in this country.
Well, this news makes some of the posts in this thread, particularly the earlier ones, look rather ill-judged.

Thank fuck we've got a proper judiciary system and it's not up to the common folk to dish out justice in this country.
Thats what I was getting at in my post on p95 that seemed to go over everybody's head
There still remains the issue of the 'missing' VIP nonce document given to home secretary Leon Britten by Geoffrey Dickins.
And what the establishment and police knew about Cyril Smith and Greville Janner.

And why the MPs voted against immunity for whistle blowers when this VIP nonce stuff blew up.
Personally I never believed any of it - too many people in this country just believe anything - if its reported in the media then the truth is its not being reported and its a cover up - they are much more willing to believe a guy down the pub or a You Tuber ranter rather than somebody respected for their honest journalism working for responsible news outlets.
I hope those who so vociferously backed this fantasists claims learn from this. Just because you want something to be true because it confirms your view doesn’t mean it is. Conformational bias is a very dangerous thing.

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