"The Yaya Toure Conundrum"

The_Maverick said:
the goats backside said:
The_Maverick said:
You're right, but then again I wouldn't expect them to be a walk in the park with him on the pitch either.

Sit in the dark

Sorry but what is your point?

His point is simple.

Last year we had Barry and NDJ in the middle.
We copped pretty well from loosing Yaya because of that duet being astonishingly well fit, and for the quality of their pressing & ability to read the play.

This year we'll have to deal with ..... Barry / Garcia&Rodwell.

Let me put it straight : any pacey attacking team will cut through that midfield as a knife through butter.
thedogsbollocks said:
Have said to anybody that will listen to me,there is not that much wrong with our squad except players not putting a shift in for a full 90 minutes, motivation.If we had played to the level which we know we can,there is not a team in England that could live with us.We don't need any more signings,We need Roberto to get these players performing again regular.It really is time to manage what we have.

Agreed. Absolutely nothing wrong with the squad.
ZZmaestro said:
The_Maverick said:
the goats backside said:
Sit in the dark

Sorry but what is your point?

His point is simple.

Last year we had Barry and NDJ in the middle.
We copped pretty well from loosing Yaya because of that duet being astonishingly well fit, and for the quality of their pressing & ability to read the play.

This year we'll have to deal with ..... Barry / Garcia&Rodwell.

Let me put it straight : any pacey attacking team will cut through that midfield as a knife through butter.

You've missed Milner from the equation. Barry and him played very well together there before.
hey have you heard the latest chant for this legendary player!
MCFC BOB said:
LoveCity said:
Thought he played quite well against United. We could lose him for as many as 7 games next month and beyond because of this stupid tournament again.
It's not a stupid tournament.

Monsieur Contraire, I was not referring to the concept which is no different than the Euros and Copa America, but the timing of it. It is the reason coaches like Ferguson won't buy big name Africans anymore. Luckily this will be the last time we will have to worry about this tournament unless Razak becomes a key player.
LoveCity said:
MCFC BOB said:
LoveCity said:
Thought he played quite well against United. We could lose him for as many as 7 games next month and beyond because of this stupid tournament again.
It's not a stupid tournament.

Monsieur Contraire, I was not referring to the concept which is no different than the Euros and Copa America, but the timing of it. It is the reason coaches like Ferguson won't buy big name Africans anymore. Luckily this will be the last time we will have to worry about this tournament unless Razak becomes a key player.
So you think it's a good idea to play football in Africa during the summer? There's no other time they can play it (although I will give it you that this year they're in a country that is colder in the summer than other areas of Africa but they can't just move it to the summer this time around because they're in South Africa).

It's frustrating but it's not stupid.
MCFC BOB said:
So you think it's a good idea to play football in Africa during the summer? There's no other time they can play it (although I will give it you that this year they're in a country that is colder in the summer than other areas of Africa but they can't just move it to the summer this time around because they're in South Africa).

It's frustrating but it's not stupid.

Just to clarify, you do know that it will be summer in South Africa when the ACON is played, right?
ZZmaestro said:
The_Maverick said:
the goats backside said:
Sit in the dark

Sorry but what is your point?

His point is simple.

Last year we had Barry and NDJ in the middle.
We copped pretty well from loosing Yaya because of that duet being astonishingly well fit, and for the quality of their pressing & ability to read the play.

This year we'll have to deal with ..... Barry / Garcia&Rodwell.

Let me put it straight : any pacey attacking team will cut through that midfield as a knife through butter.

As opposed to what?? It is already happening. Any team watching City can work out how to score against us in two minutes. We are just lucky most teams in the premiership are simply not that good. Look at the games we have lost or struggled in this season and they have all played the same, sit back wait for us to lose the ball and then hit us with a pacey counter-attack. If Barry and Milner are fit then they will track back far more than Yaya. I think too many people watch MOTD who only show the good things that he does - how many times did he give the ball away on Saturday? For me he is only really effective high up the pitch.
I'm sure most City fans have been frustrated at one point or another this season at what seems to be a lack of sharpness from Yaya in certain situations in certain games but that doesn't change the fact that he remains one of our most important players and dropping him just to prove a point isn't wise and could be counter productive in the long term. Silva went through a difficult patch and wasn't dropped for any significant period of time simply because he's one of our best and most important players. Same for Aguero this season, not been at his best but still starting almost every game and that's just the way it should be. You can add Kompany too. Yaya is in the same bracket and even on his worst day is still one of the best midfielders in the league. All this talk of him being lazy is subjective at best.

Also, this idea that he's being restricted by being played as a defensive midfielder is just jumping to lazy conclusions probably based on how good we've seen he can be at times(not always) when playing further forward. Playing alongside Gareth Barry was his primary position in our title winning season and he's said it himself that its his best position. Personally, I'm not fussed where he plays as he's good enough in either position. Its important to remember that he's not all about blitzing through the opposition every game and a lack of those runs shouldn't be used as a stick to beat him with if one has any appreciation of his general game.

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