Things that are missing from eastlands?

gagiesotherhalf said:
Something only very minor, but equally important, aesthetically

Some new chuffin lightbulbs for the tops of the wire things (technical term ;) )
The ground looks so lovely all lit up of an evening....properly!

Shouldn't cost more than a few bob...yet we never seem to have fixed the broken ones in 6 years!

Yea agree with that. But some more boozers wouldn't go a miss either and some food houses. A good piss up and a quality indian.
BibbyBlue85 said:
scotty said:
Maybe your not thinking of this term properly pal, disabled people get called such degrading names like this all the time of idiots like yourself, surely such an educated chap like yourself could refrain from using such insults in future?

Freedom of speech??????

NO! not freedom of speech, how would you like it if you was severley disabled and someone called you a spaz, and dont come back with a stupid answer of 'wouldnt be botherd'. daft comment there m8
MadchesterCity said:
My wishlist to the sheiks

200 mph Monorail to city centre that serves free beer by topless waitresses or a tram to city centre

Small people painted sky blue like city oompa loompas handing out beer and free sweeties for kids
A gypsy woman with a crystal ball in a small hut that always predicts a City win and is right every time

A giant aquarium walkway

A travelator instead of the spiral staircase - health incentive for City fans

Giant bouncy castles filled with top heavy stunners and ice cream and jelly - not a fetish ; )

A bear pit for naughty away fans

I have been known, on occasions, to take recreational drugs. I thought this already happened?
gagiesotherhalf said:
Something only very minor, but equally important, aesthetically

Some new chuffin lightbulbs for the tops of the wire things (technical term ;) )
The ground looks so lovely all lit up of an evening....properly!

Shouldn't cost more than a few bob...yet we never seem to have fixed the broken ones in 6 years!

none working for the last two games!!!!!

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