Things that REALLY PI*S YOU OFF!!!

Ed68 said:
People who drive at 40 in a 60 zone where you can't overtake. Then carry on doing 40 when the speed limit drops to 30 and pull away from you and beat the lights you get stuck at.

This ^^^^^^ big time.

If you're not capable of driving safely at more than 40mph out of town where there are fewer hazards, fewer side roads for people to jump out of, less traffic, no kids likely to step off the pavement, no mothers more concerned with adjusting their prams than watching the road, no pissheads staggering across the road, no gormless teenagers who wander down the middle of the road because they think they are harder than your car is, how the fuck can you safely do 40 in town where there are all of those things?

At the first sign of a heatwave,Some cnut of a neighbour will stick on UB40 at warp volume,Resulting in the need to keep all my windows shut & grind my teeth grrrr, Ps I used to like UB40, Now I get a twitch when I hear them
when shit fuckin teams come to city, score 1 goal and sing "who are ya!!" twatsssssss

and also when they sing "where were you when you were shit!?" Knobs!!! :@ :@
ManCityFC said:
blue1969 said:
Plastic f*cking rags. If you drew them a map they couldnt get there.

Drivers that shouldn't have a f*ckin' licence.

GMP cant see wrong for right and cant see right for wrong.

Some dozey woman in a range rover drove into the side of my missus' car coming out of a side street a few years ago. She just slammed right into the side of my wifes car whilst she was sat at traffic lights, and drove off. A few people in cars around her got out to see if she was all-right, and gave my wife their details, if she needed a witness. She came home and told me about it, so I drove her back to the street where it happened and the range rover was sat there, complete with the paint from my wife's car, un-mistakenly all over the bumper, that was due to the smash into the side of my wife's car. I had a proper camera with me, so took photo of the front of the offending vehicle and confronted the owner (it was parked on the drive). I knocked on the door and a women answered the door, so I asked the wife if this was the person that hit you, she said yes. I told the women I was going to the police about it and she said "good luck".

I went to the police, produced pictures or the offending vehicle complete with paint on the bumper, a description of the driver and the address of the driver with reg plate number, make and model of the vehicle, and told them we could ID them if possible and we had several witnesses names and addresses whom they could contact, that saw it happen.

Stone-waller this one eh? My wife got a producer (Yes the fucking victim got a producer), which was obviously fine.....and a copper came round 3 weeks later to tell us "not enough evidence...soz"

This country is a fucking joke....a fucking unfunny joke.

Cost to repair the car to me, £300...or lose my no-claims.

Did somthing strange happen to the range rover a couple of weeks later? It may well have done if i was in your position!!
m27 said:
People, usually women, who return to their car after paying for their fuel when you are waiting behind, and then proceed to fuck about for a few minutes in the car seemingly oblivious to the fact that you're waitng. PULL FORWARD THEN SORT YOUR MAKE UP OUT LOVE!!!

That fucks me off too. You feel like pushing the halfwits out of the way with your can don't you.
Ed68 said:
People who drive to the petrol station to buy groceries/milk/paper etc and instead of using the parking bays pull up next to the tyre inflater pump things. Meaning you need to wait 'cos they're to lazy to walk 30 ft.

This and the IGNORANT TWATS that park in parent and child spots cause they are fat idle cunts. As someone with 2 kids under 4, I could run these twats over. And I have noticed old biddies starting to do it now too, like there isn't enough fucking disabled spots in the world. Twats.
bluemoon27 said:
armchair rags that call themselves massive manure fans and never even been to the swamp and cause they bought a shirt in 1999,total nobheads

Yeah, those twats need culling. There is one near me that still wears a sharp top, and it isnt for retro reasons, he just never bought a new one. Wanker.

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