Things you want everyone to know you’re not interested in

Old has been should have retired years ago, groups.
RIP threads about people you don't know and have never met but perhaps saw them on telly once.
Political threads.
Last film, tv, Big Brother or celebrity wankers threads.

And that's just this forum, I'll have a coffee whilst I think about what I don't like in life.
Don’t be long, I want to know it all. I’m always interested in what people aren’t interested in, just out of interest, when did you start being disinterested and has it anything to do with getting older or, like me, have you always been a miserable ****?
Anything remotely popular because im well cool. Stopped supporting city years ago to follow the HMP Wakefield all Paedo footie team as their only fan
The absolute deluge of stuff these days about serial killers and real crime.

Bad people exist. Fascinating.

I just stopped bothering with Netflix because whenever I wanted to watch a documentary I had to sift through 98% garbage about Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer or some other psycho.

I just don't care about these people to such an extreme degree that I'm almost developing my own neurosis about how much I don't care.

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