One day When the fair came to town my mate and I had 40p between us. We were kids and desperately wanted more to go on the rides etc. I knocked on an local old lady’s house and pretended to be the milk mans helper doing the collections that Friday tea time. I told her her bill was £4.60 for her milk and to my surprise she agreed and gave me a £5 note. I gave her the 40p change. Worked a charm. We now had £2.50 each. Needless to say when the inevitable happened and the milkman went to collect at the address and after a bit of investigation, me and my pal were reprimanded especially off my dad and I was grounded for three months. It still fills me with guilt 30 years on.
You were robbed. Gola for £1.29? Must have saw you coming.
Shopping giant WOW there's a blast from the past.Never nicked anything from Woolies, their stuff was shite, preferred Shopping Giant. At some point must have felt bad about taking stuff into the bogs and putting it on underneath own clothing and shifted to changing the price stickers to a nominal sum. Fuck knows the amount of Gola trainers I got for £1.29.
One day When the fair came to town my mate and I had 40p between us. We were kids and desperately wanted more to go on the rides etc. I knocked on an local old lady’s house and pretended to be the milk mans helper doing the collections that Friday tea time. I told her her bill was £4.60 for her milk and to my surprise she agreed and gave me a £5 note. I gave her the 40p change. Worked a charm. We now had £2.50 each. Needless to say when the inevitable happened and the milkman went to collect at the address and after a bit of investigation, me and my pal were reprimanded especially off my dad and I was grounded for three months. It still fills me with guilt 30 years on.