Thoughts on Yesterdays Attendance and Crowd Makeup

Eccles Blue said:
mammutly said:
Eccles Blue said:
If you were in CBL1 aisle 125 you might have seen/heard a rather elderly lady trying to get some singing going, strangely enough almost every song that I sang, ALONE, was then somehow taken up by the people in the corners of both that stand and the East stand!!

In other words, do NOT tar all over 40s with the same brush. Generalisations just annoy people. I always sing, I am always quite loud (only at the matches) and get laughed at quite a lot but it doesn't stop me. I find the youngsters are the quietest people around anyway. (See I can do generalisations as well!!)

Rant over. And I guess I wait for the backlash, but I am sorry I am getting fed up with this atmosphere no good, older fan base no good. We are just as good as anyone else. We are all City fans and we sing or not according to how we feel. I always feel like singing and shouting for my/our team. If others don't so be it.

p.s. yes you rattled my cage!!! :-)

Absolutely spot on. Bloody kids think there the only ones who've got it going on.
Most of the under 25s who watch the game through an i pad.FFS

Strangely enough mammutly, as with everyone else there were a lot of 'newbies' around on the front row and there were two of them with ipads!! Both in their early 20s.

Told you. They're all at it. And there is nothing more annoying than watching the game when the person in front of you is holding up an i pad all the time. Against Reading a young lad in front of me must have recorded the whole game. Why? It's on MOTD and Sky match choice and the pictures will be a lot better!

Keep on shouting! Older supporters - defending the match day experience against kids with giant mobiles and i pads. We are the future!
Lavinda Past said:
We made the move from CB3 to East level 2 for the day. Padded seats - nice. Restrained shouting... not so nice. It was like a mortuary at one point - I was worried about chanting for fear of waking the dead. We'll be sticking with CB3.

If people aren't going to show any passion / enthusiasm for the game, they should stay at home.

I've been to England u-21 games where the majority of the crowd were kids and the noise was mental. Why wasn't it like that yesterday?

Watford fans gave a good show until they ruined it by chanting for the rags.... Worst away chanting I've ever heard.

I'm increasingly of this opinion

It's football match , FFS.. if you pay and then expect everyone around you to

a) sit tight all through the game
b) not cheer/ sing / chant

I was on a rare vist to CB level 3
Row U
No-one but me and one other bloke joined in the initial 'Blue Moon' song
Thne as the game evolved the group behind me were a kid (13.. plugged into Sports updates on his ipod) his dad (fair play , up for a bit of a chant) and some aged biddy who only opened her gob to screech 'Sit Down', whenever anyone in the vicinity (particularly me) stood up at crucial moments

Fine if you don't want to chant / pozna etc but its a live game FFS don't activley undermine City's vocal support

As far as I am concerned, there should be no area where a fan should be be made to feel rejected for cheering on his / her team
dom said:
Lavinda Past said:
We made the move from CB3 to East level 2 for the day. Padded seats - nice. Restrained shouting... not so nice. It was like a mortuary at one point - I was worried about chanting for fear of waking the dead. We'll be sticking with CB3.

If people aren't going to show any passion / enthusiasm for the game, they should stay at home.

I've been to England u-21 games where the majority of the crowd were kids and the noise was mental. Why wasn't it like that yesterday?

Watford fans gave a good show until they ruined it by chanting for the rags.... Worst away chanting I've ever heard.

I'm increasingly of this opinion

It's football match , FFS.. if you pay and then expect everyone around you to

a) sit tight all through the game
b) not cheer/ sing / chant

I was on a rare vist to CB level 3
Row U
No-one but me and one other bloke joined in the initial 'Blue Moon' song
Thne as the game evolved the group behind me were a kid (13.. plugged into Sports updates on his ipod) his dad (fair play , up for a bit of a chant) and some aged biddy who only opened her gob to screech 'Sit Down', whenever anyone in the vicinity (particularly me) stood up at crucial moments

Fine if you don't want to chant / pozna etc but its a live game FFS don't activley undermine City's vocal support

As far as I am concerned, there should be no area where a fan should be be made to feel rejected for cheering on his / her team

Is it really that bad up there? Only ever sat up on level 3 once a few years ago vs. Blackpool and it was dead. Nice view (if you have good eyesight) but I'd sacrifice a good view for some good atmosphere. Still, there are similar whingers down where I am (in a decent area for atmosphere) so they are unavoidable, just seems like level 3 has them in bulk based on your findings.
dom said:
Lavinda Past said:
We made the move from CB3 to East level 2 for the day. Padded seats - nice. Restrained shouting... not so nice. It was like a mortuary at one point - I was worried about chanting for fear of waking the dead. We'll be sticking with CB3.

If people aren't going to show any passion / enthusiasm for the game, they should stay at home.

I've been to England u-21 games where the majority of the crowd were kids and the noise was mental. Why wasn't it like that yesterday?

Watford fans gave a good show until they ruined it by chanting for the rags.... Worst away chanting I've ever heard.

I'm increasingly of this opinion

It's football match , FFS.. if you pay and then expect everyone around you to

a) sit tight all through the game
b) not cheer/ sing / chant

I was on a rare vist to CB level 3
Row U
No-one but me and one other bloke joined in the initial 'Blue Moon' song
Thne as the game evolved the group behind me were a kid (13.. plugged into Sports updates on his ipod) his dad (fair play , up for a bit of a chant) and some aged biddy who only opened her gob to screech 'Sit Down', whenever anyone in the vicinity (particularly me) stood up at crucial moments

Fine if you don't want to chant / pozna etc but its a live game FFS don't activley undermine City's vocal support

As far as I am concerned, there should be no area where a fan should be be made to feel rejected for cheering on his / her team
There is no area in he ground where people are "rejected " for cheering on their team. But there are areas where people don't want the person in front leaping up every time we attack, and you sat in one. Did it occur to you that this woman couldn't see because of you?

My dad is old and has attended city games all his life. If someone like you starts acting like you're in 111 at a cup game (doesn't happen in the league in cb3) then he misses all the action. Because you leap up, the person behind you does and it has a domino effect right up the stand. Standing up when we press is actually worse than standing all game because it gives those behind no time to react.

Don't play the "über fan" card because the person who's view you are blocking might not be singing or standing but they might just have been following the club when you were still swimming in your dad's sack. Or when he swam in his dad's
Didsbury Dave said:
dom said:
Lavinda Past said:
We made the move from CB3 to East level 2 for the day. Padded seats - nice. Restrained shouting... not so nice. It was like a mortuary at one point - I was worried about chanting for fear of waking the dead. We'll be sticking with CB3.

If people aren't going to show any passion / enthusiasm for the game, they should stay at home.

I've been to England u-21 games where the majority of the crowd were kids and the noise was mental. Why wasn't it like that yesterday?

Watford fans gave a good show until they ruined it by chanting for the rags.... Worst away chanting I've ever heard.

I'm increasingly of this opinion

It's football match , FFS.. if you pay and then expect everyone around you to

a) sit tight all through the game
b) not cheer/ sing / chant

I was on a rare vist to CB level 3
Row U
No-one but me and one other bloke joined in the initial 'Blue Moon' song
Thne as the game evolved the group behind me were a kid (13.. plugged into Sports updates on his ipod) his dad (fair play , up for a bit of a chant) and some aged biddy who only opened her gob to screech 'Sit Down', whenever anyone in the vicinity (particularly me) stood up at crucial moments

Fine if you don't want to chant / pozna etc but its a live game FFS don't activley undermine City's vocal support

As far as I am concerned, there should be no area where a fan should be be made to feel rejected for cheering on his / her team
There is no area in he ground where people are "rejected " for cheering on their team. But there are areas where people don't want the person in front leaping up every time we attack, and you sat in one. Did it occur to you that this woman couldn't see because of you?

My dad is old and has attended city games all his life. If someone like you starts acting like you're in 111 at a cup game (doesn't happen in the league in cb3) then he misses all the action. Because you leap up, the person behind you does and it has a domino effect right up the stand. Standing up when we press is actually worse than standing all game because it gives those behind no time to react.

Don't play the "über fan" card because the person who's view you are blocking might not be singing or standing but they might just have been following the club when you were still swimming in your dad's sack. Or when he swam in his dad's

Some useful points, only problem is your sadly patronising tone .
I am not and never will be an 'uber fan' and as a bloke in his 50's have as much right to scream and shout as anyone else...

I had no idea that there was a 'non singing section' designated by the club .. but perhaps that might be a useful place for some...
dom said:
Didsbury Dave said:
dom said:
I'm increasingly of this opinion

It's football match , FFS.. if you pay and then expect everyone around you to

a) sit tight all through the game
b) not cheer/ sing / chant

I was on a rare vist to CB level 3
Row U
No-one but me and one other bloke joined in the initial 'Blue Moon' song
Thne as the game evolved the group behind me were a kid (13.. plugged into Sports updates on his ipod) his dad (fair play , up for a bit of a chant) and some aged biddy who only opened her gob to screech 'Sit Down', whenever anyone in the vicinity (particularly me) stood up at crucial moments

Fine if you don't want to chant / pozna etc but its a live game FFS don't activley undermine City's vocal support

As far as I am concerned, there should be no area where a fan should be be made to feel rejected for cheering on his / her team
There is no area in he ground where people are "rejected " for cheering on their team. But there are areas where people don't want the person in front leaping up every time we attack, and you sat in one. Did it occur to you that this woman couldn't see because of you?

My dad is old and has attended city games all his life. If someone like you starts acting like you're in 111 at a cup game (doesn't happen in the league in cb3) then he misses all the action. Because you leap up, the person behind you does and it has a domino effect right up the stand. Standing up when we press is actually worse than standing all game because it gives those behind no time to react.

Don't play the "über fan" card because the person who's view you are blocking might not be singing or standing but they might just have been following the club when you were still swimming in your dad's sack. Or when he swam in his dad's

Some useful points, only problem is your sadly patronising tone .
I am not and never will be an 'uber fan' and as a bloke in his 50's have as much right to scream and shout as anyone else...

I had no idea that there was a 'non singing section' designated by the club .. but perhaps that might be a useful place for some...
But you have no right to stand up and block an old person's view. Which is clearly what you were doing to this lady.

No one in city's history has ever tried to stop any other fan from signing or cheering their team on.
I wasn't having a pop! Just making the point that we do seem to have an ageing support. It's all down to pricing. We're alright at getting young kids in and there's plenty of over 40s but in that 16-30 group there's a big void.

I was considering moving my seat to level one next year if I can afford to keep going because I thought that the atmosphere would be much better but other than the singing section and SS it doesn't seem the case. And the view is vastly inferior.

Eccles Blue said:
masterwig said:
I was moved from my usual seat down to CB L1. To my surprise the atmosphere was worse down there than in L3. And the people around me were nearly all over 40. We have an ageing support.

If you were in CBL1 aisle 125 you might have seen/heard a rather elderly lady trying to get some singing going, strangely enough almost every song that I sang, ALONE, was then somehow taken up by the people in the corners of both that stand and the East stand!!

In other words, do NOT tar all over 40s with the same brush. Generalisations just annoy people. I always sing, I am always quite loud (only at the matches) and get laughed at quite a lot but it doesn't stop me. I find the youngsters are the quietest people around anyway. (See I can do generalisations as well!!)

Rant over. And I guess I wait for the backlash, but I am sorry I am getting fed up with this atmosphere no good, older fan base no good. We are just as good as anyone else. We are all City fans and we sing or not according to how we feel. I always feel like singing and shouting for my/our team. If others don't so be it.

p.s. yes you rattled my cage!!! :-)
Didsbury Dave said:
dom said:
Didsbury Dave said:
There is no area in he ground where people are "rejected " for cheering on their team. But there are areas where people don't want the person in front leaping up every time we attack, and you sat in one. Did it occur to you that this woman couldn't see because of you?

My dad is old and has attended city games all his life. If someone like you starts acting like you're in 111 at a cup game (doesn't happen in the league in cb3) then he misses all the action. Because you leap up, the person behind you does and it has a domino effect right up the stand. Standing up when we press is actually worse than standing all game because it gives those behind no time to react.

Don't play the "über fan" card because the person who's view you are blocking might not be singing or standing but they might just have been following the club when you were still swimming in your dad's sack. Or when he swam in his dad's

Some useful points, only problem is your sadly patronising tone .
I am not and never will be an 'uber fan' and as a bloke in his 50's have as much right to scream and shout as anyone else...

I had no idea that there was a 'non singing section' designated by the club .. but perhaps that might be a useful place for some...
But you have no right to stand up and block an old person's view. Which is clearly what you were doing to this lady.

No one in city's history has ever tried to stop any other fan from signing or cheering their team on.

OK DD have to concede here

I'm back to to the noisy areas !!!!

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