Three years of bad transfer dealings

Willy Caballero
Joe Hart
Richard Wright
Aleksandar Kolarov
Bacary Sagna
Dedryck Boyata
Eliaquim Mangala
Gael Clichy
Karim Rekik
Martin Demichelis
Matija Nastasic
Micah Richards
Pablo Zabaleta
Vincent Kompany
Frank Lampard
Bruno Zuculini
Jesus Navas
Marcos Lopes
Samir Nasri
Scott Sinclair
David Silva
James Milner
Yaya Toure
Sergio Aguero
Stevan Jovetic
Edin Dzeko
Alvaro Negredo
John Guidetti
Wilfried Bony

6 of these players are on loan - although Negredo has probably played his last game for us. Is Nastasic on loan ?.
25 man squad.
Stephenhakin said:
Those that cling to FFP surely are forgetting the near £200m Pellegrini or whoever buys the players have spent since he has been boss.

Hit or miss
Willy - Miss
Jovetic - Miss
Mangala - Miss
Navas - Miss
MDM - Hit ( of such )
Lampard - Hit
Fernando - Miss
Fernandinho - Hit ( of such )
Sagna - Miss

So of all the signings the only one ( in my eyes ) that has been a complete success from day 1 is Frank Lampard.

Really too early for this to be meaningful
Stephenhakin said:
Bluep*ss said:
Thenumber1blue said:
Are half of these you say are a miss or have they simply only played a handful of games,my guess is this time last year you were saying MD was a miss !

It would help some posters on here if - some one could list the players signed by respective managers.
E.G. Kompany and NDJ (Hughes). If all the above are Pellers signings - who did Mancini sign.? I am thinking of players like - Boyata , Sinclair , etc.

Why compare? Bobby has gone. He made some shockers himself as did Hughes as has Manuel

Give us some examples. The title of the thread is - "3 years of............."
Bluep*ss said:
Stephenhakin said:
Bluep*ss said:
It would help some posters on here if - some one could list the players signed by respective managers.
E.G. Kompany and NDJ (Hughes). If all the above are Pellers signings - who did Mancini sign.? I am thinking of players like - Boyata , Sinclair , etc.

Why compare? Bobby has gone. He made some shockers himself as did Hughes as has Manuel

Give us some examples. The title of the thread is - "3 years of............."

Bobby? Sinclair, Garcia, Maicon...anymore?
Stephenhakin said:
Bluep*ss said:
Stephenhakin said:
Why compare? Bobby has gone. He made some shockers himself as did Hughes as has Manuel

Give us some examples. The title of the thread is - "3 years of............."

Bobby? Sinclair, Garcia, Maicon...anymore?

Savic, Rodwell.

There's not a manager in history who hasn't made bad signings.

In our new structure, it's still not totally clear who decides on the players. Several have a say, but who has the most say? Navas and Fernandinho deals were outlined before Pellegrini even arrived. Demichelis and Negredo were definitely deals strongly influenced by Manuel though.
mosssideblue said:
Stephenhakin said:
Those that cling to FFP surely are forgetting the near £200m Pellegrini or whoever buys the players have spent since he has been boss.

Hit or miss
Willy - Miss
Jovetic - Miss
Mangala - Miss
Navas - Miss
MDM - Hit ( of such )
Lampard - Hit
Fernando - Miss
Fernandinho - Hit ( of such )
Sagna - Miss

So of all the signings the only one ( in my eyes ) that has been a complete success from day 1 is Frank Lampard.

Really too early for this to be meaningful
No mate it's just a load of utter fuckin embarrassing drivel !
Dax777 said:
Sure Mangala will cost less than Sanchez if you add wages. But in one season we have now paid close to 80 million in Transfer fees that barely improved our squad. We are simply saying those fees and the wages could have gone to just for example, 2 players. Fabregas and Sanchez.

You're advocating that City should've ignored two position in which they required players because they were short and players had just left/been sold, and bought two players in positions where they really didn't need players, at the same time paying more in fees/wages than they wanted to pay and potentially falling foul of the FFP restrictions with regards to our net spend and the freeze on our wage bill. To me that seems a bonkers idea.

That would have greatly improved the squad and reduce the wage bill. Seeing as we wouldn't have had Fernando, Mangala, Caballero or, Sangna's wages. Perhaps not even Lampard's. We could have easily replaced this players with youth players who'd get games in spurts.

Again you're advocating the club should've ignored areas in which they needed players and bought players in positions they didn't need. This is bonkers pal.

The reality is our purchases (5 new additions) suggests exactly the opposite of what MA claims. We are still adding unnecessarily to the wage bill. Now we have 4 new foreign players taking up spots, while we have others (
Like Sinclair and Nastasic) who are still on the wages and not adding value coz they are not being played). So no! Even the argument of no more accelerated funding is bull.

Such confused logic I'm not sure where or how to start. We aren't adding unnecesarrily to the wage bill because we needed a centre half to replace Lescott, a DM to replace Garcia, and a back up g/k to replace Pants. We didn't need to reduce the wage bill in the summer just gone, we needed to keep at on par. Which is what we did.

Not sure what the point of the reference to Nastasic and Sinclair is. Neither player was wanted by the club, one's gone, and the other is on his way. But that's by the by because in terms of our spending last summer the club had planned for three positions/players and that's the business they did.

Seeing as 5of the 7 entrants this season, are over 27 and 3 are over 30. All on top salaries and most on short term additions. Clearly even at the simple no more "accelerated" buying, As in even ignoring performance all together, this is STILL a failed attempt.

Again you're making literally no sense whatsoever. The 'accelerated' spending was four years ago. Of the players we bought last summer both Fernando and Mangala were a very good age and have room to improve in the coming years.

if we were truly trying to build from within, then we would have simply kept our squad from last year, and added youth like the Argie midfielder we paid good money for who's now a cheerleader in Spain. At least one could then understand the ridiculous argument MA is trying to make. And frankly, I'd have been okay we that.

I have to say I'm biting my tongue. I'm on a promise to not be rude to people, so with that in mind, I'll do this as best I can. The reality was that City had scouted and wanted Fernando to replace Garcia and Mangala to replace Lescott. That's a decision they made being in possession of the full facts with regards what they required to improve the side. Transfers are always a lottery to a greater or a lesser degree, but unless you can point to a centre half and a defensive midfield player both with CL experience, who moved last summer and represented better 'value' in the market than we got, I'd suggest you're the one who's making ridiculous assertions.

I argued in the summer that we neither needed Mangala or the Roma kid that went to Bayern. I thought both were good but grossly overpriced for a position we were not even in need of. I suggested we go get Veltman, the Dutch kid at Ajax for 7 million (if the ich to get a CB) who wasn't gonna start, was that great. Veltman by the way is having a great season at Ajax so far.

Haha. That's pretty funny. I realise that scouts are not infalliable and clubs can often make poor purchases, but I'd still be backing my scouts over someone who watches football on TV when they get the chance. No offence as I'm also in a similar boat hence as much as I have personal preferences with regards incoming players, I accept that I'm not privy to the reams of data the club has when making that call.

The truth is quite simple: Club decision apologists continue to find one excuse after the other to justify what has been a poor summer of decision making. It didn't take rocket science to see it. We had done it once before and we failed miserably. And we are doing it again. And it would likely have the same outcome.

Maybe what you characterise as a club apologist, others would see as a realist with regards to our squad and our financial limitations last season. With regards as to whether it was a poor summer of "decision making", I can only say with respect, this season isn't over and we're not out of the two big cups which matter.

So although you seem to be positively gleeful that your summer predictions are coming to fruition, careful you don't shoot your load a little prematurely.

When you are successful, you go out and improve your starting 11, which automatically improves your squad. This is common sense 101 for big clubs. Frankly I believe that is what they attempted to do but failed at it. Mangala was supposed to have an aging Demichelis on the bench in no time, and Fernando was supposed to takeover Garcia's position. The problem is our scouting and reports were porous. I am a casual fan, and I could see from my couch that Mangala wasn't gonna oust MDM. Better yet, I alread y noticed that MDM was the better CB for the majority of last season, so unless Mangala was going to be benching out captain, he simply wasn't gonna be a starter. Fernando also was the same, he simply didn't have enough in his game to be better than last years big money signing Fernandihno ( again another sign that the " no more accelerated buying" is bullocks) as Fernando was brought in to bench the big money signing of the previous window. But he simply doesn't have Dihno's tenacity or all round game.

Again the view from your couch might be a good one, but I'm not having for one second that you are more informed than a scouting set up which involves a half a dozen people including analysts who go to games and analyse performances in the flesh and those who analyse the data which is accumulated with regards players.

You mention Fernandinho's cost. Once again completely ignoring his wages. Fernandinho took a wage cut and took a hit on his loyalty bonus to move to City. His transfer fee was high because Shakhtar are a cash rich club who have no reason to sell, but the overall package wasn't on the scale of the top tier players. Anyway since he was integral to winning the league he was an inspired purchase. Not sure who we could've realistically signed to play alongside Yaya in a two man midfield who could've done the job he did.

Trust me, Fernando is a very good defensive Midfielder, actually contrary to popular opinion he is far superior to either De Jong or Garcia. His back pass error last nite papered over what was otherwise a very smart game. That he was even aware enough to immediately cover when Kompany decide to go Rambo, is testament to his defensive awareness - error thereafter not withstanding. But he simply doesn't have enough in his overall game to add a lot to the attack.
We all knew this. Why didn't they?

Erm, maybe the club bought him precisely because he's an accomplished defensive midfield player rather than a box to box/creative type. Again you're criticising the club for buying a player with the characteristics they required.

But the point remains:
Whether it's attempting to improve the squad to win this year, reduce the wage bill, end accelerated buying, or building for the future:

On all counts the acquisitions for this year failed. It also failed to even consider our condition. I mean how can we buy a foreign backup goalie in a year when we have been penalized and told we'd have a player restriction. Why? Why buy a future player on limited funds, why? Why add to a position that already has more than enough players, then freeze one of those players out, if we are trying to reduce our wage bill?

The paucity of common sense in your post is quite scary if i'm honest. Once again not only do I disagree with your lazy characterisations of the manner in which we approached last summer's window, but I find them to be staggeringly naive.

I'll give you signing a foreign keeper was a strange one but then you had to get something right in your post eventually. :)

And let's be clear, it silly and a 'red herring' to bring up claptrap like "show some appreciation for Mansoor and Khaldoom" that we appreciate them is a giving: without them we wouldn't even be talking about challenging or any of the players we have- but that's not the issue. It's simply an issue of did we make good decisions in light of the opportunities we had this summer? The answer is a resounding NO!

No mate, in your opinion it's a resounding "NO". The reason I mentioned respecting Khaldoon and Mansour is because the sense to entitlement contained within a lot of the postings in this thread are completely detached from the reality of what it means to support City. Yes the standards are different from the old days and we have a much higher benchmark however we are also in a deeply priviledged position with regards our ownership so any criticism of how THEY spend THEIR money BUYING PLAYERS FOR US, should be tempered.

And no amount of revisionist color coding or accusations of ungrateful ness changed that. Stop accusing and address the points raised. That is how discussions are teased out.

I've done my best to address the points you've attempted to raise. However one of my points remains that mouthing off like an entitled little kid because the club didn't buy Sanchez and Fabregas and attempting to hold yourself up as being a better scout than the people City pay to do that job is pretty fucking outrageous IMO.
Mister Appointment said:
You're advocating that City should've ignored two position in which they required players because they were short and players had just left/been sold, and bought two players in positions where they really didn't need players, at the same time paying more in fees/wages than they wanted to pay and potentially falling foul of the FFP restrictions with regards to our net spend and the freeze on our wage bill. To me that seems a bonkers idea.

On the contrary, I advocated no such thing. We were not short in one position, and I suggested we buy a different player, ( one I believed will make more of a difference. We simply were not short CB, we had 3 player who in the last 2 year had been starters and had another who continues to start for one of the best teams in the Netherlands. buying a CB was a want not a need. I'm simply saying I wouldn have gone for one under our current restrictions.

Again you're advocating the club should've ignored areas in which they needed players and bought players in positions they didn't need. This is bonkers pal.
I already answered this. We had 5 CBs on the book, 3 of whom were at one point the starting CB in the last 2 years. We wer losing Lescott who had the time was a 3/4 string CB. So I am not advocating we do anything you claimed. That's just you throwing up hyperbolic claims again.

have to say I'm biting my tongue. I'm on a promise to not be rude to people, so with that in mind, I'll do this as best I can. The reality was that City had scouted and wanted Fernando to replace Garcia and Mangala to replace Lescott. That's a decision they made being in possession of the full facts with regards what they required to improve the side. Transfers are always a lottery to a greater or a lesser degree, but unless you can point to a centre half and a defensive midfield player both with CL experience, who moved last summer and reprsented better 'value' in the market than we got, I'd suggest you're the one who's making ridiculous assertions.
Please don't bite your tongue on my account. I'm yet to meet an insulting poster who bothers me. No offense, but I'm sure you wouldn't be up to the task either. Yes, I know (or can infer from the results, what the thinking was), I'm simply saying I'd have gone a different route.
Again you continue to make my point. I agree City followed the find player X to replace playerA and find player Y to replace playerB. My point all along was that that sought of analysis was poor. Both Lescott and Garcia were backups. We had already purchased Garcia's replacement when we got Dihno... Who by the way benched Garcia for a majority of the season, until his niggle and loss of form towards the end. So you are saying City did exactly what I said they did: worked on improving the squad, NOT the starting 11. This is also what we did in the season post the first title. It's a flawed philosophy. Didn't work the first time, and is unlikely to work now.

Haha. That's pretty funny. I realise that scouts are not infalliable and clubs can often make poor purchases, but I'd still be backing my scouts over someone who watches football on TV when they get the chance. No offence as I'm also in a similar boat hence as much as I have personal preferences with regards incoming players, I accept that I'm not privy to the reams of data the club has when making that call.
On this we are in agreement. I'm not suggesting I have more data or knowledge, as this is not about scouting, it's about philosophy. Even the blind know Fabregas is better than Mangala or Fernando - you don't need to be a scout to know that. The choice not to go after Fabregas is one made out of Philosophy on how they want to proceed, and not some deep analysis or scouting. Every idiot knows who's better. All the indices points to the WC player, who was a mere 3 years ago, one of the most dominant CMs in this league.

Maybe what you characterise as a club apologist, others would see as a realist with regards to our squad and our financial limitations last season. With regards as to whether it was a poor summer of "decision making", I can only say with respect, this season isn't over and we're not out of the two big cups which matter.

So although you seem to be positively gleeful that your summer predictions are coming to fruition, careful you don't shoot your load a little prematurely.
1. I am not positively gleeful. I am just stating my position. Dude, my summer predictions have nothing to do with us losing! I hope and cheer the team on no matter what. My predictions has more to do with where the incomings end up. Mangala as a rotational backup to MDM (as predicted), and Fernando exactly in Garcia's position as a backup once it's all said and done. Whether we win or not is neither here nor there in this discussion. I always want us to win. And I didn't start grumbling after we started losing. This is a discussion about how we went with our transfers dealings and how I thought in light of our restrictions and options available to us. I thought Fabregas and Sanchez would move us into Bayern, Madrid, Barca level. What we did in my opinion at best keeps us where we were at. End of last season. I didn't think that was good enough considering how much Mansoor's has invested. Seeee! I am very appreciative of the Sheik and Khaldoon, I just have a different way of showing it. I get pissed when I think their minions misuse theor money. :p

Again the view from your couch might be a good one, but I'm not having for one second that you are more informed than a scouting set up which involves a half a dozen people including analysts who go to games and analyse performances in the flesh and those who analyse the data which is accumulated with regards players.

You mention Fernandinho's cost. Once again completely ignoring his wages. Fernandinho took a wage cut and took a hit on his loyalty bonus to move to City. His transfer fee was high because Shakhtar are a cash rich club who have no reason to sell, but the overall package wasn't on the scale of the top tier players. Anyway since he was integral to winning the league he was an inspired purchase. Not sure who we could've realistically signed to play alongside Yaya in a two man midfield who could've done the job he did.
I like your argumentation style, it's cute. Try hard to misconstrue my position, then argue against the red herring. Real cute. Look, it matters not how many analyst you have, some things are plain obvious: Fabregas and Sanchez are 2 of the worlds to 30 or so best players. This is not a scouting analysis comparing guys playing in Mexico and Bulgaria. This doesn't require scouting: it's simply a function of opportunity: when some of the best in the world come available, it really isn't about scouting. Fabregas had more assists in half a season than any player did the whole of last season in the league. Sanchez has scored goals for Arsenal in the first half of the season at a pace faster than any newcomer at Arsenal has in his history... In comparison Mangala has had one great game. Fernando has had afew decent games and Caballero plays in cup games. This is not a function of who you have faith in, me visavis the City scouts, this is a function of common sense. Some players are just superior to others. Even our scouts know this.

Erm, maybe the club bought him precisely because he's an accomplished defensive midfield player rather than a box to box/creative type. Again you're criticising the club for buying a player with the characteristics they required.
Sure, and I disagreed that was what we needed. Based on how much differnce their choices have made vis a vis the differnce the guys I pined for have made at their new clubs? You'd have to forgive me if I don't think I am on the wrong end of this argument.

The paucity of common sense in your post is quite scary if i'm honest. Once again not only do I disagree with your lazy characterisations of the manner in which we approached last summer's window, but I find them to be staggeringly naive.

I'll give you signing a foreign keeper was a strange one but then you had to get something right in your post eventually. :)

No mate, in your opinion it's a resounding "NO". The reason I mentioned respecting Khaldoon and Mansour is because the sense to entitlement contained within a lot of the postings in this thread are completely detached from the reality of what it means to support City. Yes the standards are different from the old days and we have a much higher benchmark however we are also in a deeply priviledged position with regards our ownership so any criticism of how THEY spend THEIR money BUYING PLAYERS FOR US, should be tempered.

You are big on insults, but small on everything else. I doubt player decisions are made by Mansoor's and Khaldoon. They hired people to do it. And if I disagree with how those people have chosen to go about spending Mansoor's money, it is not disrespecting Mansoor, but simply stating a contrary view. It is funny how you claim to agree that the foreign goalie decision was curious. Should I take your pause at that decision as a disrespect to Mansoor? Unlike you, who finds just the goalie decision curious, I find most of the decisions made in terms of incomings curious and unwise. I hav stated why and here it is again in a nutshell:
If you want to improve your squad greatly, improve the starting 11: Fabregas and Sanchez would have done that... Mangala, Fernando and Caballero wouldn't. Well they haven't yet, so it's hard for me to feel wrong, isn't it?

I've done my best to address the points you've attempted to raise. However one of my points remains that mouthing off like an entitled little kid because the club didn't buy Sanchez and Fabregas and attempting to hold yourself up as being a better scout than the people City pay to do that job is pretty fucking outrageous IMO.

Opinions are like ass holes - everyone's got one :)
I think its wrong to describe it as three years of bad signings. Its three years without an exceptional signing, one who exceeds expectations in the way that Silva, Yaya, Aguero, Kompany, Zabaleta did. FFP means that simply getting value for money from most of your signings and not too many flops isnt enough. You need a sprinkling of players that make your rivals think "why didnt we buy him?". Not necessarily inexpensive buys, Auguero wasnt cheap but his debut sent shock waves through our rivals. At the moment we arent making those signings, whereas Matic has been a great signing for Chelsea.

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