Thrown out of the stadium today

mekonmcfc said:
For something I have categorically not done, accused of something from Wednesday night that was definitely not me.

Season card taken off me.

Does anyone know the most senior person to speak with at the club ? If it is not resolved I will be taking them to court for defamation of character and slander, and I will not hesitate in speaking to the press.

Disgusting how the club treat honest law abiding fans

I dont know you mate but take a breath and relax. You sound like a proper fanny and wtf are you thinking of 'going to the press' for?

Speak to the club and air your views. I'm pretty sure the club aren't trying to treat you in a 'disgusting' fashion and will listen to reason f you're innocent.
Stoned Rose said:
mekonmcfc said:
For something I have categorically not done, accused of something from Wednesday night that was definitely not me.

Season card taken off me.

Does anyone know the most senior person to speak with at the club ? If it is not resolved I will be taking them to court for defamation of character and slander, and I will not hesitate in speaking to the press.

Disgusting how the club treat honest law abiding fans

I dont know you mate but take a breath and relax. You sound like a proper fanny and wtf are you thinking of 'going to the press' for?

Speak to the club and air your views. I'm pretty sure the club aren't trying to treat you in a 'disgusting' fashion and will listen to reason f you're innocent.

Sorry mate but calling someone dosn't help the matter! This is a def visit to the ground for a 1-1. Internal investigation will get this situation sorted for you Blue (MEAKON) I adit that I have been in 2 situations which were embarrassing 1. being TOLD to get out of the SHOP for no reason what so ever ( 46 @ the time ) Spend hundreds in that place a season. I received an appology even thoght via mobile. Shop bouncer was shown the door the following week for his behaviour to customer! Bang out of order. 2. Attacked by away supporter who should never have got passed the stewards but did & was evicted by the POLICE. I later found out that they received a ban from City & their own club last year! Sorry to detract from your situation, my reason is that the club looked into the situation & did something about it! Good luck BLUE keep the faith!
why dont you and the other fan see a solicitor, first hour free,dont go to the press it wont help your case
One of you innocent? Quite possible. Both of you? I think not- this other guy may be of dubious character
mekonmcfc said:
scottchorlton said:
mekonmcfc said:
For something I have categorically not done, accused of something from Wednesday night that was definitely not me.

Season card taken off me.

Does anyone know the most senior person to speak with at the club ? If it is not resolved I will be taking them to court for defamation of character and slander, and I will not hesitate in speaking to the press.

Disgusting how the club treat honest law abiding fans

As much as i understand your frsutration and wanting to clear you name, how exactly would going to the press help?

Do you really think they woud be interested in helping you, or would they just be after an excuse to throw more shit at our club?

By all means do all neccasary to clear your name, but going to the press is not the way to do it.
Do you think at the moment I really give a toss about the club ? I spend thousands of £ every season and to be wrongly accused and embarrassed in that way is disgusting

First you abuse a member of staff, and now you want to grass the club to the press? Give your head a wobble son and go through the proper channels
Good Luck with getting back in, the club are ridiculous when it comes to these things, you may even do well contacting someone in TBA or your local supporters club who will have communication links with the club!

Dont settle for them trying to push you about!

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