ticket news!

Screw the lot of money grabbing little shits.

Could easily look at the system of fans which have been to all the FA cups (and Europa league games) this season and offer this priviledge to us too.

But now 'johnny come lately' (admittedly a minority, but could still be a couple of 1000) who have only joined this season will have a better chance than me (ST for 5 years at Eastlands)

Fuck off Cook.
whats the difference in having a season ticket and going to cup games and being on the cup thing??

im on 2560 do you think im in?
itsnevereasy said:
mcfcliam said:

And let the 80 page 'arguing / moaning / the club doesn't care about me and my 30 year support' thread begin!
It's not that; it's the fact that fans who went to exactly the same games as the cup scheme yet opted to pay separately as each game came around are penalised. Not on that.
Halfpenny said:
itsnevereasy said:
And let the 80 page 'arguing / moaning / the club doesn't care about me and my 30 year support' thread begin!
It's not that; it's the fact that fans who went to exactly the same games as the cup scheme yet opted to pay separately as each game came around are penalised. Not on that.

How is that any different to a CityCard holder complaining of being left out completely when they could go to every game at home and have 6,000 but have never owned a SC. They could complain of a new fan with 1,200 points having preference to them could they not?

They club prioritise those that guarantee money. They always will.

I'm gklad they do, the cup scheme has cost me a fortune this season.
So as someone who lives out of Manchester and can't be in the cup scheme because of work, I may lose out to people who've started going this season?! Wonderful.

To be honest, think I will get a semi-final ticket but if we get through I do not fancy my chances of getting one for the final at all. If that happens, gutted won't come close to describing how I'll feel.
how the fuck can3 people with 3000 points apply onthe first day with their 3 mates who,ve got 6000 points because they "want to be together",why bother with points at all if they can leapfrog people with more points above them,fucking joke(and no its not sour grapes i@ve got 4000+ and should still be ok)
They aren't going to be any supporters with a seasoncard who have been to every home game in the cup and have less than 1500 points! Its mathematically impossible.
1190 + 10 Leicester, 100 Notts Cty, 100 Villa, 100 Reading

Every season card holder who wants to go can do so, so people are bitching about when they can buy theres.
We have between 33k and 36k seasoncard holders depending which reports you believe so only 2.5 - 4.5k will miss out and I am fairly certain those that do will be by peronal choice, costs restrictions.

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