ticket news!

bluemoonjack said:
how the fuck can3 people with 3000 points apply onthe first day with their 3 mates who,ve got 6000 points because they "want to be together",why bother with points at all if they can leapfrog people with more points above them,fucking joke(and no its not sour grapes i@ve got 4000+ and should still be ok)
They must know that everyone over 3000 points in guaranteed a ticket, whether they wait, or have got friends/family with higher points.

A lot of parents will be gratefuill of this i would have thought.
SWP's back said:
Halfpenny said:
It's not that; it's the fact that fans who went to exactly the same games as the cup scheme yet opted to pay separately as each game came around are penalised. Not on that.

How is that any different to a CityCard holder complaining of being left out completely when they could go to every game at home and have 6,000 but have never owned a SC. They could complain of a new fan with 1,200 points having preference to them could they not?

They club prioritise those that guarantee money. They always will.

I'm gklad they do, the cup scheme has cost me a fortune this season.

This is where I am at, never had a season card but go to most homes games inc cups. Season card holders will always be put first, and I agree with that they should be, during the hard years these people were the bread and butter for the club.

Regarding the cup scheme - I can understand the clubs reasoning for it and if you are in the cup scheme I'd guess you would except a chance to watch City in a semi final having paid for every other game.

I love to be at the semi final but I knew well before today that non season card holders wouldn't have a chance of getting a ticket. So it's beamback for me! (unless anyone can sort me a ticket....)
Blue-Blood said:
So as someone who lives out of Manchester and can't be in the cup scheme because of work, I may lose out to people who've started going this season?! Wonderful.

To be honest, think I will get a semi-final ticket but if we get through I do not fancy my chances of getting one for the final at all. If that happens, gutted won't come close to describing how I'll feel.

Yes, that person has guaranteed money to the club.
Halfpenny said:
It's not that; it's the fact that fans who went to exactly the same games as the cup scheme yet opted to pay separately as each game came around are penalised. Not on that.

People seem to think that to be on the cup scheme you pay up front. You don't, they only take the money for the match when it goes on sale to everyone. So you do pay seperately as each game goes on sale.
And you don't have to join all 3 cups, so you could have signed up for the fa cup in december, didn't anyone here twig city might do this - use cup scheme as a bait?

I used to go to all cup games one by one, in case i was ill, but 2 years ago gave in and joined the scheme. I'm not rich, i'm heavy in debt, but made the choice - but you don't pay up front, you pay per match, although yes you're committing to going no matter what.

(i have almost 5000 points as well btw, not a "newbie")

I know it's a bit tough on people, but i'd be more pissed if i were you that the club are letting adults take kids who have practically no points at all ("limited" they say, but don't say how limited..)
My main concern is the lack of time I have to book transport.My. points means I cannot go for a ticket until the 7th April,just over a week before the game,surely not enough time for others and myself who I think make the majority of our support.
hello said:
They aren't going to be any supporters with a seasoncard who have been to every home game in the cup and have less than 1500 points! Its mathematically impossible.
1190 + 10 Leicester, 100 Notts Cty, 100 Villa, 100 Reading

Every season card holder who wants to go can do so, so people are bitching about when they can buy theres.
We have between 33k and 36k seasoncard holders depending which reports you believe so only 2.5 - 4.5k will miss out and I am fairly certain those that do will be by peronal choice, costs restrictions.

I agree with this

I think everyone who is a season ticket holder and wants to go will get a ticket
kippaxkid74 said:
Halfpenny said:
It's not that; it's the fact that fans who went to exactly the same games as the cup scheme yet opted to pay separately as each game came around are penalised. Not on that.

People seem to think that to be on the cup scheme you pay up front. You don't, they only take the money for the match when it goes on sale to everyone. So you do pay seperately as each game goes on sale.

I used to go to all cup games one by one, in case i was ill, but 2 years ago gave in and joined the scheme. I'm not rich, i'm heavy in debt, but made the choice - but you don't pay up front, you pay per match, although yes you're committing to going no matter what.
I know that's how it works but I prefer to pay separately for each individual game as it comes around because you don't necessarily know how much the ticket would cost beforehand.
I kind of expected to struggle to get tckets as a citycard holder but didn't expect to be totally out of it!!
Halfpenny said:
kippaxkid74 said:
People seem to think that to be on the cup scheme you pay up front. You don't, they only take the money for the match when it goes on sale to everyone. So you do pay seperately as each game goes on sale.

I used to go to all cup games one by one, in case i was ill, but 2 years ago gave in and joined the scheme. I'm not rich, i'm heavy in debt, but made the choice - but you don't pay up front, you pay per match, although yes you're committing to going no matter what.
I know that's how it works but I prefer to pay separately for each individual game as it comes around because you don't necessarily know how much the ticket would cost beforehand.
And that's why it is a gamble to be on the scheme. I jopined as I always do and didnt think it would cost me as much as it did. It ensured I went to games like yesterday when only 27k bothered to show up.

That is why the club reward those on it (only about 6,000 if I remember rightly and the majority will high high points)
Halfpenny said:
kippaxkid74 said:
People seem to think that to be on the cup scheme you pay up front. You don't, they only take the money for the match when it goes on sale to everyone. So you do pay seperately as each game goes on sale.

I used to go to all cup games one by one, in case i was ill, but 2 years ago gave in and joined the scheme. I'm not rich, i'm heavy in debt, but made the choice - but you don't pay up front, you pay per match, although yes you're committing to going no matter what.

I know that's how it works but I prefer to pay separately for each individual game as it comes around because you don't necessarily know how much the ticket would cost beforehand.

But you see that's why the club do it - like others have said, mugs like me who are skint but go anyway (get those bailiffs from my door will you, i'm busy typing!) guarentee the club money and attendance. You admit if it was too expenisive you'd think twice about buying a ticket (sensible that you've avoided being brainwashed into debt like me). The fact that you went to them all anyway doesn't matter to city unfortunately, because you didn't blindly show faith.

But surely you can see why those who joined should be rewarded ahead of those who didn't? It's a *cup* match, so if you're on the *cup* scheme, you should be able to go. Though they should have maybe put a points cut off on the cup scheme qualifying as well, but at least we have a system in place, other clubs are even more a free for all usually and if we all want to queue for a week we can go back down that road.

Like i said, more risk is from people being able to get kids tickets when they have barely any points! You should get a ticket though, there should be enough.
Good luck to everyone.

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