Tickets - Carabao Cup Final - East Stand 4:30pm

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Ahh ok, must be a mistake on the ticket website as it says:

All Seasoncards 17/18 06 February 2018 09:00 10000 points
League Cup Scheme 17/18 06 February 2018 09:00 0 points
It does look as if they missed a category out, the details on the OS are quite clear.

  • Cityzens with a 2017/18 Platinum, Gold or 93:20 Seasoncard registered on the League Cup Scheme with 3,500 or more ticket points – Monday 5 February at 2pm
  • All Cityzens with a 2017/18 Platinum, Gold or 93:20 Seasoncard registered on the League Cup Scheme – Tuesday 6 February at 9am
  • Cityzens with a 2017/18 Platinum, Gold or 93:20 Seasoncard not registered on the League Cup Scheme with 10,000 or more ticket points – Tuesday 6 February at 2pm
It does look as if they missed a category out, the details on the OS are quite clear.

  • Cityzens with a 2017/18 Platinum, Gold or 93:20 Seasoncard registered on the League Cup Scheme with 3,500 or more ticket points – Monday 5 February at 2pm
  • All Cityzens with a 2017/18 Platinum, Gold or 93:20 Seasoncard registered on the League Cup Scheme – Tuesday 6 February at 9am
  • Cityzens with a 2017/18 Platinum, Gold or 93:20 Seasoncard not registered on the League Cup Scheme with 10,000 or more ticket points – Tuesday 6 February at 2pm

Yeah, thanks for clearing this up mate!
Update is after spending 25 mins in a queue, got through to buy over the phone and I could ask for the exact row I wanted, i.e. Row 27 at the back of the lower tier before it splits. Better than being forced to take Row 11. Anyone finding the same problem you are either best phoning up and taking the booking fee or waiting for a few windows until lower rows are sold.

City ticket office if you are reading this and want people to buy online instead of jamming phone lines then please sell from the back or give us more choice. Thanks
I think they might be reading this and not answering the phone. Started off at 9th in the queue and took 15 mins to get to first. I think you can guess what happened next. On phoning back I was 33rd in the fu***ing queue. Ended up getting them online but you can get any block you want if you just plod through it.
I think they might be reading this and not answering the phone. Started off at 9th in the queue and took 15 mins to get to first. I think you can guess what happened next. On phoning back I was 33rd in the fu***ing queue. Ended up getting them online but you can get any block you want if you just plod through it.

Agreed you can any block if you go through them all but you can only get the row and seat they offer. When I phoned I started off 16th in queue, got down to 1 in about 15 mins and then it just rang played me music with no queue info for another 10 mins. Was about to think I had been dumped in a dead end when someone finally answered. At least the person I got was top notch.
I'm grateful to be a member of a supporters club branch. Our secretary has secured our tickets for Wembley and I didn't have to do a thing.
Ideally wanted 103/4 about 15th row like the last few times, tried this morning but it wasn't offering cat 2 on that side of the pitch at all, was putting up row 6 in cat 3. Tried phoning, but my 1 year old decided to then scream and demand attention (how dare he - wembley is at stake!!) so i hung up (25th in queue) tried again online and took row 9... I'll be sure to tell him when he's older what i sacrificed for him heheh ;)
Trying to get on the website but when I click on "more info" nothing happens.
Can anyone help please ?
Sorry my mistake, I realise now you have to scroll back to top of page. I was expecting a pop up window.
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