tickets distribution for todays game

Re: tickets disrtibution for todays game

fathellensbellend said:
mancityvstoke said:
fathellensbellend said:
spot on the money as per usual.

i have moved to the family stand this season, and have been allocated some of the worst seats in the stadium, and what i didnt legislate for was the parties of tourists that would be sat in front of me at every game.

sunday was just soul destroying, when they played some music over the tannoy, the group of non city supporting women in front of us started dancing to it, i actually thought i was at the tv studio for the filming of gladiators or something equally shit.

the "buzz words" at city these days are "match day experience", well my match day experience at home games this season as been absolutely shit, i have lodged my feelings with the club and they have shown zero interest in helping us find different seats depsite a willingness to pay whatever it costs to move, i just want to watch the match with a decent view with like minded city supporters, not surrounded by a coach trip of people who need the bloody hot dog stand every 2 minutes.

Think I saw this group of young women near The Joe Mercer mosaic.

They were taking lots of posed photos and screaming GIRL POWER at each other.


i just wonder where they got their tickets from, city have pushed paying for loyalty to the limit in the last couple of seasons, and now that stone has been bled, it appears it's sell the tickets to whoever has long as they are willing to pay a premium regardless of your status as a city supporter, or not as the case seems to be.

walked past some lads and heard them chatting about when their last game was. One said over two years ago. They then queued up to get in just after the spiral for 212 which is a double fire exit type door leading into the stadium.

Where does that go? Corporate?
Re: tickets disrtibution for todays game

I have gone down the route of lending my ticket out or someone saying they will pay me for games and it is just too much hassle.It is all promises before they have the ticket and then a pain trying to get it back or the money afterwards.
Re: tickets disrtibution for todays game

paulchapo said:
I have gone down the route of lending my ticket out or someone saying they will pay me for games and it is just too much hassle.It is all promises before they have the ticket and then a pain trying to get it back or the money afterwards.

and if they fuck about you lose your card
Re: tickets disrtibution for todays game

Didn't we sell out virtually all our games in the first season at the COMS?
If that is correct then surely with the team we have now compared to the team we had then we shouldn't need these tourists to fill the stadium.

Unless it is only for making a few extra quid.
Re: tickets disrtibution for todays game

uwerosler28 said:
Eccles Blue said:
I have a Scunthorpe United v Manchester City half and half scarf which I bought in the Scunthorpe Utd shop along with a half and half mug. I bought them to put some money in the coffers of a struggling club. Is that wrong as well? I don't 'wear' it of course but it is with my other scarves. But I do use the half and half mug!!

Does this make me a 'non' fan as well?
u buying that is totally different to a plastic turning up at the derby in a half utd half city scalf and sitting in the home end and u know it is

*lol* I know it is but I just love, now and again, to wind up people like paulchapo because it is fun imagining the steam coming out of his ears!!

Mr chapo, I said I DIDN'T wear it, just bought it. Don't get so het up sir, you'll do yourself an injury and then you won't get to the match!!
Re: tickets disrtibution for todays game

Dubai Blue said:
Blumers Bloomers said:
I absolutely accept that with FFP regulations there is a need to generate as much income as possible, but surely there is a way to do this without pissing off the hardcore.
To be honest, I don't think the issues I outlined above have anything to do with FFP as the figures we're talking about are miniscule in the grand scheme of things.

It's probably more to do with some spreadsheet-obsessed throbber in marketing trying to prove to his superiors how amazingly innovative he is by bringing a few extra grand each week while simultaneously alienating increasing swathes of the club's traditional support. Only there isn't anything clever nor imaginative about fleecing football fans of their money; it's the easiest gig in town and any old idiot could do it.

This is so true. It started a couple of seasons ago when they went down the snide route and did things like doubling prices for the car parks, increasing already daft food and drink prices, kicking people out of the family stand, forcing them into more expensive seats (give or take the limited 'basic' seasoncards) and then asking them to go back to the same seat at dearer prices when the Family Stand scheme didn't sell out.

I've lost count of the number of times I've had a row on here with people telling me how sticking £50 on season tickets, £10 on tickets and fleecing £20 more out of fans on a match day will help meet FFP (whilst simultaneously paying outrageous money to 25 players). They come in their droves though to shout the same message, thinking they are some sort of footballing Warren Buffett.

This shafting of the long term, match going fans is as pointless as it is cynical and almost certainly, in effect, an ego trip from an individual/department/the board determined to show how good at 'business' they are by increasing a figure by an 'impressive' percentage. With it, all the time, being like pissing in the wind in comparison to other income and outgoings at the club.
Re: tickets disrtibution for todays game

With success and premium prices cometh the tourist season.

I personally hate the Champions League, great to play elite clubs but the whole tournament format/pricing/merchandising/governing etc spits on just going to the match. UEFA Corporate Cup would be a more apt title.

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