Time to start banning hacks from the Etihad?

raymondkl92 said:
the daily mail bloke that gave Mangala 1/10 yes
terday deserves to be banned.He clearly didn't turn up to do his work.

He clearly gave him that because he got sent off. The article was excellent and full of praise, as was the one about Aguero being as good as Suarez without the mither. Then to cap it off an article about the Jimmy Milner foundation. Well done in three positive articles for finding something you don't like.
franksinatra said:
He clearly gave him that because he got sent off. The article was excellent and full of praise, as was the one about Aguero being as good as Suarez without the mither. Then to cap it off an article about the Jimmy Milner foundation. Well done in three positive articles for finding something you don't like.

I wonder how many other players have got a rating of 1. Plenty get sent off and I doubt they've all been given such a low mark. You also look at the comments that came with the rating and it's nothing more than blatant taking the piss out of one of our players.
r.soleofsalford said:
de niro said:
blue b4 the moon said:
The more shit they print the more neutrals will decide not to be blue.

Negative press will continue to hinder a developing fan base.


i`ve been saying this from the start
And you're all wrong! You're seriously underestimating the intelligence of people. People can easily see through poorly executed articles and bad press.

Do you ever get chatting to fans of other clubs on away travels? How many times do you hear fans say "i really like what City are doing" "hope you're up there challenging the likes of United and Arsenal for a long time"...fans know what's what, people know what's what. and you only have to see how many half'n'half scarfers and tourists with cameras are around the ground on a matchday and swarming around the place on Champions League nights to see that we are attracting new fans all the time. There was a league table on here a while back as well showing that our official website is in the top 5 most hits in football and top 10 in all world sports. People are interested in City because of what we're doing as a club.

Plus i don't really know anyone who reads newspapers anymore. People just get their information from online social media and from official sites now. The era of the journalist is dead. Nobody needs them. Clubs' forums find out information before journos do, online bloggers release stories before journos do. People know things within minutes now there is no need for the profession of a newspaper journalist anymore unless you're shit hot and worth taking notice of.
"Keep your friends close....and your enemies closer"

If you really want to hear some proper sensationalism and bile spitting then go ahead and ban the lot of them. You've seen nothing yet!

In the context of the above phrase I'd say the club policy is to actively engage with all press members, dissenters, green-eyed monsters et al and treat them with the same calm and measured approach. We can't change some hacks negative reporting on City matters, and banning them would no doubt be an absolute last resort; real serious libellous stuff that left the club with no other choice. A widespread blanket ban would be an absolute PR disaster and would never happen - don't forget that the people who run the club are employees and not fans like us. They don't read into every comment and remark like it's a dagger through the heart. It's fair to say that nobody quite sees the game through the eyes of a diehard fan, and a quick interview of two opposing fans (when you're listening as a neutral) can be quite hilarious to see pricisely how tinted their spectacles are.

I'm not for one minute defending any of the press hacks as some of them are quite obviously desparate to see the whole thing fail. However, the garbage written is, in the main, no worse garbage than that spewing out when they're writing about other high profile teams - we just don't read and examine articles about other club with the same degree of scutiny. Anyone on here religiously read the dippers, arse, chelsea or rags reviews every week? What most do is look at the headline and make a decision from there as to whether they read the article or not. This is the reason why editors use such sensational headlines for website links and newspapers. How many times have you read an article after being drawn to it by the dramatic headline only to find the content beneath is recycled or fairly standard information?

You can't turn a rabid hack into some kind of MCFC PR sponsor merely by providing a nice pie and a padded seat. What you can do is subtly modify his image of the club by looking after him well and providing access to the facets of the club that portray a positive image. Journos are not stupid (really!) and they are like any other profession in that they all talk to one another and spend time around each other. It's hardly rocket science to suggest that their stance - in the main - will be softening (albeit slowly) in light of the continuing developments and the scale at which they are progressing. Most of these guys will have seen City and their "new money" as an attack on the old establishment and will have scoffed arrogantly about how long it would take before the house of cards collapsed. Well, now they're realising that this just aint gonna happen, and sooner or later they'll all modify their stance. You can't expect this to happen overnight though...a hack has a proud stance to adopt and he can't be seen to soften it too quickly!

This process will take a long, long time . Banning the press would put it back years if it would ever happen (which it won't!)

Things at MCFC are settled and calm; our main figureheads (Kompany, Pellegrini, Soriano and Al Mubarak) go about their business with a quiet professionalism, and while this is great for us the fans it isn't so great when your job as a north west football writer is to find a storyline that grabs the reader's attention! So....do you make things up or do you find the tiniest bit of negativity and rely on the fact that it's MCFC related to satisfy your bosses at Fleet St HQ? What City are trying to do is feed positive messages to those press members and very, very slowly drip feed the idea that MCFC is not the evil base of the next Bond villian.

Let the club take care of it, and chill out over petty articles written by green-eyed monsters! Enjoy the ride and think how their fingers must hurt from typing so angrily :-)
KippaxCitizen said:
r.soleofsalford said:
de niro said:

i`ve been saying this from the start
And you're all wrong! You're seriously underestimating the intelligence of people. People can easily see through poorly executed articles and bad press.

Do you ever get chatting to fans of other clubs on away travels? How many times do you hear fans say "i really like what City are doing" "hope you're up there challenging the likes of United and Arsenal for a long time"...fans know what's what, people know what's what. and you only have to see how many half'n'half scarfers and tourists with cameras are around the ground on a matchday and swarming around the place on Champions League nights to see that we are attracting new fans all the time. There was a league table on here a while back as well showing that our official website is in the top 5 most hits in football and top 10 in all world sports. People are interested in City because of what we're doing as a club.

Plus i don't really know anyone who reads newspapers anymore. People just get their information from online social media and from official sites now. The era of the journalist is dead. Nobody needs them. Clubs' forums find out information before journos do, online bloggers release stories before journos do. People know things within minutes now there is no need for the profession of a newspaper journalist anymore unless you're shit hot and worth taking notice of.
Sorry but it's you who is wrong, I have a rag Son in Law who trots out every bit of bile written in every paper, hears on SSN, same with the BBC and talkshite
On holiday end of September I had to endure shit off virtually every known fans including foreigners spouting all the usual shit that they had read or heard off these poisonous bastards that you are defending, people do still read newspapers not everybody is tuned into social media much as you would like to think, talkshite and SSN have record listening and viewing figures as well, and I hate to say it without sounding patronising but the average intelligence of the average football fan esp rags is that of a Gnat
KippaxCitizen said:
r.soleofsalford said:
de niro said:

i`ve been saying this from the start
And you're all wrong! You're seriously underestimating the intelligence of people. People can easily see through poorly executed articles and bad press.

Do you ever get chatting to fans of other clubs on away travels? How many times do you hear fans say "i really like what City are doing" "hope you're up there challenging the likes of United and Arsenal for a long time"...fans know what's what, people know what's what. and you only have to see how many half'n'half scarfers and tourists with cameras are around the ground on a matchday and swarming around the place on Champions League nights to see that we are attracting new fans all the time. There was a league table on here a while back as well showing that our official website is in the top 5 most hits in football and top 10 in all world sports. People are interested in City because of what we're doing as a club.

Plus i don't really know anyone who reads newspapers anymore. People just get their information from online social media and from official sites now. The era of the journalist is dead. Nobody needs them. Clubs' forums find out information before journos do, online bloggers release stories before journos do. People know things within minutes now there is no need for the profession of a newspaper journalist anymore unless you're shit hot and worth taking notice of.

Fans that go yes, I'm talking about little Jimmy who wants to go to football for the first time, his parents read shit about us and tell him its better to support that team where the nice goody goody England Captain plays and that nice phillosifffy guy works not to mention the lovely Ryan who was a pin up for little Jimmy's mum 25/30 years ago.
moomba said:
franksinatra said:
He clearly gave him that because he got sent off. The article was excellent and full of praise, as was the one about Aguero being as good as Suarez without the mither. Then to cap it off an article about the Jimmy Milner foundation. Well done in three positive articles for finding something you don't like.

I wonder how many other players have got a rating of 1. Plenty get sent off and I doubt they've all been given such a low mark. You also look at the comments that came with the rating and it's nothing more than blatant taking the piss out of one of our players.

I had not read the comment but I agree now it is stupid. Shame because the three articles written are very positive. Ashton goes into the group of pathetic, childish attention-seeking journalism
blue underpants said:
KippaxCitizen said:
r.soleofsalford said:
i`ve been saying this from the start
And you're all wrong! You're seriously underestimating the intelligence of people. People can easily see through poorly executed articles and bad press.

Do you ever get chatting to fans of other clubs on away travels? How many times do you hear fans say "i really like what City are doing" "hope you're up there challenging the likes of United and Arsenal for a long time"...fans know what's what, people know what's what. and you only have to see how many half'n'half scarfers and tourists with cameras are around the ground on a matchday and swarming around the place on Champions League nights to see that we are attracting new fans all the time. There was a league table on here a while back as well showing that our official website is in the top 5 most hits in football and top 10 in all world sports. People are interested in City because of what we're doing as a club.

Plus i don't really know anyone who reads newspapers anymore. People just get their information from online social media and from official sites now. The era of the journalist is dead. Nobody needs them. Clubs' forums find out information before journos do, online bloggers release stories before journos do. People know things within minutes now there is no need for the profession of a newspaper journalist anymore unless you're shit hot and worth taking notice of.
Sorry but it's you who is wrong, I have a rag Son in Law who trots out every bit of bile written in every paper, hears on SSN, same with the BBC and talkshite
On holiday end of September I had to endure shit off virtually every known fans including foreigners spouting all the usual shit that they had read or heard off these poisonous bastards that you are defending, people do still read newspapers not everybody is tuned into social media much as you would like to think, talkshite and SSN have record listening and viewing figures as well, and I hate to say it without sounding patronising but the average intelligence of the average football fan esp rags is that of a Gnat

I have to agree with Kippax C, I talk to loads of fans of other clubs who see through the pathetic snipes at City by the press. It's that prevalent it's actually embarassing. You might meet the odd glutton who believes what they hear on the likes of talksport or what they read in the Daily Star but in general proper football fans see it for what it is, bollocks.
Hamann Pineapple said:
blue underpants said:
KippaxCitizen said:
And you're all wrong! You're seriously underestimating the intelligence of people. People can easily see through poorly executed articles and bad press.

Do you ever get chatting to fans of other clubs on away travels? How many times do you hear fans say "i really like what City are doing" "hope you're up there challenging the likes of United and Arsenal for a long time"...fans know what's what, people know what's what. and you only have to see how many half'n'half scarfers and tourists with cameras are around the ground on a matchday and swarming around the place on Champions League nights to see that we are attracting new fans all the time. There was a league table on here a while back as well showing that our official website is in the top 5 most hits in football and top 10 in all world sports. People are interested in City because of what we're doing as a club.

Plus i don't really know anyone who reads newspapers anymore. People just get their information from online social media and from official sites now. The era of the journalist is dead. Nobody needs them. Clubs' forums find out information before journos do, online bloggers release stories before journos do. People know things within minutes now there is no need for the profession of a newspaper journalist anymore unless you're shit hot and worth taking notice of.
Sorry but it's you who is wrong, I have a rag Son in Law who trots out every bit of bile written in every paper, hears on SSN, same with the BBC and talkshite
On holiday end of September I had to endure shit off virtually every known fans including foreigners spouting all the usual shit that they had read or heard off these poisonous bastards that you are defending, people do still read newspapers not everybody is tuned into social media much as you would like to think, talkshite and SSN have record listening and viewing figures as well, and I hate to say it without sounding patronising but the average intelligence of the average football fan esp rags is that of a Gnat

I have to agree with Kippax C, I talk to loads of fans of other clubs who see through the pathetic snipes at City by the press. It's that prevalent it's actually embarassing. You might meet the odd glutton who believes what they hear on the likes of talksport or what they read in the Daily Star but in general proper football fans see it for what it is, bollocks.

To me its a bit like the fans who chant 'where are you when you were shit'. They may do it as a bit of banter but most fans know we have done the hard yards for the success and you only need to see the reaction around the country when Aguero scored against QPR to see we are well liked,. Even if the press intention was to make City disliked, United have been the most disliked team for years and it has not affected their fan recruitment.
Before we even think of banning them from The Etihad we need to find out once and for all what is driving them to continually put a negative slant on anything related to our club.

Are they really pandering to the masses or simply showing their allegiance to the rags?

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