Time to start thinking realistic formations/Xl

As the squad is now:


Navas sticking to the touchline, Nasri and Silva interchanging regularly.

If we sign Isco:


Very fluid with all 3 AM's given free roam.

Don't understand why people are drawing up 3 man midfields with Fernandinho holding. We haven't spent 30m to play him as an anchorman, he's the top class box to box CM that we've been lacking.
Phuket Blue said:
In the new spirit of crowd pleasing attacking football I heard Pellers is going to propose a pre-season experimenting with his new 0-1-2-4-2-1 formation. Our idea is to score at least 4 more than the opposition and then park the bus in close games by by bringing on Nasri and Rodders Plan B. Clichy and Zaba may see playing time with Guidetti shoring up the center when we have 6 goal or more lead in the last 20 mins-Plan C.


-------------------------- (No Defence)

Kompany (Sweeper)

Fernandinhio Yaya (Holding forwards)

Navas Nasri Silva Isco (Attacking forwards)

Aguero Cavani (Advanced attacking forwards)
Dzeko (Goal hanging forward)

Subs. Nasri Rodwell -Plan B, and Clichy Guidetti Zabaletta -Plan C

I don't know why people are debating each others teams when there's is no better than this post!

Holding forwards hahaha very funny :) people don't like humour here though mate!
***Sorry this is long, but its the summer, I can't sleep, I'm bored, and I need my City fix***

I didn't read every post on the thread, someone may have posted this formation/lineup already but...I think this formation is ideal. This is very similar to the 4-2-3-1 a lot of people have posted, yet with Yaya pushing forward a little bit further up the pitch, if need be he can always drop back beside Ferd-O in that second holding midfield role

----------------------J. Hart---------------------

Few thoughts:

-Fernandinho would be the heart/backbone (whatever body part metaphor you want) of the team if City played this formation. He would need to not only run his a$$ off, break up opposing attacks, and start our own build up... but MOST IMPORTANTLY play smart and read the game very well. Knowing when to push forward and when to stay put. From wikipedia "He is a defensive midfielder with a box to box style of play, contributing in large part to the defense and the attack. With a powerful shot and great passing range, Fernandinho has played in important part in breaking up opposition attacks and creating goal scoring opportunities." I like the sound of that but I'm not going to count my eggs before they hatch. To be honest, I know very little about him and have seen him play maybe three times. Can't wait to see him wearing the sky blue.
-In this 4-1-4-1 we'd finally play with some width, and have some pace on the wings. It'll be nice to have a plan B attack. Please no more SUPER NARROW dinky passing trying to open up a defense of 7 men playing behind the ball. I know more about Isco and Jesus than I do about Fernandinho, but I can't say I'm an expert on either player (probably watched them play 10-15 matches each this season, not paying too much attention to them though). What I was most curious about learning with these two that I had not noticed was their crossing ability. So naturally I checked their stats on FIFA 13. Isco who I see more of a Silva-type (not exactly a true wing player) has a crossing rating of 71 (not great, not terrible). Navas on the other hand (more a true winger) has a crossing rating of 87 (pretty damn impressive). Before someone replies saying FIFA 13 ratings mean shit...I know, but show me a better easily accessible gauge of a players abilities. This brings me to my next point....
-I have never been a huge fan of Dzeko, but if City were to play this (or any other wide formation) I think WE MUST KEEP DZEKO (or get another striker with aerial ability). Aguero and Tevez (although 2 of my favorite players) are about the height of your average 12 year old Swedish girl.
-This formation also allows easy player rotation and utilizes our deep squad. Milner or Nasri can play anywhere in the midfield 4. Rodwell/Barry can play behind the midfield 4 or as one of the two CMs. Same with Garcia who can additionally play as a CB.
-Also with Silva and Isco playing on the left side of the pitch Clichy would not feel the need to get forward and frustrate us with this terrible service. (joking).
I still cant work out where the goals will come from if we switch to 4-3-3.
richards30 said:
cibaman said:
I still cant work out where the goals will come from if we switch to 4-3-3.

depends who is in the 3-3 surely mate?

Yes, but the most frequent permutations being put forward seem to have Silva and Navas alongside Aguero. Silva and Navas are very good players, but their goal scoring records are awful. Aguero would need to score 35+ league goals for us to have any chance of winning the title.
Blue Elmo said:
JK91 said:
If you look at Pellegrini's tactical line ups at Villareal, Madrid and Malaga there is a common theme:

1 - He likes to use overlapping and adventurous wing-backs.
2 - He tends to use a creative central midfield quartet with two reliable defensive midfielders who are positioned behind two advanced "tricky" players.
3 - And also two free roaming strikers.

All wrapped up in either a 4-2-2-2 come 4-4-2 formation, with the midfield diamond and 4-2-3-1 formations thrown in for good measure. A creative and imaginative framework centred around a solid defensive foundation. Sounds good to me! And we certainly have the players for the gaffer to use this!

Have we not been playing something very similar to this for the past 2 years (if you excuse the odd adoption of 352 every now and again)

We have. Mancini liked the idea of two solid defensive midfielders. However, we tended to play with one up top more often. I think Pellegrini will play with a roaming front two more frequently than we did with Mancini.
Agueroooooooooo said:
Zaba. Kompany. Nastasic. Clichy
Navas. Silva. Isco.

Didn't know that the rules had changed to only play with 10 men.

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