Time wasting

What gets me is the difference between how different infringements are officiated.

If a player kept running up to the ball and kicking it away to waste time every time the opposition has a free kick, he’d be booked.

Yesterday, de Bruyne gave two fouls away and the ref (rightly, to be fair) had a word with him and held two fingers up as if to say “you’ve had two mate, next one’s going to be a booking”.

Yet, a goalkeeper can waste time at every goal kick and the ref just ignores it. Yesterday, after their ’keeper had time wasted twice, the ref didn’t (and they never do) have a word with him and hold up two fingers as if to say “you’ve time wasted twice now mate, next one’s going to be a booking”… it is just allowed to happen all the time, game-after-game.
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I think there is an unwritten rule amongst referees that there is no possibility of a booking for time wasting until the last fifteen minutes. Obviously by then palace had no intention of wasting time any more.

Keepers have every trick in the book to do this already, from diving on to the ground and eating up thirty seconds even if the save didn't require them to go to ground, dummying goal kicks and switching sides for goal kicks, cramp, injuries... Funnily enough never a problem when they are losing.

I can't believe many if any want to see it in the game, and to me it is on par with a tactical foul and should be a booking every time. You do it repeatedly then you are stupid and get a red. As a paying customer of the product I don't want my money being wasted by players who don't want to play football. Yes, it's a tactic but it has a time and place. Not five minutes into a game for sure.

As City fans we get this more than most, teams rocking up and a draw would be a great result, so they go full anti football for as long as they can. I'd imagine it may actually be something we share a genuine grievance with Liverpool fans on, maybe? How much for a match ticket or live football subscription, just to watch some bellend keeper pretend he's the class clown at school again, whilst a similarly bellended official pretends not to notice the time.

We already have the solution. Book them if they hang on to the ball for more than twenty seconds. Arguably time wasting is even worse for the game as a spectacle, including the spirit of the game, of they start it early on. Book them, even if it's the first half, then book them again if the are too stupid to learn.

Unlike many things in our sport, if you set a figure of say twenty seconds then that's statistical and measurable by everyone, not subjective at all.
The idea of actually stopping the game clock when the ball isn't in play has been suggested plenty of times down the years. The issue seems to be that halves would last nearly an hour each, and that TV (who seemingly call the shots these days) are dead set against that.
Maybe that's exactly what's needed, sky would then pressure people to quicken it up.
The idea of actually stopping the game clock when the ball isn't in play has been suggested plenty of times down the years. The issue seems to be that halves would last nearly an hour each, and that TV (who seemingly call the shots these days) are dead set against that.
Games only need to be 35 minutes each way. I’m not sure there’s ever been a game of football where the ball has been in play for 70 minutes so that’s plenty long enough, and just have a time keeper stopping the clock when the ball is dead.
wasn’t there a rule brought in a few years back where a keeper had to get rid of the ball within 6 seconds?

It’s been in the laws of the game for 25 years and I’m honestly struggling to remember it ever been enforced in the Premier League. I’ve no problem with a bit of leeway. I don’t want to see it penalised for 7 and 8 seconds. But when it gets to 20 seconds, as it often does, I’m at a loss as to why it isn’t penalised.
It’s been in the laws of the game for 25 years and I’m honestly struggling to remember it ever been enforced in the Premier League. I’ve no problem with a bit of leeway. I don’t want to see it penalised for 7 and 8 seconds. But when it gets to 20 seconds, as it often does, I’m at a loss as to why it isn’t penalised.
Keepers don’t hold the ball that long?

There’s no specified time in how long they have to take a goal kick.

Maybe there needs to be.
Just do it like Rugby - time keeping is done by an official in the stands - when a ball goes dead he/she stops the clock and restarts it when the ball becomes active again - that way they can waste all the time they want as they will be getting no time advantage so it will soon stop
But that won't allow 'game management'...
I get frustrated by this but there is an element to this that is about perception, the clock ticks a hell of a lot faster when you're a goal or two down. The difference between his urgency to get rid of the ball after we'd taken the lead and when we were chasing was negligible for the most part. Having said that I'm all for them tryinh shorter halves and stopping the clock which would fundamentally change the game but if I'm honest I think shithousing from keepers, playing the ball in the corner, the mystery of "extra, extra" time all make up towards the charm of football.

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