to the Ibra haters

haller said:
Ireland8989 said:
most his goals at juve,inter and barca have been provided by the quality players around him. u dont have a clue.. without him Inter was nothing.

take a good long look at youtube or talk to someone who knows about serie a or Ibra. cuz u dont know shit!

so tell me, what exactly has he done when he's come up against a premier league team apart from score that goal against arsenal where almunia came rushing off his line like a cnut????

nothing, why? because he's only suited to playing in a league that plays a slow game and where you get time and space on the ball, the prem is neither of those, the game would just pass him by, that's why he'd be a major over priced flop if he came here and we'd be a laughing stock.

most his goals at juve,inter and barca have been provided by the quality players around him. u dont have a clue.. without him Inter was nothing.

looks like it doesn't it, that must be why they made the champs league final this year without him, yet couldn't when they had him.
i suppose Barca we're nothing without him either eh? wait, didn't they win the champs league last year without him, yet couldn't make the final this year with him, losing in the semi's to a team called inter who are nothing without him!!!

and do you really think if it wasn't for the tax scandal and the match fixing in SERIE A at the time when juve, ac milan and others were docked points/relegated/had to sell there better players that inter would actually have won back to back leagues?????? because i don't.

the main problem why i'm not a fan of his, because everytime he comes up against a premier league team he does nothing, and if he came, he'd be coming up against them every week.

don't get me wrong, if he did come and turned out to be a massive hit, i'd be the first person to say i was wrong and hold my hands up.......i just don't think he'd be suited to this league though.

He is completely suited to the english league just shut up
Sabster said:
haller said:
so tell me, what exactly has he done when he's come up against a premier league team apart from score that goal against arsenal where almunia came rushing off his line like a cnut????

nothing, why? because he's only suited to playing in a league that plays a slow game and where you get time and space on the ball, the prem is neither of those, the game would just pass him by, that's why he'd be a major over priced flop if he came here and we'd be a laughing stock.

most his goals at juve,inter and barca have been provided by the quality players around him. u dont have a clue.. without him Inter was nothing.

looks like it doesn't it, that must be why they made the champs league final this year without him, yet couldn't when they had him.
i suppose Barca we're nothing without him either eh? wait, didn't they win the champs league last year without him, yet couldn't make the final this year with him, losing in the semi's to a team called inter who are nothing without him!!!

and do you really think if it wasn't for the tax scandal and the match fixing in SERIE A at the time when juve, ac milan and others were docked points/relegated/had to sell there better players that inter would actually have won back to back leagues?????? because i don't.

the main problem why i'm not a fan of his, because everytime he comes up against a premier league team he does nothing, and if he came, he'd be coming up against them every week.

don't get me wrong, if he did come and turned out to be a massive hit, i'd be the first person to say i was wrong and hold my hands up.......i just don't think he'd be suited to this league though.

He is completely suited to the english league just shut up

It's great to see you backing up your argument there mate.
Griff93 said:
Sabster said:
He is completely suited to the english league just shut up

It's great to see you backing up your argument there mate.

Hes bigger and stronger than almost every cb, hes got good enough pace and has desire to do well oh and he has amazing skills and finishing
Sabster said:
Griff93 said:
It's great to see you backing up your argument there mate.

Hes bigger and stronger than almost every cb, hes got good enough pace and has desire to do well oh and he has amazing skills and finishing

See it wasn't that hard was it. By the way are you his agent? ;)
Goats left knee said:
shurrup and watch this!!
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

right at the end of this montage the way that no.4 just disintegrates like he's not even there is just hilarious.

Ibra would be a good signing and he would be suited to the Prem.

Also Mancini will get the best out of him as he has worked with him at Inter.

Remember when we bought Bellamy and the majority thought he was a bad signing yet Hughes worked wonders with him.

If we were to sign Balotelli this would be similar as he is another player who Mancini as worked with.

We have to trust Mancini to bring in the best players for the job.
haller said:
Goats left knee said:
shurrup and watch this!!
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

that be me then:)
still over rated, 2nd goal scored against a shit defence, 3rd goal against a shit keeper,(couldn't be arsed to watch the rest):)and well, most his goals at juve,inter and barca have been provided by the quality players around him.

here's the thing, most of u's were twisting about paying 30mill or so for Gerrard because he's coming upto 30yrs old, yet a proven premiership performer season after remind me, how old is lazy arse Ibra???????? yet you want to go and pay the same money, if not more for him.

isn't that a bit hypocritical?

and another thing, if he's the so called best forward in the world, do you really think BARCA would be wanting to offload him?
only one reason they would do that, and that is because he's getting on now and will have no resale value to the next team he signs a contract for.
I don't think you realise just how important he was for Inter. He was very good, and he also scored the greatest goal i've ever seen for Ajax.
Sabster said:
Griff93 said:
It's great to see you backing up your argument there mate.

Hes bigger and stronger than almost every cb, hes got good enough pace and has desire to do well oh and he has amazing skills and finishing

physically bigger...yes
stonger.....he falls to the floor like he has been shot most of the time
pace...looks quick in a slwoer league
desire to do well.......LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!! you are havgn a joke....he shows no desire whatsoever....he is so unmotivated...god help him if he does come here and bellamy is stilla round as bellamy will be getting his golf clubs out again!!!!

PLEASE CITY STAY WELL AWAY FROM THE POTENTIAL BIGGEST EVER PREMIERHIP FLOP!<br /><br />-- Thu May 13, 2010 11:15 am --<br /><br />
haller said:
Ireland8989 said:
most his goals at juve,inter and barca have been provided by the quality players around him. u dont have a clue.. without him Inter was nothing.

take a good long look at youtube or talk to someone who knows about serie a or Ibra. cuz u dont know shit!

so tell me, what exactly has he done when he's come up against a premier league team apart from score that goal against arsenal where almunia came rushing off his line like a cnut????

nothing, why? because he's only suited to playing in a league that plays a slow game and where you get time and space on the ball, the prem is neither of those, the game would just pass him by, that's why he'd be a major over priced flop if he came here and we'd be a laughing stock.
most his goals at juve,inter and barca have been provided by the quality players around him. u dont have a clue.. without him Inter was nothing.

looks like it doesn't it, that must be why they made the champs league final this year without him, yet couldn't when they had him.
i suppose Barca we're nothing without him either eh? wait, didn't they win the champs league last year without him, yet couldn't make the final this year with him, losing in the semi's to a team called inter who are nothing without him!!!

and do you really think if it wasn't for the tax scandal and the match fixing in SERIE A at the time when juve, ac milan and others were docked points/relegated/had to sell there better players that inter would actually have won back to back leagues?????? because i don't.

the main problem why i'm not a fan of his, because everytime he comes up against a premier league team he does nothing, and if he came, he'd be coming up against them every week.
And if your going to pay 40 mill or so for a 29 year old(which he will be in october), you have to be damn sure he's going to be a big success over here and justify that fee, because you won't get anything like that on re-sale if he flops at his age.
for that sort of fee, i'd want him to be out gunning drogba in goals(which i seriously doubt he will), and he's 32 years old. i wouldn't even be surprised if he didn't outscore willy bent at sunderland never mind drogba.

don't get me wrong, if he did come and turned out to be a massive hit, i'd be the first person to say i was wrong and hold my hands up.......i just don't think he'd be suited to this league though.

The highlighted points are absolutely spot on

He would be a huge mistake and if RM thinks he is a good buy then Im worried
simon23 said:
Sabster said:
Hes bigger and stronger than almost every cb, hes got good enough pace and has desire to do well oh and he has amazing skills and finishing

physically bigger...yes
stonger.....he falls to the floor like he has been shot most of the time
pace...looks quick in a slwoer league
desire to do well.......LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!! you are havgn a joke....he shows no desire whatsoever....he is so unmotivated...god help him if he does come here and bellamy is stilla round as bellamy will be getting his golf clubs out again!!!!


-- Thu May 13, 2010 11:15 am --

haller said:
so tell me, what exactly has he done when he's come up against a premier league team apart from score that goal against arsenal where almunia came rushing off his line like a cnut????

nothing, why? because he's only suited to playing in a league that plays a slow game and where you get time and space on the ball, the prem is neither of those, the game would just pass him by, that's why he'd be a major over priced flop if he came here and we'd be a laughing stock.
most his goals at juve,inter and barca have been provided by the quality players around him. u dont have a clue.. without him Inter was nothing.

looks like it doesn't it, that must be why they made the champs league final this year without him, yet couldn't when they had him.
i suppose Barca we're nothing without him either eh? wait, didn't they win the champs league last year without him, yet couldn't make the final this year with him, losing in the semi's to a team called inter who are nothing without him!!!

and do you really think if it wasn't for the tax scandal and the match fixing in SERIE A at the time when juve, ac milan and others were docked points/relegated/had to sell there better players that inter would actually have won back to back leagues?????? because i don't.

the main problem why i'm not a fan of his, because everytime he comes up against a premier league team he does nothing, and if he came, he'd be coming up against them every week.
And if your going to pay 40 mill or so for a 29 year old(which he will be in october), you have to be damn sure he's going to be a big success over here and justify that fee, because you won't get anything like that on re-sale if he flops at his age.
for that sort of fee, i'd want him to be out gunning drogba in goals(which i seriously doubt he will), and he's 32 years old. i wouldn't even be surprised if he didn't outscore willy bent at sunderland never mind drogba.

don't get me wrong, if he did come and turned out to be a massive hit, i'd be the first person to say i was wrong and hold my hands up.......i just don't think he'd be suited to this league though.

The highlighted points are absolutely spot on

He would be a huge mistake and if RM thinks he is a good buy then Im worried

So if a manager who has worked with him before for an amount of time and seen what he's like day in day out and in every game and thinks he'll be a good signing you'll be worried? Mancini knows his strengths much more than me or you and i'm willing to trust his judgement because i'm a fan of Ibra and if Mancini wants to bring him in then i'm all for it
hes won the league title every year since he left sweden in Holland, Italy and soon Spain. it says it all.

what u blind wankers says in a forum like this mean shit!

and u halle, last year Inter had a much much weeker team with only Ibra who could score goals.. he was the serie a topscorer!!

last year Inter didnt have Milito, Etoo, Sneijder(most important), Lucio, Motta, Pandev, Mariga etc etc. Zlatan was milito, etoo, sneijder and pandev by him self!!!!!!

dont fuckin speak if u dont know shit about other leagues than PL blind wankers

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