To those handful of Morons! Read!

Ricster said:
You're actions last night weren't just noticed by our own fans but noticed around the world. Congrats for the hand signals and abuse aimed towards Mancini.

Do you think you're actions are going to help?

Let me answer that question. Our owner has put millions into this club and is becoming increasingly impatient by the way some of our fans are reacting. In my words, like spoilt brats. Mansour has no ties to us, he can leave this club at anytime.

Im not going to go into this much more, but believe me you've been warned.

Dont bite the hand that feeds you!

More than anything I want to lose the '34 years' stigma but a couple of Points if I may

1. Supporting the team means just that.......and it includes the manager (who ever it is)
2. A revolving door on the managers office doesn't help. (I know having lived and supported through the Horton etc years)
3. The manager can only select who's available and the formation.....and then tinker whilst the match is on.
4. This manager has not got his own team. It's Hughes'
5. Teams and Teamspirit are / is not built overnight. Following the appointment of Mancini, there will be clashes of personality / old allegiances / changes that eventually have to be made (weve all had new bosses appointed in our companies you know what its like)
6. There is a bigger game being played by the Shiek and his people and that will involve the development around and possibly the purchase of COMSTAD.
7. Even if we were to qualify for CL football based on the team we currently have we probably wouldn't get very far would we?
8. Stoke last night was a disapointment but its all part of Mancinis learning curve.

Lets get on with it................................
mancity2k said:
Ricster said:
Cant say, but its the same person that told me in November that Hughes would be gone before the Jan transfer window. I pm'd quite a few people about that, so i have no reason not to believe him this time.

I can understand why he's pissed. We are acting like spoilt little children. Its about time we did what blues do best and get behind the team and start supporting the way we used to.

Ricster - the words you speak i equal to what comes out my rear.

I was telling people last October that Hughes wouldnt make the January transfer window, it was hardly rocket science was it !!!

As for the tripe you have come out with about biting the hand that feeds you ! as a paying loyal fans they can make any hand gestures they want when we play over defensive crap football AGAIN managed by a pillock. I doubt very much that it bothered Mancini and i am 100% sure that sheik mansour will drop his 300 million investment because of it.

What other magical predictions have you been told???

Lol. Go look at the list. Also, if you want to talk info, i also said during the summer on about Barry, Eto'o and Tevez. Not that i need to explain myself.
I agree that hearing about a minority of City fans verbally abusing Mancini last night would have displeased Sheikh Monsour. And rightly so. But lets get some perspective on this for gawds sake.

He is an intelligent man who didnt enter into the world of British football thinking it was all sweetness and light and believing that the supporters clap politely to everything like a bunch of Japanese pop fans. If anything his view of British football would have been slightly distorted towards the negative (our global image as being nothing more than numbskull hooligans has never truly left us). So thirty or so City fans making masturbation gestures to the manager will not have him packing up and moving on. If we had ripped seats up yes of course that would give him plenty of cause to reconsider his immense investment. If we had thrown objects (like every other club seems to do these days to our players....a bag of coins last night to Given) then yes. But angry gestures.....I think not.

As I mentioned in another thread last night the commentator of Radio5 anticipated the abuse as soon as the final whistle blew. He said something akin to 'And Mancini has to now walk straight past the angry City fans on his way to the tunnel. He wont be looking forward to that'. So the actions of a few disgruntled fans was not shocking or indeed particularly surprising in any way.
I am not condoning their actions at all. I am simply suggesting that we keep this in perspective.
The Sheikh didnt buy the club for the fans, and he wont sell it because of the fans either.

When are we allowed to get and show frustration at our piss poor showings on the pitch?
We havnt made any overall progress from the day Mancini took over.
We know we deserve better than what weve had in recent weeks, and we have the players who are capable of producing better.
The ante got upped when the Shiekh took over and ploughes serious amounts of cash into the team, all the fans have done is taken on that and are trying to carry it on.

For some fans, City has cost them a hell of alot more than the Sheikh or any other owner out there, I believe there maybe a right to moan.
I was gutted last night , really gutted , hurting , it was hard not to cry , but I would never boo or abuse the players or manager . The last few weeks at home , i've been more nervous worrying about the fans booing at the final whistle ,than watching the game itself .The fans are starting to disgust me , the booing , the abuse of the players , it's sickening . We are a club divided , we are not what we were , we have to get together and support the team.
Ricster said:
bluemoonmatt said:
Whose words are they Ricster?

Cant say, but its the same person that told me in November that Hughes would be gone before the Jan transfer window. I pm'd quite a few people about that, so i have no reason not to believe him this time.

I can understand why he's pissed. We are acting like spoilt little children. Its about time we did what blues do best and get behind the team and start supporting the way we used to.

Ricster, you are clearly hearing snippets re this. But I can assure you, the man at the very top, although frustrated like the rest of us, is sitting pretty in terms of what the future holds.

We, as City fans, also get into a mindset that it is all about what happens on the pitch, this considerably investment so far is just a precursor to the bigger picture.

Sheikh Mansour and his team of advisors are quickly learning that football gives no guarantees.

But I can guarantee you this, there are plenty of people walking this summer within the entire management structure.

Keep the faith, they knew Mancini was a short term gamble, unfortunately, for both him and us, one that appears to not have come off, but there is still time.

The existing caveat in his contract, should demonstrate to everyone that they are here for a long time, and that they are prudent enough to see further down the road.

The thirst for success is palpable, within touching distance, which makes for frustrations in all. But it will come, and it will be all the more special when it happens.
This thread is ludicrous, ironic and hypocritical in equal measures.

There was no-one more critical or vitriolic in slating Hughes after every minor setback and calling for his head at every opportunity than Ricster.

Now all of a sudden Mancini is a protected species and fans voicing their displeasure are going to bring the Club down.

Well if thats the case then the supposed hard-nosed, pragmatic business people that control our club must be very thin-skinned sensitive souls and not tough enough to survive in the competitive world of football anyway.
BurnCK said:
It's not even Mancini's fault....we simply have a team of overpriced, overpaid wasters !

Agreed, and you can't blame the Shekh for this... The sheikh has done his best and provided the money, its these players who are letting the club down, and the fans showing their frustration but in the wrong way!!

Lets have a look at a few players:

Adebayor - wouldn't get into a top 4 side.
Barry - same as above.
Roque - same as above.
Bellamy - same as above.
SWP - same as above (but at least tries).

The heart and soul have been ripped out of our club... we need to direct our frustration at the players who aren't fit to wear the shirt and do not give a monkeys about the shirt IMHO!!

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