Todays Mirror

stony said:
i8rags said:
stony said:
What an utter ****. He does make some valid points but most of that is just sheer unadulterated shite.
Disagree, it's nearly all bang on.

So we didn't deserve to win ?

Based on possession - yes
Based on the total shots - yes
Palace can feel unfortunate though given that Hart had to make more important saves than their keeper
For the 2nd game running a draw would have been a fair result overall, that said, winning these games in this way makes Champions.
bluecityste said:
To be fair apart from the 'tone' of the article, the overall points made were all spot on I.e. Dzeko and Garcia are NOT good enough.

The only point I took exception with was highlighting Boyata, who I thought was possibly the best player on the pitch in the first hour.

I bet a good few of the top ten in the PL would have either or both of them!

Boyata was solid. Didn't bugger up anything and delivered exactly what an RB should do.

The article is mealy-mouthed and puffs up minor weaknesses that are evident in any team, and in some teams more than us.

Palace arrived with a goalie and ten athletes. Cross country runners, the lot of them. Very difficult to play against a team who are content to defend in bulk, run around the pitch all day, chase over every blade of grass, and hope for Lady Luck to stump up another three points. And deprive the fans of playing time by wasting as much as the idiot Marriner allows! I just wonder what the article would have been like had they got one and Edin had blazed his over the bar! Wow. And wow again! There would have been a mass frenzy of todger-tuggin' among the RagMeedya never seen since that wonderful night . . . . . . . . . Fuck off, Tyler!
akcity said:
stony said:
i8rags said:
Disagree, it's nearly all bang on.

So we didn't deserve to win ?

Based on possession - yes
Based on the total shots - yes
Palace can feel unfortunate though given that Hart had to make more important saves than their keeper
For the 2nd game running a draw would have been a fair result overall, that said, winning these games in this way makes Champions.

why the fuck would a draw have been fair yesterday??
When every other fucker rests players against weaker opposition and win it is called a tactical master stroke. When we do the same it shows up our inadequacies. If Liverpool rested Johnson, Suarez, Gerrard, Coutinho and had four other players out injured what would their team be like? We probably had a stronger team not playing than playing and we won the game. I didn't realise that we were only allowed to win by running our players into the ground and scoring four each game otherwise it doesn't count! Shit journalism from a shit paper.
Thought our performance was below par to what we have Been treated to this season,but. 3 pts is all that matters and the fact joe hart was motm maybe confirms that palace did look dangerous and there was a few times my heart was in my mouth thinking there going to score here but for hart.
Thing is, "plucky, skint underdog pops the pretentions of swaggering billionaire club" is a far easier story to write (let alone sell) than "mega rich club's second team grind out boring 1-nil win to go top".
It's the easier option and they went with it.

I think most of us who can remember say, the Pearce era, can appreciate the efforts of Palace, yesterday. (Not saying it was enjoyable viewing, mind). If I were a Palace fan, I'd be disappointed with the lack of credit afforded to their performance, in that article. No.13 (Puncheon?) was always a threat and no. 7 (Baloise?) took up great positions that a better midfield would have exploited. All that, from a backs to the wall formation - that's solid football from very limited resources. Credit where it's due. Thankfully we got the goal (that we DID deserve).
As for the snide digs at City? Who cares? Top o' the league. We're havin' a laugh!
Brendan110_0 said:
Cobwebcat said:
Disagree that our reserve team is a huge drop (see Bayern away) but he does highlight the problem on an individual basis. Boyata and Garcia.

Didn't Boyata play well? Some cracking balls into the box from what I remember, never caught out of position in defense.

Boyata did play well and covered some break aways better than the first team managed at Fulham. It is just that Palace were so defensive that we would have benefitted from a more natural attacking player at right back.
Wouldnt wipe my bum on that paper. Im happy to stick with the manager's decision yesterday. We won, we got a clean sheet and a lot of our players had a rest. Oh and we are top of the league.

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