Today's shooting in America thread

Who feeds this shit into his brain ?

8chan and his president. Let's not get this twisted his own president keeps banging on about how dangerous these Mexicans and Hispanics are, these pathetic loners think they are some kind of Joan of Arc. In reality 20 dead won't change shit all he has done is caused people pain including his own mother, and he will be getting raped for the next 50 years.
News organisations showing a picture from his social media of the shooters guns put in a formation to spell the world Trump.

Think that answers the question of any potential influence...
Well at least then they might see how useless their little hand guns are against a drone strike.

For the record, I think it's entirely possible to allow weapons and have sensible gun controls that make these kinds of massacres less likely. Even some gun enthusiasts have proposed sensible measures (banning high capacity magazines, etc) but they are constantly shot down (no pun intended) by the gun manufacturers. Sorry, not gun manufacturers, that civil-minded gun enthusiasts club the NRA, which is in no way associated with gun manufacturers.
As people become more stupid they feel the need to brandish weapons to deal with conflict/intimidate others. I grew up in a family of hunters and there were always guns around but I never once heard my father go on and on about murder fantasies that I hear all time time now. It's always "If somebody trespassed on my property I'd shoot them" or "If somebody broke into my house they'd be dead" or some other crazy shit. I've mentioned that it would be much safer to just leave and call the police but they don't want to hear it, they want to kill somebody so bad that they're consumed by it. We're at the point where people have mistakenly killed family members because they thought somebody broke in. There was even a guy who left something valuable out in the open and hid in his garage waiting for somebody to come and take it so he could kill them. Another guy shot some black people out in the street because he deemed them a threat. I know a guy who heard somebody in his yard and grabbed his assault rifle and went up on his roof like some kind of stupid commando to try and kill them.

I could go on and on with these stories but basically people think the death penalty is the remedy to everything at this point.

Also, the Lt Governor of Texas has used the latest shooting to blame Antifa (Which really isn't a thing and had nothing to do with the killings).
8chan and his president. Let's not get this twisted his own president keeps banging on about how dangerous these Mexicans and Hispanics are, these pathetic loners think they are some kind of Joan of Arc. In reality 20 dead won't change shit all he has done is caused people pain including his own mother, and he will be getting raped for the next 50 years.

They literally believe everything except actual facts. Just look at the guy who started shooting inside a pizza shop in DC in 2016. He thought he was rescuing children who were trapped in a sex slave ring run by Hillary Clinton. He didn't do this because of video games or mental illness (although he is obviously very stupid), he did it because of bullshit he read on right-wing forums that are fed into by Breitbart, InfoWars and Dumb Donald himself.

I know it's off topic but when I saw the Netflix documentary Making a Murderer I couldn't help but relate it to the gun control issue. The guy who got arrested is obviously not very bright and all of his troubles started because he wanted to intimidate a woman w/ a gun because she was spreading rumors about him. If he had not done that he wouldn't have ever gone to jail. But the NRA and Dumb Donald have convinced these mouth breathers that they should strap on AR-15s when they go to restaurants because it's their right. Never mind that it scares people and greatly increases the chances of there being a conflict.

It's just so fucking stupid...
I know loads of Americans in their 60's /70's who are the nicest people you could meet until you mention gun control -then they just go on the defense .They don't really trust their Government ,many have grown up with guns,they grew up in rural isolated areas where calling 911 wouldn't be much use. They would rationalise this latest horror, that if they had been in Walmart they would have pulled out their concealed weapon & end of problem.
I know loads of Americans in their 60's /70's who are the nicest people you could meet until you mention gun control -then they just go on the defense .They don't really trust their Government ,many have grown up with guns,they grew up in rural isolated areas where calling 911 wouldn't be much use. They would rationalise this latest horror, that if they had been in Walmart they would have pulled out their concealed weapon & end of problem.
Hear that all the time yet no one ever does it do they, you run like any sane person would.
Well one has to be carefull what one wishes to another, but if crazy gunmen are going to do their thang eitherhow then i hope one opts to take NRA lobby central as his target. Atleast there likely would be some irony to appreciate.

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