Today's shooting in America thread

I’m sure someone’s missing from this thread, who’s input I would like to hear after this latest tragedy!
Who? I would like to hear from them, too.

While we wait to hear from them, my feeling is that I hope this can change the gun debate in America, but on first blush it appears the Right has quickly run to their corner and it was the number of doors into the school that was the problem!

What next? School fire kills 300 children because the one door got blocked by a child that tripped over?!

I was airborne when this happened and am just reading about it on here as I just returned from breakfast in Delhi, India.

It sickens me. But, it sickens me more that nothing will happen to change 2A or access to guns.

It FEELS like an intractable problem. It FEELS like America wrote itself into a corner hundreds of years ago and now so many fetishists elect people to protect their fetish. It FEELS like this will change nothing. I VOTE anti-2A.

Beto O’Rourkd tried to stand up for these dead children in front of the Texas Republican political establishment and was not only called a “son of a woman” from the stage, but escorted out by police for daring to point the finger at the people on the stage who hold all the political power to enact change! In Texas!

It is senseless. From what I’ve read, the Police bungled this entire thing by locking him in with children to kill and being unable to break down a door until a teacher used a key, and even then it was Border Patrol who took the shooter.

When it comes to political will, the American cross currents look, sound and feel ridiculous and pathetically immature.

AGAINST safe & legal abortion, against funding pre-K educational or child poverty social safety net…but FOR guns!

AGAINST mass slaughter of school children…but UNWILLING to lift a finger to remove access to the murder weapon OR provide universal mental health care for those that need it.

Meanwhile, SCOTUS deliberates Roe not Heller.

I know many if you think I’m some RWNJ gun nut, but I’m the absolute least of your concerns in that regard.

I know some of you think “never say never,” but that’s like me saying something stupid like “well, people mow down people with their cars. Maybe I should be worried about you and your car?”

For context, there are 330,000,000 people in America, 283,000,000 registered cars, but approx 350,000,000 guns (with no real number available!).

This site…

…shows a breakdown of state by state figures. Note which way those states vote.

I don’t have any words for what these parents are going through, and many of you believe America is fucking nuts.

I can’t disagree on this issue when looking from the outside in.

However, from the inside, I understand the problem and realize the political WILL needed to change it simply doesn’t exist, no matter how many children die.

That is fucking crazy to me.

That is America. I just live here.
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America is a strange country, it will go out of the way with complete disregard for law to protect its citizens if they commit a crime abroad (Hit and run case in Uk was is a recent example and they're have been many other such instances in the developing world) but won't move an inch over gun laws which kills children on weekly basis and no matter who the president is, they all bow down to gun lobby
I disagree with your last point.

But, it doesn’t matter what the President thinks, anyway!
I've just read that Kinder eggs are banned in the U.S.


Because 7 children in 33 years, have been killed WORLDWIDE through choking on them.

What a mad time to be alive!
Yank logic, they really are the thickest nation on the planet. Thank fuck I’ve never been there let alone live there!
I disagree with your last point.

But, it doesn’t matter what the President thinks, anyway!

Fair enough but even if they don't bow down to them they're as inept against them as their predecessors, they all make good points when such incidents occur but concrete action is beyond them
Hey, that’s the ex-President’s sweaty Doctor who said he’s the healthiest President EVER!!

Liars lie. Fucking liars become Republican politicians!

Wow, didn't expect him to be an experienced doctor.

I wouldn't trust that bloke to leave him alone with a box of Duplo because of the risk he takes his eye out or inserts a brick up/down one of his holes.
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The NY Post is reporting that not only did the police wait outside for 40 minutes without confronting the gunman, not only did they stop parents from going in to save their children, some police went inside, got their kids and came out without trying to save more or confronting the shooter.


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