Today's shooting in America thread

There's been 2,829 mass shootings in America over the time span of those 4 attacks.

So that would make trans people responsible for 0.14% of them.

Not surprising that Elon Musk is amplifying this though, his lurch towards far right politics in America was started by his own daughter coming out as trans and cutting off all contact with him. I wonder how she feels seeing him promote this kind of hateful rhetoric.
No offence Tolmie but you're missing the wood for the trees.

AR15s have been responsible for all of the worst mass shootings in American history. It's a proven fact that while they didn't stop entirely, the frequency and number of casualties in mass shootings dropped massively under the assault rifle ban of the 90's.

They have been banned before and they can be banned again.

No one is getting rid of all guns in America, and plenty of countries that allow people to have guns don't have the mass shooting problems of the US so there's no point talking about getting rid of all guns.
Guns should be restricted to home defence and should be handguns or shotguns.

Long guns should be restricted, registered and permitted to those willing to subject themselves to the checks and costs associated with their ownership. This would create fury outside of urban areas, where long gun ownership and use is a birthright, with guns passed down for generations.

Owners of guns seen or used outside the home should be dealt with in the most severe way possible…zero leniency! Fill the jails with them and let the non-violent offenders do something useful in society, like cleaning road sides!
2A is considered sacred. That means even the states cannot enact legislation.

This is what I can’t comprehend. People seem to hold a piece of legislation as being more sacred than the lives of their own children.

I get it’s an almost immeasurably difficult task, however it really does all boil down to a simple question - do you value the right to keep and bear arms more than the right of children to not be murdered in their school.
This is what I can’t comprehend. People seem to hold a piece of legislation as being more sacred than the lives of their own children.

I get it’s an almost immeasurably difficult task, however it really does all boil down to a simple question - do you value the right to keep and bear arms more than the right of children to not be murdered in their school.

If you actually think about it for more than a few moments, the idea of a country being run according to some rules written by a bunch of white slave owning men from the 1700s is entirely batshit insane anyway.

As soon as you start amending it to make up for things like slavery being OK, or not letting women or non-land owners vote, you accept that it's not sacrosanct and should be rewritten to suit changing times - so then why is the 2A sacred?
If you actually think about it for more than a few moments, the idea of a country being run according to some rules written by a bunch of white slave owning men from the 1700s is entirely batshit insane anyway.
We still have a royal family that many think are automatically better than them by birth. Glass houses and all that...

In so many ways, America is the greatest country in the world. And in many others, they are completely batshit, usually relating to anything to do with 'god and guns'.
Is it?

What are they the best at?

Their Innovation for a start. But that comes from what we'd see as their odd views on social security, bankruptcy, job security etc. Much easier to start a company, watch it fail, sack everyone and start again there than here or elsewhere in Europe.
Their Innovation for a start. But that comes from what we'd see as their odd views on social security, bankruptcy, job security etc. Much easier to start a company, watch it fail, sack everyone and start again there than here or elsewhere in Europe.

I didn't think you'd reply with "they're the best at having zero protections for workers rights" but you might be right.

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