Tommy Hutchison book

Apparently Gary Mabbutt also scored at both ends in the 1987 Cup Final whilst playing for Spurs.
I remember watching that game at a friend's house (we were all supporting Coventry because of the Dave Bennett conection) but don't remember Mabbutt scoring an own goal.
I think you overestimate the importance and influence of Jimmy Hill. Why would the police listen to him with no valid reason. Also, would he really be so keen that our game started later? The only combination of results that would have made this a worthwhile thing to do was the one that happened. Some predictive skills to forsee this happening. I think you are delving into the realms of supposition and conspiracy theories rather than sticking to the facts.
Best of luck with the book.

I do think it's entirely plausible that Jimmy Hill would have had enough charm persuasion and status to be listened to by anybody in the establishment...This was a man who fought vociferously for players improved wages-, the end of maximum wage of £20 a week in the early 1960s; a big thing at the time.Once he got a bee in his bonnet he would never let go....
Jimmy Hill was a player,trade union leader,coach,manager,director chairman,presenter and I'd say it's difficult to overstate his importance/ influence.
Thought I would bump this thread as Tommy’s book is due for publication next month.
Anyone who wants to pre-order the book can use the link below. The date for publishing is Oct 17th. However, if you wanted a signed copy it would arrive a week or two after this date as Tommy will have his first signing session on the weekend of October 29 in Coventry.
Books bought from the link below will cost £18 plus p and p, cheaper than the price on Amazon or in bookshops.
order your books here;

'Hutch' order form

Apologies, but I will bump this thread occasionally over the next few weeks so anyone who wants a book can see it.
Really looking forward to reading this as Tommy is cracking fella who had a great career. I caught up with him earlier this year for a Tales of Blue and Tommy, like many blues wish he could have been with us much earlier in his career, he speaks very highly of his time with us.

I sent him a cheque as a thank you for his time and to have a dinner on me, which he sent back with 'No Need, Once A Blue, Always A Blue' written on the back.

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Apparently MacDonald persuaded Bodak to drive to Blackpool in midweek because back in the 80s it was “full of easy Scottish sluts” for many weekends in the summer.
They got absolutely leathered and despite being top flight footballers, somehow came back empty handed. From Blackpool. In the 80s.
Overturned the motor while blind drunk on the way home.
Both then claimed to the police that the other one was driving.
McNeill, imo quite rightly, decided that if they were willing to grass each other and sell a teammate out to the filth to try and protect themselves, then they would do it in a game. Not the sort of characters you want around the olace.
So he fucked them both off within a week.
Good riddance, even though Bobby Mac had a great late career with Oxford
Blackpool 60s 70s 80s, Glasgow holiday week. Complete madness. Thousands of pissed up Celitic supporters. As for the sluts, I wouldn’t know but my friend had a lot of success.
Good? They fought relegation after relationship every bloody year.
And escaped the drop in 77 or 78 by cheating Sunderland who went down instead.

It was a Thursday night end of season and either Cov / Bristol City or Sunderland could go down and were all on the same points - only Cov and Bristol City played each other and Sundeland were at Goodison Park.

Jimmy Hill got Cov's game delayed saying crowds were still outside trying to get in so it kicked off 15 mins later than Sunderland.
When the game at Goodison was over, Hill instructed the scoreboard operator to flash up that Sunderland had lost 2-0.
Cov and Bristol City were at 2-2 so both safe and for the remaining 12 or so mins the game was a sham. Neither side going forward or backwards with no challenges or attempts to get the ball. A disgrace.
Just another reason to dislike that club.
Yes, I remember that. At the time, I wondered why Cov kicked off later. Mystery solved.
Blackpool 60s 70s 80s, Glasgow holiday week. Complete madness. Thousands of pissed up Celitic supporters. As for the sluts, I wouldn’t know but my friend had a lot of success.
Pissed up Scots.
Port Glasgow,Greenock and Boness women seemed to be my conquests late 70's and early 80's.

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