Tonight's Forecast....

Didsbury Dave said:
If it is off you could make an argument either way as to whether it benefits the team or not. On balance I think it does, because we can get players back fit, and also because this weather could be a great leveller.

This - playing in this wind could def even things up, so on balance I'd rather it be postponed.
Now in town in a boozer, roads were remarkably quiet as most seem to have heeded the warning to stay off the roads. Seems it's okay for football fans. The wind is less strong in town than it was when I left home but there is protection afforded by the buildings. I would call it off as it's not worth the risk that the wind could blow something into a crowd of people have already seen road signs and the like blown over. That could be lethal.
Good if it is off. Looking at gaps in the schedule, I think we might be waiting until April and that will depend on how we go in cups. Maybe have the cup final as a 2 for 1 deal.

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