Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....{merged}

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Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

alanjames24 said:
ctidcarl said:
Kiam06 - let me guess.....

You are single, you are young, you have very few overheads????

I'm not impressed with you saying to a fellow poster that "You do not care about Lincoln away in 1999"......... you, personally, have no right to judge what games people go to and what games people do not.

It's good that you are passionate

Its not good you call fellow Blues when you don't know their situations.

As I said at the top of my post, I'm guessing you are young with no family commitments.

Believe me, times are hard and if it boiled down to a parent spending £15 on a City ticket or £15 on their childs uniform for School........ thw school uniform would win, every day of every week.

Sorry if that sounds dull, or anti-City to you, but I know untolds of Blues who love our club, who are struggling financially and yet, they love OUR club just as much as you do.

Is somebody who makes it to every game more of a fan than somebody who HAS to choose their games carefully yet spends every spare penny doing so.....

Because THAT is loyal.

Believe what you choose to believe Kiam06...... will be interesting to read your posts in years to come, if/when your circumstances change

I'm just saying

Top post Carl. Kiam, please remember those of us abroad who are STUCK in the life of an armchair fan when if circumstances were different, we'd be there as often as we could. It killed me to give up my season ticket and it killed me last week when I had to cancel my trip over for Liverpool and Hull in November because of cutbacks at work. I'm sure there's more than 48,000 Blues that would be there EVERY game if certain factors weren't called into play.

For now, consider yourself lucky that you got to be there (Even if it was shit like people are saying), because there's a lot of us that would like to be in your size 11's.

I accept that, I just think people ( not you) find it easier to make excuses when we are playing lesser teams in the cups, those are the people I was getting at. I wonder if it was the Manchester Derby tonight how many of the fans who have slagged me on here tonight would have managed to get there, a few I think.
Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

I'm a gap year student that couldn't be arsed i think i claim worst fan.
Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

For one reason or another, I often end up with a couple of spare tickets. I usually give these away to friends or family who haven't bought one. Reason they haven't bought one is purely down to finance. The same people watched them long before I did and are just as passionate.

I take your point about reduced ticket prices, but ancillary costs such as public transport & parking all add up. I'm fortunate to have disposable income to follow the blues, but I appreciate the plight of others. It wasn't that long ago I was in a similar position myself.
Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

Fowlers Penalty Miss said:
I went. Does that mean I'm not in you're little black book!

Seriously though, The League, Milk, Littlewoods, Carling, call it what you want Cup, has never been a top feature in the early rounds in most fans' minds.

It never has, and never will, generate huge excitement until the latter stages. It's the way of the world.

Most Premier League teams treat it as a run out for the reserves, which Fulham duly did tonight, so if the teams regard it as less than a priority, I think it's a bit unfair to call fans for not turning up in their droves.

Yes but as I said earlier our manager has made it clear he is taking it seriously and is playing a full strength team, surely that deserves the support.
Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

It was inevitible this was going to be the case.
The exact same thing happened in last years uefa cup home games.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. If you go then why bother what anyone else does?
I was at the game but can understand why people stayed away.
I'll be there for the next round, so what if it's yet again half the capacity, I'll be there so who cares.
Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

Sorry if I have missed anything in between but have read the first 2 pages and jumped to page 19/20.

Jist I got was we only had 25K which was some 23K short of capacity and comparing us to the short fall at Old Trafford. Can I add to this point that their capaicity is in the region of 77K and they were charging around £41 where as ours is 48K and £20 for non seasoncard holders/£15 seasoncard/12.50 scheme.

We claim to be the "Manchester Club and the other the outsider" and I recall seeing faces in the pubs that were regular supporters from outside of Manchester that were in attendance today. Yet despite this claim they get a crowd of over £51K which exceeds our capacity?

Not in South Africa due to a wife and 2 children also wanting to go, not in China cause my wife was having our second child (week of and not near) but was in Thailand. I also did every Uefa Cup away game and was in Barcelona.

Not judgemental but merely making comparisons suggesting we should have had a slightly larger crowd?
Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

Duki Blue said:
Not in South Africa due to a wife and 2 children also wanting to go, not in China cause my wife was having our second child (week of and not near) but was in Thailand. I also did every Uefa Cup away game and was in Barcelona.

Not judgemental but merely making comparisons suggesting we should have had a slightly larger crowd?

Kiam step aside, I have a new hero!
Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

Blue Punter said:
For one reason or another, I often end up with a couple of spare tickets. I usually give these away to friends or family who haven't bought one. Reason they haven't bought one is purely down to finance. The same people watched them long before I did and are just as passionate.

I take your point about reduced ticket prices, but ancillary costs such as public transport & parking all add up. I'm fortunate to have disposable income to follow the blues, but I appreciate the plight of others. It wasn't that long ago I was in a similar position myself.

Great points, this is why I am so angry as tonight is a chance for those who are struggling to go to a game for a reasonable price and they turned it down. A bus pass and my ticket, that all I used to have, I scraped to get my ticket money together so I know it is hard.
Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

kiam06 said:
Blue Punter said:
For one reason or another, I often end up with a couple of spare tickets. I usually give these away to friends or family who haven't bought one. Reason they haven't bought one is purely down to finance. The same people watched them long before I did and are just as passionate.

I take your point about reduced ticket prices, but ancillary costs such as public transport & parking all add up. I'm fortunate to have disposable income to follow the blues, but I appreciate the plight of others. It wasn't that long ago I was in a similar position myself.

Great points, this is why I am so angry as tonight is a chance for those who are struggling to go to a game for a reasonable price and they turned it down. A bus pass and my ticket, that all I used to have, I scraped to get my ticket money together so I know it is hard.

%wise, wages to ticket prices for most, is the problem.
£12 all round the ground would be full.
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