Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....{merged}

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Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

kinkladze96 said:
dannybcity said:
Ironically it was only £12 to those on the cup scheme. Great Big Massive fans like me and Kiam.
cant fault a loyalty system.

Ah no, it was a good idea. TBH I can't understand why more people don't use it. The benefits far out weigh the negatives. You probably spend less aswell, when booking fee's etc are taken into account.
Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

.allan said:
kinkladze96 said:
no, scaled from 12 to 25.
has this just blown the rant?

35,000 season ticket holders at £12

plus £5 juniors

Didn't blow the rant did it?
Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

kiam06 said:
.allan said:

35,000 season ticket holders at £12

plus £5 juniors

Didn't blow the rant did it?
Unfortunately no. You just don't know when to give up, see you in the morning...
Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

im more worried people have have missed this game to spend their hard earned ,on the new shirt release, while ive gambled that there will be 1 left for me!
Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

I went tonight and I've only missed two home games in the past four years, and before that I made the majority each week.

I also have a rather large penis...

Where's my certificate/medal?
Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

Posts like this make me sad, city fans shouldn't turn on each other leave that to the rags.
Yes some people go to every match and buy all the shirts but just coz you have the cash to do that doesn't make you a better fan. Loyal is sticking with city through and through like we did in the division 2 days. or having the guts to wear you city shirt to a school in salford full of rags. going to a game isn't the only way to show your support.
would you rather we had a full house of tourists or glory hunters just turning up to see us now there's all this buzz about us?
People have lives and it doesn't mean they don't deserve to be blues. Yes it's disappointing and a bit embarassing that attendance was down 50% but the same will happen to lots of teams in this competition.
btw I am in australia at the moment, is that a valid excuse or am I kicked out of the club now!
Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

*singingtheblues* said:
I went tonight and I've only missed two home games in the past four years, and before that I made the majority each week.

I also have a rather large penis...

Where's my certificate/medal?

You can have a joint medal for being a great big penis and having a large blue.
Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

One last message to tonights stay aways, I respect that times are hard for all of us and I have total respect for all blues. I just want us to win a trophy and I think by going that extra yard and turning up for these less glamorous games we will be showing the players we are with them 100%.

The stay aways that have just not bothered because they coudn't be arsed please do the club, fellow fans and players a favour and get yourself to COM's and get behind the lads. That is all I want a full house every week, I think we can do it.

This post was not intended as a dig at fans who for genuine work, financial and family reasons could not attend the game.
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