Too many cars on the road

HS2 will resolve all the issues by increasing capacity on the railway by 2000 passengers a day
We only have to wait until 2030 and it's cheap at £100 billion
What a fucking inside job this one is, HS2 my arse. Oooooh making it 20mins quicker to get to London from Manchester. Like anyone gives a fuck. The cost is eye watering and all that countryside they're going to destroy. Absolute joke.
Too many cars on the road.

Can you be more specific, is it a road anywhere in the East Lothian area?

In going out later.

I've just driven to Italy and back on holiday, and the difference between the motorways on the continent and in the UK couldn't be more stark. In France, Germany, and Italy I hardly ever had to come out of cruise control on the motorways, whilst here I'm in and out so much that its hardly worth using it.

You can enjoy what you are passing for the most part on the continent, while here you have to be 100% focussed on the road ahead. The only place I came across busy roads was around Milan, and had one longish queue where there had been an accident further south in Italy.

This is why we see all to 50 mph zones, whilst work is being done. They are trying to improve our motorways, but there is a lot to do.
Sadly, i don't think i'll be around to see the benefits.
This is why we see all to 50 mph zones, whilst work is being done. They are trying to improve our motorways, but there is a lot to do.
Unfortunately what they are doing is akin to pissing in the wind, because all the motorways that are being "upgraded" to 4 lanes by removing the safety lane, already need more than at peak times (or in reality alternative routes).

If you look at a map of motorways on the continent (France, Germany, Belgium and Holland), there are multiple routes N-S, and E-W, so the traffic is spread, with alternatives if there are issues on one particular route, also many are only 2 lanes, but because of the alternatives there is far bigger capacity.

Here we have basically 2 N-S routes, and 3 or 4 E-W (spread through the length of England), and its totally inadequate for the purpose, and they also have much better (and often cheaper) public transport networks on the continent.
Don't start me moaning, what's with the purple plastic pipe on top of the central barrier, It contains a couple of small cables.
Nasty and tacky. If it has to be so big put along the side, it would be easier for maintenance!
Unfortunately what they are doing is akin to pissing in the wind, because all the motorways that are being "upgraded" to 4 lanes by removing the safety lane, already need more than at peak times (or in reality alternative routes).

If you look at a map of motorways on the continent (France, Germany, Belgium and Holland), there are multiple routes N-S, and E-W, so the traffic is spread, with alternatives if there are issues on one particular route, also many are only 2 lanes, but because of the alternatives there is far bigger capacity.

Here we have basically 2 N-S routes, and 3 or 4 E-W (spread through the length of England), and its totally inadequate for the purpose, and they also have much better (and often cheaper) public transport networks on the continent.

Have to agree. But if they did absolutely nothing, everywhere would soon grind to a complete halt. Our public transport services are a disgrace.
Too many cancellations or just no shows and when they do turn up, the staff running them are stressed and downright rude.
Not to mention, having to stand after paying for a seat.
Same problem for me. Spend a lot of time driving between sites in my job, at peak times. Not too experienced at driving so still finding it quite a daunting part of the job. Have the same cretins at my place in their early and mid 20s with the typical white Mercs and Audis on finance. Why the fuck would you do that if you've barely made your way in the world yet, pretenders.
Not sure why this should come as a surprise in a little country like England. Population around 55million and still counting. We should cull some of the fcukers to make more room for the rest of us. Rags, scousers, council workers, university lecturers, fatties in leggings and stuff...

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