toon fan thinks were not passionate

LongsightM13 said:
What a fucking ridiculous fart knocker.
Deluded, bitter, jealous, brain-damaged or just on the WUM? Probably all of them.
Conveniently forgetting the huge sums the Toon spunked away since Keegan's first spell in charge. For a return of zero trophies.
At least the other posters on there seem a bit more tethered to planet earth.
i know a few toon fans theyre fine one being my mechanics tutor for next year he thinks that city fans are pasionate about there club and have gone through more shit than a farmer cleaning his feilds and that we are better than they who should not be named in trafford fans toons are ok
i cant stand all that "nobody from outside the area is as passionate about their club" or "its in the blood up there". newcastle is a city full of retards who wanted rid of sam aladyce (tried and tested) for alan shearer (pundit/ city hating ****).

the city of newcastle is that insignificant its only got one club. fucking gordie wankers
like to see them geordies do the poznan, it would cause a sunami up the tyne the fat bastards
I think it is born out of jealousy and who can blame them, after all how many blues to Toons expect to see up in Geordieland?

They spent serious cash in the 90s and early 00s, clearly cash their owners didn't even have and besides playing in the Champions League they achieved nothing. To see us spend serious cash and actually achieve something is probably a bitter pill to swallow for them.
DortmundDummy said:
stony said:
Skashion said:
stony, may I just say that you're a cont-inuing source of inspiration to me. That being the case, and wanting to look after your health, I'd advise against drinking cont-aminated water.
Don't worry mate if it smells a bit fishy I'll stay away.
How old are you ? 15 16 maybe

you need to get a grip pal, you're making yourself look slightly foolish here.
I've met loads of decent Geordies the couple of times that I've went to the fixture up there. I think they've a bad reputation courtesy of sky sports and the few idiots with their mugs pressed into tv cameras anytime there's a bit of drama going on up there.
Let's not forget that their crowds held up very well in the second tier under Hughton and regardless of what some say on here, they are a big club, as far as England goes anyway.

Sometime reading this board you'd swear City fans hate everyone, from Everton to Spurs to Newcastle. It's all a bit silly really. All my loathing is reserved for one club, I'd like to see every other English club do well in europe for instance. Ok, maybe not Liverpool as they're full of the same self entitled bullshit that eminates from Stretford but that's it.

Can't we all just get along?!?
Hello chaps I'm Benny on

Just like to reiterate what stony has already said and tell you that this was all a big wind up from Wilko. At first I thought he was being serious hence my defence of you lot as 99% of my mates are blues (me being a toon fan living in Manchester!), however read between the lines and he's quite clearly taking the piss.

I was delighted that you lot won the FA Cup (probably even more so when you beat United in the semis) - you've been through more than enough shite, much like us, and your success should be applauded. By christ I wish what was happening to you was happening to us!

Anyways lads there's definitely no feelings of ill will towards your fans or your club.

Best of luck for the season ahead.

Howay the Lads

stony said:
DortmundDummy said:
stony said:
Surely she's less likely to complain about the word **** on account of having one.
The thing is my daughter who is absolutely besotted with CITY reads this forum and it annoys her and embarrasses me, she`s 14 and why can`t Bluemoon appeal to everyone ?

The word **** is filtered out on bluemoon and the only way she would see it is if she went into her profile and changed the word filter settings.

Filtrerd out? How do you do that cos i'm also sick of seeing this word in every thread, and no, i'm not some soft arsed teenager or lentil eating ponce.

Nice one as well 'Benny' and good luck to you lot next season
most of the black and whites I know (fair few) like City cos we hate United so all in all pretty stupid thread

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