Toon fans best ever

Last Home Game before KK took over the first time just as Ardilles got the chop; the attendance for his last match was 10004. So unless the Oxford away fans came in one tiny Taxi you can work out how loyal their support is.

I really hope they go down.
NQT said:
Marvin said:
I think Newcastle will stay up through winning their home games, and Hull and Boro will go down with WBA

Can you honestly see the barcodes winning two of their last five games?
I reckon the smoggies will go there and win, portsmouth and Fulham will both get at least draws. They can forget about their two away games.

So for the drop will be, WBA, Hull and the barcodes
I can see them winning all their home games. When it comes to the crunch, they will have 50k behind them, and in martins and Owens they have players who can score goals.

WBA, Boro and Hull. If I could choose a club to go down from the relegation pack it would be Blackburn
Last Home Game before KK took over the first time just as Ardilles got the chop; the attendance for his last match was 10004.

They get better support than us here know in the premiership so whats your point. As for them going down, do not care.
dislike the 'toon army' ( myth)

yet i'd rather blackburn go down due to baconfaces woman... alladyce !
Mike Ashley is a **** as is Joey Barton but Newcastle does have a good set of fans. Not the best ever but they do have a good set of fans, and the team is so poorly run, sacking their managers, all the off the field bullshit they kind of remind me of

I won't shed a tear if they go down but I'd rather see the backs of Blackburn or Hull. Hopefully one day I'll be able to see Tottenham and the deluded set of morons who think think their club is gods gift to earth go down. One day.
I live in Newcastle ,their fans who travel away are great,but St James Park is often like a morgue,no soul whatsoever.
If they go down they will get 20-30,000. When they are rubbish the locals do not care.
I remember watching them play the rags in the late 80's only about 20,000 at the game.
I don't want them to go down ,because it means a trip to Sunderland to watch Premiership footie. Now they have the most spiteful fans ever...pathetic bunch
I've been to Newcastle many times .... when they're doing well they turn up , but few want to know when they're struggling ...... some games i've been to up there with City have attracted only around 16,000 fans , and that's been with us included!
when they're doing well they turn up
Like when did they last do well ? . Trying to make ourselves look good at the expense of Newcastle is fools gold. If we were knocking in capacity crowds we may have a point on this thread, lets be honest were not exactly filling our own ground. In fact it looks sometimes as though some city fans are going to the match dressed as blue seats.
Bonol said:
when they're doing well they turn up
Like when did they last do well ? .

They haven't ALWAYS been in the Premier league , you know!

That's 'doing well' for them!

And they won the Fairs Cup once , didn't they ?

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