All due respect — he’s contributed precisely one truly important record to the history of pop/rock music and that was over thirty years ago. Fine guitarist, but can’t hold a candle importance- or influence-wise to a lot of other musicians on this list.
I realiz(s)e we are talking “favo(u)rites” here so this may not matter nor does it have to. But I’m personally surprised he’s as high as he is.
That may be true for music fanatics and the hardcore that invest time and have a deep knowledge that many won't. But when it comes to the general public, he would have had much more of an influence and impact, with those few albums 30 years ago, than many of the ones you are thinking of. Helped by the rise of MtV and music videos, of course. As a guitarist standing apart from the band, big wailing solos, recogniseable iconic look and all that, he has a far bigger role than you want to admit. And, his actual guitar output is excellent and has stood the test of time. Which isn't the case with all of them, many reduced to 'if you didnt like them then you wont like them now' showboats.