Tory HQ getting smashed up

Daviesmcfc said:
Cheesy said:
The recession was worldwide of course, but why are we in such a bad position compared to others?

As far as I'm aware it would actually be illegal to stop banks from paying bonuses. At least that's what Alistair Darling said in the last government.

It would be nice to get some more money off the likes of Ashcroft, but what has he done that is actually illegal? I feel Phillip Green is a different matter. How many jobs has he created?

Now, I've answered your questions, please answer the one I asked you... how much have you paid in Income Tax & NI Contributions only to see it get pissed away?
Oh but Ashcroft and Green have tax evaded, they owe this country billions? Why should I have to pay the money because Your governemnt refuses to tax its backers?

I've paid zero in NI. But hey you think the Tories are magnifficent do you?

So you back the decision to force people to work for no money?

It's completely stupid to blame the recession on Labour. The Tories would have put is in a far worse situation.

How can you defend raising tuition fees? What so only the rich should be allowed an education?

I don't think the Tories are magnificent, no.

Exactly who is being forced to work for no money?

Labour have traditionally put the country into debt so to say the Tories would have made it worse is just guess work.

Why do tuition fees mean only the rich will get educated? Are they paid up front then? Or, are they paid back as & when people can afford it after they've benefited financially from this education?

At least you answered the question. Sort of. Maybe after you've worked your bollox off for years & contributed more only to see it pissed away you may feel a bit different.
Cheesy said:
Daviesmcfc said:
Hmm it was a worldwide recession? Infact Gordon Brown handled the economy very well and even won an award for it. The recession had nothign to do with party policy. Yes the country spent a lot, but it was speant on healthcare and education, the two most important thigns in scoiety. He also created thousands upon thousands of new jobs.

But hey the TORIES NEVER CALLED FOR LABOUR TO STOP SPENDING. In fact they would have most likely spent more.

Answer me this then, why do the Tories continue to pay tehse bankers huge bonuses? Why do they not take the billions of pounds Lors Ashcroft and Phillip Green owe this country?

Exactly. But wait, now everything's ok as people will be forced to work for pittance. Looks like he found somethign he liked in China afterall.

The recession was worldwide of course, but why are we in such a bad position compared to others?

As far as I'm aware it would actually be illegal to stop banks from paying bonuses. At least that's what Alistair Darling said in the last government.

It would be nice to get some more money off the likes of Ashcroft, but what has he done that is actually illegal? I feel Phillip Green is a different matter. How many jobs has he created?

Now, I've answered your questions, please answer the one I asked you... how much have you paid in Income Tax & NI Contributions only to see it get pissed away?

Cheesy unless i have him mixed up with someone else he's some kid that popups up every now and then. Basically whenever somthing political is going on and he goes on the rampage for labour.
Nice to see the police on the back foot for once.

If it was football fans they'd have kicked the fuck out of us, but when it's students and the whole world is watching they've got their hands tied and play the victim.

Out of order to see the policemen and women injured, but I think most people who've seen the power hungry police lashing out at kids with batons at a football match will have limited sympathy.
I've paid tax and Ni for 33 years and watched the TORIES piss my money away on unemployment benefit and then sickness benefit as they wanted to reduce the Unemployment figures for years until Blair got in. Labour just continued the process.

THEY ARE ALL CORRUPT. Don't be fooled.

Philip Green owns Arcadia...a massive retailer who was shown to be using suppliers who sub contract to Leicester sweat shops paying £2 an hour to illegal immigrants.

A tax evader and contributor to poverty wages. Arrogant to the core.
Cheesy said:
Daviesmcfc said:
Oh but Ashcroft and Green have tax evaded, they owe this country billions? Why should I have to pay the money because Your governemnt refuses to tax its backers?

I've paid zero in NI. But hey you think the Tories are magnifficent do you?

So you back the decision to force people to work for no money?

It's completely stupid to blame the recession on Labour. The Tories would have put is in a far worse situation.

How can you defend raising tuition fees? What so only the rich should be allowed an education?

I don't think the Tories are magnificent, no.

Exactly who is being forced to work for no money?

Labour have traditionally put the country into debt so to say the Tories would have made it worse is just guess work.

Why do tuition fees mean only the rich will get educated? Are they paid up front then? Or, are they paid back as & when people can afford it after they've benefited financially from this education?

At least you answered the question. Sort of. Maybe after you've worked your bollox off for years & contributed more only to see it pissed away you may feel a bit different.
You seem educated, work it out.
Labour have spent a lot, yes. But it has been spent on healthcare and education, so that's what your money is going to. How can you be against financing that?

Re-tuition fees you seriously think its fair?

Ok say two people go to Uni and both have 50 grand to pay back, if one comes from a welathy background they can pay it back with very little interest whereas someone froma poorer background has huge levels of interest to pay.

Education is a right not a priveledge, Uni Fees are extortionate. If you are saying the increase in fees wont put off poorer people then you're being extremely naive. I Know a number of people not going to a paricular Uni because they can't afford it.

SO on topic, I'm glad the Tory HQ was smashed, good for society, shows we wont lie down and accept what they're doing.


and that's from a minister. Go figure.
mike1923 said:
Nice to see the police on the back foot for once.

If it was football fans they'd have kicked the fuck out of us, but when it's students and the whole world is watching they've got their hands tied and play the victim.

Out of order to see the policemen and women injured, but I think most people who've seen the power hungry police lashing out at kids with batons at a football match will have limited sympathy.

to get back to the original thread, this sort of action serves no positive purpose - just a bunch of anarchists on benefits having a go at the establishment that funds their lifestyle - then followed bya few impressionable students who thought it would be a laugh. A complete waste of time
Ronnie the Rep said:
mike1923 said:
Nice to see the police on the back foot for once.

If it was football fans they'd have kicked the fuck out of us, but when it's students and the whole world is watching they've got their hands tied and play the victim.

Out of order to see the policemen and women injured, but I think most people who've seen the power hungry police lashing out at kids with batons at a football match will have limited sympathy.

to get back to the original thread, this sort of action serves no positive purpose - just a bunch of anarchists on benefits having a go at the establishment that funds their lifestyle - then followed bya few impressionable students who thought it would be a laugh. A complete waste of time

However it seemed to work getting rid of Thatcher.
Ronnie the Rep said:
mike1923 said:
Nice to see the police on the back foot for once.

If it was football fans they'd have kicked the fuck out of us, but when it's students and the whole world is watching they've got their hands tied and play the victim.

Out of order to see the policemen and women injured, but I think most people who've seen the power hungry police lashing out at kids with batons at a football match will have limited sympathy.

to get back to the original thread, this sort of action serves no positive purpose - just a bunch of anarchists on benefits having a go at the establishment that funds their lifestyle - then followed bya few impressionable students who thought it would be a laugh. A complete waste of time

Agree with you completely.

I'd be willing to bet at least half of the knobheads kicking off on the roof weren't even students, just anarchists trying to rebel against the state they probably sponge off.

Feel a bit sorry for the real students who went down to peacefully make their voices heard, because they've mostly been forgotten since these thugs grabbed the headlines.

I certainly wasn't defending people kicking off, just find it amusing to see the difference between when 'students' kick off and when football fans do. If that was a load of football fans they wouldn't have hesitated to throw tear gas in and let the dogs off the leads.
Challenger1978 said:
Cheesy said:
The recession was worldwide of course, but why are we in such a bad position compared to others?

As far as I'm aware it would actually be illegal to stop banks from paying bonuses. At least that's what Alistair Darling said in the last government.

It would be nice to get some more money off the likes of Ashcroft, but what has he done that is actually illegal? I feel Phillip Green is a different matter. How many jobs has he created?

Now, I've answered your questions, please answer the one I asked you... how much have you paid in Income Tax & NI Contributions only to see it get pissed away?

Cheesy unless i have him mixed up with someone else he's some kid that popups up every now and then. Basically whenever somthing political is going on and he goes on the rampage for labour.
I don't go on a Pro Labour rampage. I go on an anti Tory rampage.

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