Tory HQ getting smashed up

Daviesmcfc said:
I applaud the whole thing. The fees students will have to pay for Universities is extortionate. It wil create massive rich/poor divides with only the wealthy being able to afford education.

For a prestigous course such as law it will cost about 9,000 pounds a year. So that;'s 27 grand for a three year course as well as 3 grand a year student loan.

So you will have to pay back £36,000 without interest! Then interest comes into it and people weill have huge debts of over £50,000.

Disgusting decisions by the 'government'.
First of all, your grammar is horrendous. Secondly, school should/must cost money. That's the basic principle of a free market system. You see, if you want a good or service, there must be an exchange of money. Sadly, the entitlement society created by liberals tells these self-indulgent students that they're entitled to a "Free Education." What happens when the government begins to haul in the debt created by liberals who spend, spend, spend? Tuition/fees rise, and liberals begin to protest and burn things.
I had a half day at work and had to walk through all of the protest to get to Westminster tube at around 1pm and I have to say at the time it seemed all in good spirit, there were chants, no agression and it actually seemed like a good atmosphere until a small minority took it too far later on. It's just a shame that a minority of knobs spoil it for the majority.

I'm not getting into the politics of it all but I really feel sorry for future students with the ammount of fees they will have to pay and fair play to them having a crowd of 50k.
Skashion said:
Have to say I think it's good to remind our politicians once in a while that sometimes people can get so pissed off they want to smash shit up. Politicians don't really care about peaceful protest but they do give a shit about civil disobedience, civil disorder and/or revolution. I think it's the only thing that sets a line that warns the government not to cross it. If people are just moaning or walking through the streets calmly, it sends the message that you're ok and could probably push a bit further.

This,in a nutshell.
Sadly,peaceful protest changes nothing,whether it be anti nuclear protests,anti war protests,climate change protests or why is beer so fucking expensive protests.
With Clegg and Cameron now appearing as tight as a nun's snatch,despite Liberal policy opposing every aspect of tuition fees,many people rightly feel betrayed,as a Liberal Democrat vote has proved to be tantamount to a backdoor Tory vote by default.
My gripe on this whole issue isn't with the Conservatives - we knew their position from the start,but how that spineless scumbag Clegg can renounce every single policy that ever made the Liberal Sellouttwats remotely electable,such as Trident,Public Sector job cuts,benefit freezes,the budget defecit and now university fees,all for the sake of a few powerless token cabinet positions and the right to sit next to his fellow public school wet-dream Cameron,and nod like a fucking Churchill dog on crystal meth every time the clown announces yet more belt-tightening for the poorest in society makes me puke.
I only hope that anyone who was gullible enough to vote Liberal at the last election has learned exactly what a two-faced tosser they have installed as number one Tory apologist.
And this all kicked off on the very day that Cameron chose to conveniently bugger off to lecture Chinese students on the values of democracy.
Not too sure why the Tory HQ was getting smashed really.

I knew a few who went down for it, and I know it was mainly against Clegg. Which I think is fair enough - sold his soul for the limelight!

Protests and demonstrations are always a load of shite. They're not gonna change their minds anymore than Glazer will sell United because a load of knobs have Norwich scarves!
LouisianaBluesFan said:
Daviesmcfc said:
I applaud the whole thing. The fees students will have to pay for Universities is extortionate. It wil create massive rich/poor divides with only the wealthy being able to afford education.

For a prestigous course such as law it will cost about 9,000 pounds a year. So that;'s 27 grand for a three year course as well as 3 grand a year student loan.

So you will have to pay back £36,000 without interest! Then interest comes into it and people weill have huge debts of over £50,000.

Disgusting decisions by the 'government'.
First of all, your grammar is horrendous. Secondly, school should/must cost money. That's the basic principle of a free market system. You see, if you want a good or service, there must be an exchange of money. Sadly, the entitlement society created by liberals tells these self-indulgent students that they're entitled to a "Free Education." What happens when the government begins to haul in the debt created by liberals who spend, spend, spend? Tuition/fees rise, and liberals begin to protest and burn things.

SPOT ON! This poster has summed up my feelings 100% -welcome to the board.
LouisianaBluesFan said:
Daviesmcfc said:
I applaud the whole thing. The fees students will have to pay for Universities is extortionate. It wil create massive rich/poor divides with only the wealthy being able to afford education.

For a prestigous course such as law it will cost about 9,000 pounds a year. So that;'s 27 grand for a three year course as well as 3 grand a year student loan.

So you will have to pay back £36,000 without interest! Then interest comes into it and people weill have huge debts of over £50,000.

Disgusting decisions by the 'government'.
First of all, your grammar is horrendous. Secondly, school should/must cost money. That's the basic principle of a free market system. You see, if you want a good or service, there must be an exchange of money. Sadly, the entitlement society created by liberals tells these self-indulgent students that they're entitled to a "Free Education." What happens when the government begins to haul in the debt created by liberals who spend, spend, spend? Tuition/fees rise, and liberals begin to protest and burn things.

Thank you so much for that rudimentary explanation of free market economics.
We didn't know anything whatsoever about monetary theory until you posted.
Which seems odd,seeing as the collapse of your wonderful banking system has led us to the worst global economic slump in living memory.
But you are right - how dare these 'liberals' have the audacity to demand a free education?
What outlandish demands will they come up with next?
Not frittering money away on pointless foreign wars that could pay for the education and welfare infrastructure several times over?
Not interfering in destabilising democratically-elected governments that don't toe the American line?
Frying people with learning difficulties on death row?
I shall be on the lookout for these dangerous liberals from now on.
Thanks for the heads up.
Daviesmcfc said:
I applaud the whole thing. The fees students will have to pay for Universities is extortionate. It wil create massive rich/poor divides with only the wealthy being able to afford education.

For a prestigous course such as law it will cost about 9,000 pounds a year. So that;'s 27 grand for a three year course as well as 3 grand a year student loan.

So you will have to pay back £36,000 without interest! Then interest comes into it and people weill have huge debts of over £50,000.

Disgusting decisions by the 'government'.

I shake my head at the whole thing.

£50,000 in debt. so what? they will earn, somewhere between £250,000 to £310,000 more than the equivalent non-graduate over a working lifetime, why shouldn't the benefactor pay?

I don't get this argument of "poor" people now not going to be able to afford to go to uni, like the majority of students they borrow the money off the state to cover fees, that will still remain the case, no?
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
LouisianaBluesFan said:
First of all, your grammar is horrendous. Secondly, school should/must cost money. That's the basic principle of a free market system. You see, if you want a good or service, there must be an exchange of money. Sadly, the entitlement society created by liberals tells these self-indulgent students that they're entitled to a "Free Education." What happens when the government begins to haul in the debt created by liberals who spend, spend, spend? Tuition/fees rise, and liberals begin to protest and burn things.

Thank you so much for that rudimentary explanation of free market economics.
We didn't know anything whatsoever about monetary theory until you posted.
Which seems odd,seeing as the collapse of your wonderful banking system has led us to the worst global economic slump in living memory.
But you are right - how dare these 'liberals' have the audacity to demand a free education?
What outlandish demands will they come up with next?
Not frittering money away on pointless foreign wars that could pay for the education and welfare infrastructure several times over?
Not interfering in destabilising democratically-elected governments that don't toe the American line?
Frying people with learning difficulties on death row?
I shall be on the lookout for these dangerous liberals from now on.
Thanks for the heads up.

Nijinsky thank you pal, genuinely laugh out loud.

Free education and health? Oh the peasants don't deserve such things.
I agree that 9k a year is too much but it's down to the universities to charge it. I wonder how many will smash up their Uni's offices when they decide to charge maximum.

It's hard enough to get people to like students and now they do this - hardly helping the cause!

There was this right douche on five live this morning refusing to criticise the twat that threw the fire extinguisher off the roof and that more top up fees is a disaster - when Nicky Campbell asked her what she wants to do when she's got a degree her response was "oh, I don't know, I'll probably be unemployed"

There's too many people going to uni for the sake of it - it's why I went but I didn't have to pay 9k a year!

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