
Not too bothered really.

The thing I do resent is the club pricing out modest income earning fans and their place being taken by wealthier 'plastic' fans. We'll lose our soul if we do that.

I once debated v United fans on facebook when they called us the Emptyhad. I said we were sold out and at least we didn't have as many tourists as them and then a guy posted a pic of an Asian bloke with a camera and he had a jacket on saying 'Chelsea' on the back. Now that's too much for me. I have no time for that. That's ammo for the rags :(

Anyway, back to subject, we need to embrace tourists as they will help us raise matchday revenue etc and it's all part of FFP. By refusing such types we simply cut our nose off to spite our face.
champ16ns2012 said:
I sit on the back row of north west corner under score board and the seats behind are allways full of foriegn accents i have no problems with that at all i think they are paying £140 a ticket in there dont know if foods in that but all revenue is got to be good also was very odd to see tourists city and chelsea getting off the tram coming up the steps and clicking away with there cameras but i suppose i did the same when i went to madrid last year who didnt take a picture when in the ground.

Having sat up there a time or two I think many of those seats go to player's friends and family.
Ducado said:
Now I don't want to be controversial here and I am certainley not being racist!

But I noticed a hell of lot of Far Eastern Tourists today, all decked out in City Scarf's and hats, as well as a fair contingent from the Middle East, to be fair given the clubs ownership it's hardly surprising (to have people come from the Middle East).

Do they do Prem Holidays where they get a few games etc,

And does this mean we have finally arrived on the world football scene?

there was a Japanese lad in his (bright) blue Man City puffa jacket and on the way home i stopped at Corley services and there were a number of asian fans wearing shirts on their way back to London ...

As earlier poster said FFP dictates and maybe we should start thinking about stadium expansion
The ones holding two separate cards, each saying 'Ya' came in for a bit of stick from United fans yesterday, which I found ironic. It wasn't as though they were intentionally being ironic either, they genuinely were taking the piss out of the lads with the cards as though it doesn't happen at OT.
Caveman said:
Ducado said:
I also noticed quite few Half and half scarf's
So did I and they're fucking embarrassigly shit!

Here's another take on that.
You come from abroad to watch a City game.
You buy your half and half as a reminder of the game you went to.
So when you hang it on your bedroom wall you have an immediate reminder
of the game you attended.
I have bought a few back from European jaunts, I don't were them, just a memento
of the occasion.
And when you see the number of foreigners in the City store spending on our
own merchandise you can hardly begrudge they a few snides.
I don't understand why people get so wound up about them.
Ducado said:
Now I don't want to be controversial here and I am certainley not being racist!

But I noticed a hell of lot of Far Eastern Tourists today, all decked out in City Scarf's and hats, as well as a fair contingent from the Middle East, to be fair given the clubs ownership it's hardly surprising (to have people come from the Middle East).

Do they do Prem Holidays where they get a few games etc,

And does this mean we have finally arrived on the world football scene?

Ducado imagine all those empty seats if they did not go and also tourist's always visit the city store and spend lots and lots of money! So for me the more the better.
NipHolmes said:
Not too bothered really.

The thing I do resent is the club pricing out modest income earning fans and their place being taken by wealthier 'plastic' fans. We'll lose our soul if we do that.

When I last went up for the Everton game with my friend Giles we purchased a couple of spare tickets either side of us just to make sure we could place our prawn sandwichs and champagne flutes in a reachable position which was jolly lucky as the game was wretched and the noise from the oinks behind us was just incomprehensible!
There was a foreign lad at the front of 109 who was listening to music all the way through the game.

What's worse is that it was Dubstep. God help him.
AlgarveBlu said:
NipHolmes said:
Not too bothered really.

The thing I do resent is the club pricing out modest income earning fans and their place being taken by wealthier 'plastic' fans. We'll lose our soul if we do that.

When I last went up for the Everton game with my friend Giles we purchased a couple of spare tickets either side of us just to make sure we could place our prawn sandwichs and champagne flutes in a reachable position which was jolly lucky as the game was wretched and the noise from the oinks behind us was just incomprehensible!



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