
City have always been a club that have had a few fans in every town and city across the UK just like Villa, Spurs, Newcastle, Leeds and Everton, and theres always been plenty of us down here. I don't have the accent but when I bump into City fans on holiday down here in West Wales I have never once been threatened, surely you can tell whether someone has been a City fan for a long time or not.
Josh Blue said:
Dortmund get loads of tourists. Look at their atmosphere. It isn't tourists who ruin the atmosphere.

That's true, the stadium is full of true blue mancunians sitting on their arses in silence while a minority try to create an atmosphere.
Since before the Industrial Revolution Manchester has always been a cosmopolitan international city populated by wave upon wave of immigrants from across the globe. That's what makes it such a great place. It has also always been a forward-thinking city which constantly re-invents itself, unlike our neighbours down the M62 who always look back to the past. What's happening at our club is the latest phase in an ongoing revolution. I'm sure most City fans will embrace the change and enjoy the ride. I am sure we can welcome a new generation of international fans...without losing our soul.
sasan160 said:
im a super tourist(from australia), i wake up at 4am to watch city games :'(
one day i will fly to england and probably buy one of those half n half scarfs, probably have to hide it though haha. i guess i dont mind if people are rude to me etc etc as long as i dont get kicked out im gonna be happy. one day...

Don't believe some of the shit you hear.
You will be made welcome.
Hope you can make it some day, but if for any reason you don't we know where your heart is.
i don't have a fucking clue why some people have a problem with it, go and support county if you're fucking arsed.

we've always had fans from other places. in 10 years time when we're playing in front of 60+k you won't be moaning.
blue44 said:
themightyblues said:
blue44 said:
i'm one of those new faces,had to move into 234 family stand from ss 218 so my 5 year old could get his first seasoncard

what a sterile lifeless hole it is too,i just dont understand why most of them go,seriously,its dead ,iv been looked down apon,reported ,susssshed at ,sneared at,all for showing some passion etc

To be fair it's not that bad. I've got to know quite a few people around me and they are understanding about my odd out burst. Most are long term suffers like myself, but just the odd few that I don't get who would look more at home at Wimbledon than a football match.
within the first 5 minutes of the derby ,when rooney should have been booked on 2 seperate occasions,got away with both,i was reported by the middle class snob women in front,had to grovel with the steward she brought along who threatened me with being turfed out,sickened me,her husband who goes on alternate games sits texting business deals on his blackberry all through the games he attends
got a big choice to make next season,cant afford to pay my sons season card in other areas but i simply dont want to sit in the familly stand again

I sat in 233 for the first 6 years at Eastlands, surrounded by many families with kids of all ages, and the dads, mums, even sometimes the kids would stand up and unleash a barrage of abuse towards whatever player had pissed them off. And nobody gave a shit, the stewards did nothing unless a few fans managed to get in the wrong end. I'd say unless the rest of the ground at the time was filled with people who used the most cold insulting language imaginable, then the family stand wasn't actually that much better for kids. I'm in the south stand now, from what you have said I'm very glad I moved, I'd probably be thrown out every week. Unfortunately its the way football is now, especially at teams at the top. If there was one thing I would get rid of about this new era we are entering, it would be the attitude the club has towards corporate and global fan base we are now trying to get. They don't want a working class family from Levenshulme anymore, they would rather take a middle class family from Tamworth. But it is about expansion, and I've accepted that now, as much as I would love the club to be able to fill the ground with locals of all classes, it isn't the way anymore.
Lots of hypocrisy on this thread and threads like it.

Yes, it is easy to say that "it doesn't matter who is in the seats, I welcome everyone."

Well, yeah, anyone who makes someone else feel uncomfortable at a match, based on where they are from is a scumbag.

But unless you can say that you are happy with the following consequences and always will be then you cannot be genuine if you glibly post some through away line like "Everyone is welcome, it's great, shows how far we have come, we have to do this."

1) If you are happy for the atmosphere at the stadium to get even shitter, then fine (Anyone who is genuinely suggesting that your average camera weilding tourist on a one off jolly is genuinely going to contribute to a passionate, knowledgeable City atmosphere is deluding themselves - there is a massive difference between a proper atmosphere and a crowd full of flash bulbs, screaming kids and shouts of "Go, City" and you know it)

2) If you are happy for ticket prices to keep rising and to push even more long standing, loyal City fans away from being able to attend the games, then fine. If you can't spot the deliberate trend over the last 3 years then you have your eyes closed. There is a concerted effort to make more seats available to tourists and to remove the opportunity for genuine fans to attend (see the most recent, scandalous 'block of 5' tickets for the last home games, designed solely to get tickets in the hands of non members as quickly as possible).

3) If you are happy for a large chunk of high profile away ends to be taken up by people who have obviously barely ever been to a match before, then fine. Who cares how the get dozens and dozens of tickets.

4) If you are happy for the continuing trend of loyalty points to be downgraded and marginalised and for your support to mean less and less in terms of the club, then fine.

5) If you are happy for cup final tickets to be like gold dust for people who haven't got season tickets, yet have been to hundreds of games in their time, yet miraculously available to all sorts of tourists - including many that are not tout tickets but actually through the club and from an allocation that could, and would in the past, have gone to proper fans who want to see a piece of their club's history.

6) If you are happy, like during the Madrid home game, to be surrounded by tourists who want to cheer the opposition, rush to the pitch like school girls when the opposition are warming up, act like they are at Disney World, treat the game like some sort of photography competition, be waving Ipads all over the place during the game and generally being more interested in securing high quality, yet deathly boring footage of 22 men in the distance on a piece of grass with which they can bore their friends, rather than showing a genuine interest in the game, as with the Madrid crowd, then fine.

7) If you are happy for the stands to contain people who are so crass and bizarre that they want to use the match as a chance to a) get on TV and b) bring some sort of semi political aspect to it, doing their best to make sure that as many people, including TV, as possible see them and their national flag in the crowd (as if flags and some sort of nationalism-lite have got any place in football and as if anyone is interested that there is someone from happens to be in attendance), then fine.

8) If you don't think Old Trafford and the crowd there, with the flashbulbs, the morons on the front rows, the morons when corners are being taken and the fools who know little about genuine support of a club, then fine.

People seem to be getting confused and believing that the stadium does not have a finite capacity. It is a limited space. It has virtually always been filled by genuine City fans for the past 10 years. At matches where the crowd is noticeably full of a large percentage of 'tourists' that is not "just more City fans".

That is excluding genuine fans who would have been in those seats otherwise. Whether they are not there because of the scandalous prices or because of the efforts to get tickets into the hands of such tourists quicker and easier then has been in the past.

'Loving' the fact that the stands are full of people who obviously have no connection to this club and obviously have barely been to a match, never mind a City match, in their life before is 'loving' the fact that the genuine fans who used to be in those seats are being excluded.

You CANNOT separate the two.

And spare me the intellectually bankrupt responses regarding the nationality of the owners, racism, xenophobic, small mindedness and a lack of understanding of how global business works.

I am yet to hear an argument yet along those lines that stands up to any sort of genuine rigour. And, quite frankly, on matters much more important and significant to the well being of others, I am usually in a position, political or otherwise, much further away from sentiments like racism, xenophobia and small mindedness than most of the clowns who throw those sorts of responses around when discussing a much less important matter like football.

This matter is simple, until the stadium capacity is increased by a significant percentage then not being concerned about the ease with which tickets are distributed to people who attend as a one off is simply not being concerned about what has occurred to exclude the fans who used to occupy such seats.

Dress it up how you want. But that is what it boils down to, despite all the stupid cliches thrown about.

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